
Anime Adventures as a “god”

A high school girl dies gets wishes but with a twist

DestructorYT · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

So right now i'm front of some weird old dude after I died well im pretty sure about dying i mean this is a typical isekai thing white room and there is a old beard man in front of me. Sudden,y he spoke up saying "well here's the thing you died it's kinda my fault but you will get the wishes thing in the end so don't worry , oh yeah you get 5 wishes ."

I quickly reply saying the only thing i know how " ok but what are the limits on the wishes?"

he says " none i just wanna see what a "weeb" would do when they get no limits on wishes "

Well i think it was rude but i pay no mind to it and say " if i change my look does that count as a wish?"

he quickly shakes is head as a no then after thinking about my wishes for a while I decided what they were going to be so I speak up and say" I got it I know what I want,

1. A Personal universe where i can transfer anime and movie worlds into my own and basically own them

2.an so called omni potent system that can give me quests and such but cant give me quests where the punishment is dying

3. I wish for 10 free items from the system

4. I wish that no gods other than your can interfere with my universe

5. I want the ability to the same thing you did to me like make people who die on earth are able to come to my universe and I can grant wishes hehehe"

The being says "granted" then snaps his finger and everything goes dark