
Anima: Sorcery In Shadows

in a world where undead and sorcerers exist for ages until now in modern era, a powerful energy known as Anima Mundi has awakened, granting extraordinary abilities to the sorcerers who defends humanity against the monstrous creatures of undead. For centuries, the earth has been threatened by malevolent forces, including undead creatures and monstrous beasts that prey upon humanity's souls and flesh. To counter these threats, a clandestine order of knights, known as Knight Magus, was formed. Their duty is to wield the arcane powers of Anima Mundi and safeguard the world from the encroaching shadows. At the center of this conflict is Renji, a 23-year-old graduate from the prestigious ALIVARD University, a secret institution that offers sorcery degrees to those chosen by the Anima Mundi. Renji is a lone wolf, a cool and enigmatic young man who prefers solitude Having mastered potent sorcery techniques, Renji is one of the few individuals entrusted with the knowledge to defend humanity. Renji's life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent on an undercover mission to the Philippines. As he poses as a student in a high school university, he encounters the darkness lurking within society, even in the midst of daylight. However, it is during a fateful night that Renji's true trials begin.

BurningZeroDegrees · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: Knight Magus vs the Acolytes

In a meeting room located in Quezon City's PROJECT 8 area, the Divine Ministry houses a group of individuals known as the Visionaries. They gather to discuss the ongoing conflict in Pasay City.

a man with black hair and glasses dressed in formal attire, stands by the window, pouring tea into his cup

He is Orion Seraphius, a Holy Visionary with a Rank 3 designation at the age of 25. Orion calmly remarks,

"A demon, huh? I'm impressed that it survived within the protective atmosphere created by our supreme angels, using Renji as a vessel."

a young man in white triports with a formal shirt, sits on a couch reading manga, his feet casually resting on a small table

His name is Lucius Elysium, a Holy Visionary with a Rank 5 status,

nonchalantly comments,

"These demons can be troublesome, but dealing with one using a vessel, especially a human, should make it rather straightforward."

a young woman in white formal business attire with red hair, arranges and delicately smells a bouquet of flowers.

Elara Solstice, a Holy Visionary with a Rank 2 title, speaks with a mixture of happiness and a veiled threat, saying,

"Lucius, let's not forget that Renji is no ordinary human; he is a Knight Magus. We must remain vigilant."

The Holy Visionaries are one of the four factions aligned with the angels and draw power from divine energy. They use a unique spell alignment called divinity. In this world, four types of energies exist: Anima Mundi, Cursed Energy, Divine Energy, and Mana. Divine energy empowers the angels, Holy Visionaries, paladins, priests, and guardians, with each faction having a specific role to fulfill. The Holy Visionaries are tasked with upholding and spreading the laws dictated by the gods and angels.

Within the meeting, a man with golden long hair dressed in a white formal tuxedo attire, Thalos Aurora, arranges books on a bookshelf and speaks in a serious and cold manner.

"Renji must be eliminated. We cannot afford to have a threat to our justice. We need to handle this matter ourselves."

Thalos Aurora is a Holy Visionary with a Rank 1 status.

A confident young man with brown hair wearing a white trench formal coat, Verus Thunderous, holds an iPhone and insists,

"Let me handle this matter. I'll eliminate Renji myself. You can count on me."

Verus is holy visionary rank 4

Thalos, relieved but still maintaining a cold demeanor, agrees, "Very well. I grant you permission. Renji must be removed from the face of this world as soon as possible." Verus employs a divine aeral spell to transport himself to Pasay City, ready to confront Renji.

At the front gate of the city hall, Charles and Kraig engage in their second intense battle. Kraig has taken on his Acolyte form, while Charles wields his blood chains. This time, Charles can match Kraig's incredible speed in Acolyte form. Their skirmish takes them across the entire area of the US Embassy seafront compound, leaving the remaining Acolyte soldiers helpless, unable to assist Kraig.

Kraig, bewildered by Charles's newfound abilities, asks,

"How is it possible that you can keep up with my speed in such a short time? And how did you survive the mortal wound I inflicted upon you?"

Charles responds,

"My Blood and Chain spell has amplified my abilities. Blood and chain spell Amplify utilization, Hemomancer's Frenzy: enhances my agility, strength, and speed for a limited time and heal utilization type, Sanguine Restoration: helped me heal my injuries by mending my broken bones, torn muscles, and damaged organs, allowing a swift recovery."

Kraig, with pride in his voice, says,

"Ha! Your speed increase is temporary. How long do you plan to keep this up? You can't defeat me, Charles. My speed in Acolyte form is natural. Imagine when I regain my complete form."

Charles smirks and reveals,

"You won't have a chance to beat me right now. I encountered Heluna's astral body in my near-death experience. She offered me a contract, where I sacrificed a year of my lifespan to gain an extra Anima Mundi container. After my body healed, my Anima Mundi was fully restored. In other words, I'm now twice as powerful as before."

An infuriated Kraig exclaims,

"I don't care how many power-ups you have, Charles. You still lack a thousand years of experience compared to me."

He charges at Charles with incredible speed, attempting to strike him with a hand blade chop. However, Charles expertly grabs Kraig's hands, lifts him into the air, and binds him with his chains, throwing Kraig around like a helpless puppet.

Kraig, damaged and barely standing, reveals his intrigue,

"It's just a simple blood and chain spell, but I'm fascinated by what you've done to me."

As Risstle and the other citizens hurry toward Don Bosco for safety, a massive whip suddenly strikes the escape route, destroying their way out. The responsible party is none other than Karlina, accompanied by her Acolyte armies, who have successfully secured the gates, trapping Risstle and the citizens.

Mocking Risstle, Karlina sneers,

"You think you could escape from me? No livestock will run away from our clutches. You'll forever be slaves and food resources for us. And you, sorcerer girl, don't even think of protecting these humans; you are biologically incapable of that, hahaha."

The citizens were left even more terrified and waves of panicking bacause of karlina's presence

Jack also with unease told risstle

"That karlina is the monster who tortured and brutalized the dead victims inside the torture chambers on underground prison"

Risstle release a menacing aura turning her visions to karlina filled with fury

Karlina, one of Netheroc's trusted commanders, sports a revealing corset, short hair, long-sleeve gloves, sharp teeth, and a whip as her weapon. She is often referred to as the "Enslaver."

Undeterred, Risstle orders,

"Jack, tell the others to gather closely."

With everyone in one spot, Risstle begins to chant.

"Defense utilization, water spell: translucent aqua barrier."

The spell creates a powerful water-based protective dome around the group, shielding them from external threats. It's a formidable defense, but it consumes half of Risstle's Anima Mundi, and it's contingent on her own survival.

Karlina taunts Risstle again, mocking her choice,

"So, this is your plan, huh? I sense that creating that barrier consumed half of your Anima Mundi. If you die, the barrier will fade. We may not be able to attack or take these citizens, but how can you be so sure of their safety with only half a sorcerer I'm facing?"

Risstle smiled and responds,

"Don't underestimate me. Losing half my Anima Mundi doesn't diminish my abilities as a sorcerer. I'm here to fulfill my duties."

Karlina smirks and commands her Acolytes to attack Risstle, who responds with a new spell,

"water spell, inertia utilization: Aqua Chain Convergence."

This potent spell links and immobilizes the Acolytes, rendering them vulnerable to shared damage.

Risstle then employs another spell,

"water spell, drain utilization: Aqua Vampiric Touch."

She drains the Acolytes of their water properties, leaving them powerless and converting their essence into water stored in her enchanted plastic bottle. The Acolytes lose their natural appearance as their vital fluids are extracted.

With the Acolytes incapacitated, Risstle focuses on Karlina, challenging her to face her.

"I'll bring justice to those innocent humans you've killed"

Karlina, raising her whip menacingly, responds,

"Very well, human. I'll give you the most terrifying torture you'll ever experience."

In a hidden chamber within the underground labyrinth, Malachai meticulously arranges his surgical instruments on a tray. By his side lays a terrified little girl on patient bed, clad in a flimsy patient's gown. Malachai takes a perverse delight in the cacophony of the girl's fearful screams.

"I adore this, the symphony of mortal despair clinging to life,"

he purrs with a sinister smile.

"Now, my dear, how would you like me to make you beg for mercy?"

Tears streaming down her face, the trembling child implores,

"Please, mister, I want to go home. I'm not a bad person. Please, mister."

Malachai's smile widens, oozing malevolence.

"Ah, my dear, I'm fully aware of your innocence. That's exactly why tormenting you fills me with delight. So, how shall I make you beg for mercy? Perhaps by forcing you to drink one of my infamous toxic concoctions, considered a masterpiece of my twisted science and art? You should feel privileged if you choose to partake, for you'll become a precious specimen in my dark experiments, dhahhaa."

Overwhelmed with fear, the little girl can only scream for help, her desperate pleas echoing off the chamber's walls.


Fury flashing in his eyes, Malachai seizes the girl by the neck and glares at her with sinister delight. His voice drips with menace as he hisses,

"No one is coming to save you, you wretched little creature. You will suffer in horrifying despair, begging me to end your torment."

As Malachai prepares to inflict more pain, a surge of Anima Mundi energy suddenly washes over him. Bewildered, he frantically scans the chamber, trying to discern its source. He then turns back to the empty patient bed, where the girl has vanished.

"Seeking someone, are we? Or should I say, looking out for us?"

Startled, Malachai turns to find Joel Hyzen holding the unconscious little girl. His shock briefly robs him of speech.

Then, anger surges within Malachai.

"You wretch, daring to interrupt my enjoyment!"

Unfazed, Joel responds with calm resolve.

"Your actions sicken me, especially when they involve an innocent child, you creep."

Malachai's fury grows even more intense. He snarls,

"You insolent fool! You people, who can't comprehend the true essence of science and art, will never understand what I'm doing. You've interfered with my attempts to find solace in my disappointments over Dylan thwarting my plans. Now, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill Dylan. I'm going to kill all of you."

Without hesitation, Malachai tosses a poison smoke bomb in Joel's direction. Quick as lightning, Joel summons his sword,


to deflect the bomb's path. The explosion blankets the area in a thick veil of smoke, concealing Malachai's movements.

Then, Malachai attempts to ambush Joel from behind, lunging at him with a massive syringe filled with toxic substances making joel block the attack using "Lancelot". Their fight escalates as they engage in a deadly dance, both stepped back and ready for the battle. With unwavering determination, Joel declares,

"I'm going to take your head for preventing you from getting near the talisman and harming innocent people."

A group of Acolytes guarding the backside of City Hall remained vigilant, having received orders from Netheroc to hold the line while he completed his dark ritual. In their midst, an Acolyte inquired,

"Do you have any information about this Renji?"

His comrade responded,

"Well, he's depicted as a demon sorcerer who has achieved more than most Knight Magus of this generation, from what I've heard."

An arrogant Acolyte sneered,

"Hah, he's just a clout-chasing pretender. He can't be that strong. Probably just got lucky with his accomplishments."

"Don't underestimate him,"

warned another.

"We saw what he's capable of when we confronted him at the hotel."

The Acolytes felt a sense of impending danger and heard footsteps approaching. Renji leaped into the air, his silhouette boldly outlined against the moon. With a clenched fist, he chanted,

"Fire spell, attack utilization: Ignis Dragon Fist,"

sending forth a scorching beam of flames shaped like a fiery dragon that soared toward the Acolytes, engulfing them upon impact.

Renji, now cloaked in an immense aura of Anima Mundi, entered the back door of Pasay City Hall.

Meanwhile, in the golden necklace dimension, Sanillia remained unconscious due to the battle's trauma, while Oliver inched closer to pulling the sword completely from the stone. Charles had a rematch with Kraig, Risstle faced Karlina, and Joel Hyzen prepared to confront Malachai. The long-anticipated showdown between Renji and Netheroc was about to commence, and Oliver was halfway through his unconventional training. The training mission had evolved into an unexpected war between Acolytes and Knight Magus.