
Her First Love

Nomed! What are you doing here ?(While rubbing her eyes ) .( Waving and saying ) I was just passing by so i thaught i should take you out.

Ok you wait outside i will be ready jn 20 Minutes. (jumping in happiness) o wow i cannot control my happiness .

(Anian came out of her room )Nomed kept staring at her .His eyes were saying everything .

Nomed are you alright ? ye yes yes i m alright you look so pretty.

Thankyou so much ( while smiling ) Anian said.

They were so happy together visit different places .Nomed was her first love .From childhood she didn't said a word because she loved him so much and don't want to loose him . Love is so painful .

Anian I Love you ( while holding rose in his hands ) .

Nomed I I I don't know what to say .I loved you so much and now i am confused what to say .

Don't say anything (while putting his finger on her lips ) .Let the moment flow like river .

Anian don't know what to do she just keep staring him .