
Angry Wolf and his Deaf Mate

Nai has always known he's different, and has been made to feel like a freak because of it. Moving to a new town seems like a fresh start, but his hopes are quickly shattered when he catches the attention of the local school hottie. However, as they grow closer, Nai discovers that there's more to this bad boy than meets the eye.

Neytiri85 · Fantasía
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21 Chs


When Nai calls me I'm instantly ready to help my alpha and luna. It doesn't take me long to find Asher pacing in the woods, I convince him to go home.

Nai's already there so I step outside to give them as much privacy as I can. Which thanks to wolf hearing isn't too much.

I wait on the small porch looking out into the dark streets. The silence isn't helping, I can hear everything they are saying.

As I'm waiting an interesting scent fills my nose. Closing my eyes I take a long deep breath. The scent is a mixture of lemon drizzle mixed with mint leaves.

I see a very handsome man walking up the street, he stops at the bottom of the pathway. I smell Nai on him, which I am not thrilled about but I figure it's best to get my alpha and luna.

I stand behind my alpha as Nai speaks to the man, whose name I have now learned is called Max.

Asher is close to exploding the more Max speaks so I grip his shoulders to hold him back. After all, Max is human and has no clue about what we are and what Nai is to Asher.

When he kisses Nai I can't decide if I'm pissed off because he's kissed my luna in front of his mate, my alpha or because he's kissed someone else.

I'm proud of Nai when he punches him and also a little angry at him for hurting Max.

When Max tries to leave I instantly offer to drive him home. Partly because I know my alpha needs to claim his mate right now and another because I want to get to know him a bit more.

Max seems reluctant at first but I don't really give him a choice. As I grab his arm and steer him towards my car, which is parked a little up the street.

During the drive, Max is silent, no matter how hard I try to get him to speak. Nothing works

'So your name is Max?' silence.

"I'm called Clay, I'm Asher's best friend' silence.

"How long have you known Nai?' silence.

"Are you studying here? What are you studying?

By the time we pull up to his house, I still know nothing about him. He gets out without a word only nodding his thanks. For the first time, I have no clue what to do, this has never happened to me before.

Instead, I watch him walk into his house. For a moment I consider getting out and knocking on his door but I decide against it. I sit there for a few minutes before starting the car.

I drive home and instantly crash onto my bed. I fall asleep dreaming about Max. His soft skin, his dark eyes and those full lips.

The next day, I wake up with a rather large problem. There is a small wet patch on my boxers. In the shower, It takes me a long time to calm it down. Every time my cock eases down, Max's eyes or skin or his round ass cheeks would perk it right back up.

I decide I can't wait any longer so without an invitation that evening I go to Max.

Obviously, he's surprised to see me, but the minute he looks me in the eyes I know.


A spark ignites in me and without thinking I step forward and crash my lips to his. He gaps, obviously in shock, and I use that moment to stick my tongue inside and taste him.

'Oh god!' I moan into his mouth, he tastes amazing. I grip his neck, stopping him from moving back until a screech stops me.

"Max!" We both turn to see a blonde woman standing in his house.

'Shit!' I think as I quickly release him. Max grabs me and pulls me back to him. Instantly my arms freeze and my eyes go wide.

"Mum, you should go, my boyfriend is here and take your friend with you," for the first time I notice a younger blonde not too far away. She looks like the poster girl for plastic surgery. Her full lips and large chest are definitely fake so is her bleach blonde hair.

"Max! You can't be serious?" his mother yells. Max grips me harder, I'm speechless again. I'm trying really hard to ignore his heat and the feel of his body against mine.

"What's going on?" the young blonde asks. Her fake boobs bulge out of her expensive-looking dress as she taps her fake nails on her hips. Max glares at his mum.

"I'm very serious mum, Clay is my boyfriend. I told you to stop doing this, I told you I'm gay it's who I am, I won't change."

His mum glares at her son as I just stand there dumbfounded.

"I told you, Max, I will not have a gay son. Maggie is perfect for you. You both like the same things, you're both intelligent, from rich families and she can give you what that guy can't. Children!"

I was liking this woman less and less. My wolf was getting angry too.

"So what!" I shout, causing everyone to look at me. "Have you ever asked him if he wants children, not everyone does. Plus, if he does there's a thing called adoption or surrogacy. Lots of same-sex couples do that. You don't need to be with the opposite sex to have a family."

I could see Max give me a proud look, or something similar. If we were alone I would puff out my chest a little.

How mother glares at me.

"Have you ever thought about the child you two would have huh? How embarrassed they would be, to have two dads and no mum. They would get picked on and teased," she is quickly getting on my nerves.

I take a step towards her and she steps back.

"I was never embarrassed by my two dads. I was never bullied for having two dads. Both of my dads love me and have taught me to be respectful and kind to everyone no matter who they love. You're lucky that you are his mum, as I wouldn't be as respectful to you."

She looks like she has just sucked an extremely sour lemon. The young blonde steps up cocking her hips at me.

"Just who the hell are you? Are you someone famous or rich? Can you match his family? I come from the same circles, the same background. I speak his language and I won't embarrass his family name."

Max stops me from growling at her with a hand on my shoulder.

"Speak my language? Are you kidding me? My family are leagues above yours, we don't run in the same circles because I would die of boredom if I spent even a fraction of my time with the likes of you."

Max's mother steps up to her son with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Max I mean it, if you don't cut ties with this boy and stop embarrassing your family then I will cut you off. No money, car, tuition even this place will be gone," she threatens him.

At first, I'm shocked that she could be so cold and worried that a flashy guy like him might choose to still have all of that over being with a guy. I shouldn't have bothered worrying.

Max smirks at his mum, as he folds his arms.

"You already stopped giving me money in high school, you even convinced dad. Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa don't like you very much, but they love me. They know what I am and have even introduced me to many guys when I've stayed with them.

My tuition, my car and everything else is paid for by them. In exchange all I have to do is study hard, get a good job possibly in Granddad's company or anywhere else and find a suitable guy. Someone I love and who loves me back."

If his grandparents were there I would have given both of them a great big kiss. His mother scowls, ready to fight.

"So, they are happy to see you slut your way around. Does your new boyfriend know you've slept with lots of men, just to get back at your mother? If I were you I would get your boyfriend tested," she spits fire aiming the last part at me."

"Trust me, when I sleep with someone you are the last person I am thinking of. Now leave!" he orders pointing to the door.

She storms off with the blonde in tow, leaving us behind watching her go. Once we are alone I'm speechless again.

"I'm sorry about all that," he says walking to his fridge. The layout of his place was similar to Asher and Nai's place. He pulls a beer from the fridge, opens it and downs it in one.

I walk over and take the bottle from him, place it on the counter and pull my mate into a hug. He hesitantly hugs me back at first until he grips me tightly and cries into my shoulder. I am at least a good foot taller than him.

Eventually, he pulls back and looks up at me. His eyes aren't as wet from tears as I would have thought but the sadness in them breaks me. I bring a hand up and gently wipe away a stray tear that is falling down his cheek.

"Shall I make you feel better?" I ask. He gives me a sad smile and nods.

I move my thumb from his cheek to his lips, slowly sliding it across. His eyes close as I sweep them back over. Slowly, I bring my face down to his. Our lips slowly connect, he gasps into my mouth.

He tries to deepen the kiss but I pull back before he can. I move my lips across his cheek and down his neck. He moans softly as he moves his head to the side giving me better access.

Ever so slowly I make my way down one side and back up the other. One hand angles his head the way I want to, the other slides down his shirt opening each button as I go.

He's bare underneath. I ghost my fingertips across his skin, his heart rate picks up as well as his breathing. I nibble on one ear as my hand moves further down his body.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I whisper in his ear as I feel his erection through his jeans and smell his arousal. "I certainly am," I chuckle against his neck.

He does well to push me back a little but I don't move too far back.

"I thought you were supposed to be making me feel better?" he scolds me.

"I am?" I can't help the smirk when he gasps as I grip his erection. "Take me to your room and I promise to make you feel like you are on cloud nine."

The walk to his room is short, I instantly eye the king-size bed as we enter. He has his back to me as I slowly remove his shirt. I bring my hands around and unfasten his jeans. As I bend to remove them and his boxers I kiss a trail down his back.

He gasps then moans as I nip and lick around both cheeks. I move around him so I am now facing his thick cock. It jerks as I stare at it. As I stand I make sure to avoid his erection as I lick up his chest, around his nipples and back up to his mouth.

"Damn it!" he shouts at me. I know what he wants but that ain't happening yet.

"Patience," I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist and grip each cheek, slowly kneading.

"Just fuck me already!" he demands.

"Is that what your past lovers did huh? Just fucked you?" I ask him, slightly afraid of the answer. Is it too much for me to hope he is as inexperienced as Nai?

"I've only been with a few guys. They would pick me up at a bar and we would have some fun," he speaks like he tastes vinegar in his mouth.

"Forget those guys. I'm not going to fuck you like they did, at least not today. I'm going to make love to you slowly. Do you think you can handle that?" I ask him whilst one of my hands slide in between his cheeks.

"Fuck!" he moans as his hips jerk.

"Is that a yes?" I chuckle.

He pulls my head closer to him as he attacks my mouth trying in vain to deepen the kiss. I pull back, refusing to allow him to take charge.

"Easy! We'll get to that soon enough. Next time you can take charge and pound this thick cock into me as hard and as fast as you want but for right now," I grip his cock gently. "I'm in charge, so be a good boy and go lay down."

He grunts at me but does as he is told. Eyes glare at me lustfully as he watches me undress. My cock springs from its constraints with a little precum dripping from the tip.

I start from his feet nipping and kissing my way up as my hands lightly draw circles. As soon as I reach his waist he is already writhing beneath me. Again I ignore his erection and continue upwards.

His moans are seriously testing my will power. He bares his neck to me whilst in the throngs of his pleasure. The clear sign of submission makes my wolf growl.

I claim his mouth as I bring my waist down on his, our cocks slide against each other as I thrust my hips over his.

"Please!" he begs.

Smirking, I sit back and bend down finally giving him what he wants. I take his thick length in my mouth and he practically bucks into me. I try to ignore my gag reflex as I let him have a bit of control. I suck in my cheeks as he moves his cock in and out of my hot mouth.

Taking my mouth off of his throbbing member I crawl up his body and position mine at his face. He hungrily takes it into his mouth as if he has been starved of this his whole life.

I moan as his tongue swirls around my head coating me. Once I feel my release coming much too soon I pull back and continue on him.

"Oh god! Clay!" he moans my name and that kills the last of my resolve.

I lift his legs up which causes his waist to bend. Using my hands I hold his hips up as I move further down to his hole. He moans as I lick around his hole before slowly pressing it inside.

As soon as I feel he is wet enough I bring his hips down, I line myself up and slowly move forward. Ever so slowly, I push forward only to pull back out. Each time I go a little bit further in.

Max's head is thrown back against the pillow as his nails dig into my arms. With my hands on his hips, he is lost to the pleasure I am giving him. I can feel that he wants me to move faster but I resist.

His lips part as he moans and I take that as an invitation to attack his mouth. My hips continue their slow torture as our tongues battle. He wraps his legs around my waist trying to urge me to move faster.

I finally give him what he wants and move faster. He grunts in approval as I speed up. His hands are wrapped around my back holding me in place.

Our hips move in sync as I feel his walls start to clench around me. I can tell he is close and I'm not too far off myself. It takes me more force than I thought to pull back out of his arms, he is stronger than I thought. I grip his cock and pump him in time to my thrusts. Soon he is coming into my hand and over his stomach.

White liquid pools around his navel as I continue to pump him, soon my release comes just as quickly. It hits me so fast I don't have a chance to pull out before I release inside him.

"Fuck!" I groan as I pull out and watch as some of my cum oozes out.

Shit Max, I'm sorry." the last thing I want is for him to be pissed at me. He gives me a lazy confused look.

"I should have asked if it was ok to cum inside," I must have looked funny because he starts laughing.

"It's ok," he says between laughing fits. "I assume you don't have anything I should worry about right?"

I shake my head and give him a relieved smile.

He soon sobers up and sits up. I watch him walk out of the room, curious I follow him. He moves to the bathroom to clean himself then he comes out and goes into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" he asks as he looks back at me, I nod.

Naked he takes out a leaflet and dials the pizza place. I go back into the bedroom and put on some pants, I hope he does the same. I need to talk with him and it's probably best if I'm not distracted.

He's sitting on the couch when I come back in and thankfully he is now covered. I take the offered beer and sit beside him. It's silent between us but not in an uncomfortable way. He is playing with the label on his bottle. I can tell he has a lot on his mind.

"I've really blown it with Nai haven't I?" he asks me. That pain I felt before comes back.

'Is he still thinking of Nai? Did he think of him when we…' I stop that thought. He moaned my name, not Nai's.

"I mean it's been well over a year since I have seen my best friend and what do I do? I fuck it up." I pat his shoulder.

"I might not have known Nai as long as you have but I'm pretty sure he isn't mad with you," he smiles at me as someone knocks. He goes to pay the pizza guy and comes back. We dig in as he continues to think.

"What is Asher like?" he asks me.

"He is the best guy I know and he has become even better since meeting Nai. Our families have always been close, so Ash and I have grown up together. He is the first one to be there if you need him. Sure he used to be a hothead but that's because he has a lot of responsibility. He will take over his dads ….. Business soon.

Then when he met Nai that changed. He seems calmer and actually nicer than before. Nai brings out a softer side to him and in turn, Nai has become stronger and bolder since they started dating."

He chuckles at me as he strokes his jaw.

"Yeah, I can see that." He sobers up again. "They really love each other, don't they?"

I nod smiling. He sighs then smiles.

"Good! Thanks for earlier, I really needed that." he eyes the bedroom and I smirk.

"Believe me, it was my pleasure," he shakes his head at me.

"You know something," he starts causing me to look at him with interest. "I've been rejected before and done the stupid rebound, making myself feel better hookups. However, it's never felt like that. I swear I have never been as hard in my life, you have made me feel things I have never felt before."

My wolf does a happy dance inside whilst I give him my dirtiest smirks. He playfully hits my shoulder.

"I'm serious here! I also don't have that horrible feeling after. You know the one where you regret what you just did, knowing full well it was a huge mistake."

Again my wolf does a happy dance.

"I'm glad you don't regret what just happened. As for what you felt there might be a reason for that." I'm not ready to tell him the full truth but I can at least give him a hint.

"Oh?" he says his interest piques.

"I'm not going to tell you yet. Would you like to go on a date with me?" I am eager to spend more time with him. He smiles and nods at me, my wolf does his third happy dance.


A few days later I am sitting across from my mate at a local restaurant. We talk lightly as we eat. I learn he is studying art, that he dreams of being an artist. He also loves to camp and spend time outdoors. The more I learn about him the more I fall in love with him.

After we eat we go for a slow walk. I take his hand in mine expecting him to pull away. Instead, he grips my hand tightly. He gives me a smile that takes my breath away.

We make it back to his too soon, I don't want to let go. I decide now is the time to tell him.

"Hey, can I come in? There's something I need to tell you," he nods.

Max sits on the sofa as I pace in front of him.

"Do you remember the other night when we slept together?" he nods.

"I said that there was a reason why it felt the way it did, and why you didn't regret it afterwards."

"Yeah I remember, are you finally going to explain what you meant?" he asks and I nod.

"I am a wolf shifter and you are my mate," I don't blink or pause, I just go right out and say it.

Max starts laughing until he sees my serious face.

"You're serious?" I nod my breath frozen in my lungs.

"Prove it," he challenges with his arms over his chest.

Never one to back down from a challenge I start to strip in front of him. He doesn't say anything but I can tell he likes what he sees. The air is thick with his arousal.

Once I have fully undressed I bend down and in front of him, I start to shift. His eyes go wide as he watches me transform. I expect him to scream or run in fear but thankfully he doesn't. His heart rate has picked up as well as his breathing.

In my wolf form, I move forward slowly, thankfully his place is big enough for me to move around in. I slowly place my head down on the sofa next to his hand. My eyes stare up at him as I tentatively lick his hand. That jolts him.

He backs away a little and my wolf whines. I wait anxiously as he slowly calms down enough to move a little closer. In what feels like slow motion he reaches out a hand and touches me.

My wolf purrs as he slowly strokes us. I don't move so I don't scare him.

"Can you change back?" he asks me in a whisper. I nod and move back, within seconds I am back in my human form. After putting on some pants I sit next to him. It takes him a minute before he can speak.

"You said something about mates?" he asks. "What does that mean?"

"A mate is a wolf's other half. The one person in the whole world that is meant for them. We can tell who they are from their scent and then when we look into their eyes. If you accept me, I will be whatever you want me to be.

I can be your boyfriend, friend or brother. Either way, I will love you and only you for as long as I'll live. If you want to love someone else then I will accept that but I will still be in your life. If you think you can love me too, I will do everything I can to make your life as happy as I can."

Max looks like he is thinking it over.

"Is Asher ....." he starts but trails off.

"Asher is my alpha, once his father is ready to step down he will take over as alpha to our pack and I will be his beta. His second in charge. Nai is his fated mate."

"Like us?" He looks confused.

"No, we are just mates. Fated mates are mainly for alphas. It's an old wives tale that alpha's, especially pack alpha's need to be able to produce children because an alpha who can produce children can make a pack strong. It's a ridiculous notion that isn't used much now thankfully.

Many alphas have mates that are males and or not their fated mates. They can still have children or they can adopt."

"So even though they are fated mates, Nai and Asher will one day adopt a child if they want one?" I shake my head.

"No, Nai is a unique case. He is a human omega male. Omegas are typically the most fertile of all the wolves. Though others can have children, omegas are the most likely.

Omega males were once thought of as a curse since men can not have children. They go into heat just like a female and any unmated wolves around would pursue them. This caused a lot of anger as it was deemed wasteful. Many omegas were killed once they presented at the age of sixteen or exiled.

Soon it was discovered that omega males could have children. So when or if Nai wants too he can bear Asher's children or they can adopt. It is completely Nai's choice. Asher will be happy either way."

Max nods and stands up. He paces back and forth on the spot I had shifted not a few minutes earlier.

"So, let me get this straight. You are a wolf shifter and I am your mate. Which basically means soul mate. Asher is your alpha and Nai is his fated mate. He can have Asher's child if he wants too but we can't as we are not fated."

I can swear I can hear a bit of sadness when he says the last bit. I stand up and stop his pacing. I take my hands in his and grip them.

"We may not be fated like Asher and Nai but it doesn't mean I will love you any less. I promise I will love you just as much as I would even if you were my fated mate and if you want children. There are always plenty of wolf cubs that need a good home."

He smiles as I pull him into a hug. He grips me just as hard and I send a silent thank you to the moon goddess for making my mate so understanding. I keep expecting him to freak out on me but instead, he surprises me.

He pulls back and pulls me towards his bedroom. I give him a hungry and curious look.

"You promised next time I could be in charge and fuck you. Ever since you stripped it's all I've wanted to do." I laugh as I allow him to pull me.


".... And that's how it happened Alpha," I say with my head bowed. Nai and Max had moved once Max had finished his tale. They are sitting on the stools near the counter watching us.

"I know I should have told you before telling him, and I am sorry for that," I beg, pleading for him to forgive me.

I know full well that Asher is glaring at me, I don't need to look at him to know that. My wolf whines as he feels our alpha is displeased with us.

I hear and then see Nai walk up to Asher, a second later Asher sighs.

"I understand Clay. I would have rather you told me before but I understand. Next time you must talk to me first," he orders softly. I stand and nod as Max comes up to stand with me.

"Thank you, Alpha,"

Asher's eyes turn to Max as he holds out a hand to him. Max slowly takes it.

"Welcome Max, to the Dark Moon pack. Any troubles you have, please don't hesitate to come to us. We will always help you in any way we can."

Max nods shyly but then smiles bigger when Nai walks up and hugs his friend.

"I am so happy for you!"

Both Asher and I smile as our mates embrace before returning to our sides. Asher kisses his mate. I turn to look at mine half expecting him to be looking at my luna longingly. Instead, I am surprised and relieved to see him looking at me, with nothing but pure love in his eyes.

The End

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