
Angels And Demons

Do you believe in Angels? Or demons? What if you see one? what will you do? Come, let's go in the world of Angel's and demons.

Sunshine_Ramel · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: In the Mansion

Larry Oliver Vixele's POV

"Larry Iho"

I raised my head just to saw Manang Nelly softly patting my shoulder.

"We're here come on"

I watched her leaved the front seat and quickly getting out of the car, while I was still looking outside the car, Nany is going to kill me and that's for sure. I sighed and I unbuckled the seat belt and I slowly get out of the car, when Ma (Manang Nelly) saw me standing beside my car she started walking in front of the house, so I just followed her. When she is ringing the Doorbell I can felt my heart pounding like crazy. We waited for the maid to open the door for us.

When the maid opened the front Door I kept biting my lower lip because I am so fricking nervous. When we are finally inside the house I can hear Nany's laugh, I searched for her in the living room and I yes there she is laughing like there is no tomorrow with a young lady beside her.


I ran from the front door to the living room to ask Nany who the hell is that girl, I cross both of my arms and stand in front of her with my eyebrow crumpled.

"Larry iho, you are here finally" she smiled at me and giggled like a child, what the hell is happening?

"wh-'' she cut my words by grabbing my wrist and pulled me beside her, damn she is so fast I didn't saw that coming I was shocked at the realization that I was beside the young lady. I grabbed my wrist back and stand.

"Nany who is she?" I calmly asked.

"She is Live" Nany said and pointed her finger in the young lady beside her, ahh so live is the name huh?

"Where'd you get her?"

"Last night I was coming home late, and while we are travelling in the dark the driver quickly stopped the car that I nearly fall out on the seat, I was about to scold him when he said "Mi Lady there is a girl in front of the car but I didn't ran into her she just popped out of nowhere" the driver is trembling like crazy, so I asked him to accompany me outside so that we could see if there is really a girl, she stopped and looked at me.

don't tell me-

"And here she is" Nany pointed the girl again and giggled like a child.

"Can we talk for a sec Nany?" I asked.

"Oh aren't we talking already iho?" she asked curiously.

"Alone" I said, Ma slowly walked out in the living room and so is the other maids in the house. I glanced at the girl and she I glanced at me too.

"I said alone" I repeat and she nervously stormed out of the living room.

"Remind me Why is she here again?" I ask Nany and crossed my arms around again.

"She has no place to stay and plus as if she is a bad person or something Larry" she replied sweetly, I tried to control my emotions as much as possible because I don't want to shout at Nany.

"Nany you don't even know her" How could Nany just trusted her like that?

"But she seems nice don't you see her sweet smiles?" she replied.

"I saw it Nany, but a nice smile can't proved that she is nice or kind or whatsoever Nany" I just don't want her to be in danger.

"I know that you are just worried Larry but I can take care of myself, and I know live she isn't bad or anything" she don't understand me.

"Nany you just met her last night and yet your saying that you know her already?"

"Calm down Ry(Larry) you're overreacting"

"Oh please Larry just this once? And plus your not home everyday I am bored in this mansion no one wants to accompany me" I scratched my neck and looked in Nany's eyes.

"Okay fine" I gave up, as if I will win.

"Thank you Larry Iho, come on let's eat I cooked you favorite" she dragged me to the Dinning table where I immediately saw Live, I don't like her.


I looked away once our eyes met but Nany is so URGH!

"There you sit beside Live" I was just going to stand when Nany captured my shoulders and pat it really hard and says.

"Don't go anywhere handsome" she giggled and sit on the other side of the table where Ma is seating too.

I closed my eyes and sighed in annoyance, I don't like where this is going.

"So Larry, I forgot to asked why didn't you visit me this past few weeks huh?" oh no oh hell no, I gulped and turned my head up to see Nany's face.

"I've been busy Nany I'm sorry" I said and drank the wine beside me while the maid is putting the food on my plate.

"It's okay Larry don't be sorry, just don't push yourself too hard okay? If you have time rest for a bit, I'm worried about you"

"Don't worry Nany, Ma is taking care of me every single day" I assured her.

"That's good to hear" she just said so I nodded my head and slice the beef stake in my plate I put it in my mouth and chew it, ahh I miss this taste, it's so good I just chew it un-

"So do you have a girlfriend Larr-''

My eyes widened because of that damn question.

"argh!" I was choked by the beef stake that I was chewing so the maid quickly poured some water and hand it over me, I immediately drank all of it.

"Larry are you okay iho?" Nany was about to go up when I stopped her and signal her that I am fine, I asked the maid for another glass of water she then poured some on my glass and I drink it right away, when I feel like it is fine I turned my face in Nany and ask.

"What did you ask a while back Nany?" I asked.

"do you have a girlfriend?" I think I know where this is going and I don't like it! "I was wondering.." damn! Noo!! I know where this is going no! I patiently waited for what is she going to say next.

"I know a gir-''

"I don't want one" I cut her off, damn I knew it!

"W-what? Why Larry Iho?" Nany's face was so confused.

"it's a waste of time, I mean I don't even have time for myself or for you Nany and I still have the nerve to find a girlfriend?"

"Well if the girl is understanding and nice, like Live it will be good" damn I knew it!

"Nany, I told yo-''

"Why don't you just try?" as if.

"NO" big no no.

"Larry?" what the, I just said that I don't want it but arghhh!!

"Nany" no, I don't like her!

"Please just do it for Nany" I glanced again at Nany and looked straight into her eyes.


I can't say no.

"Fine, I'll try" why does she always win? Damn it.

"That's my boy!" she shouted and giggled again, what the Nany is becoming more and more childish as time goes by.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and ignored Nany I was about to put the stake that I've cut in my mouth when I felt like someone is staring at me so I turned my head and so Live looking at me, oh I mean staring at me.

"Wtf is your problem?" I asked in annoyance.

"N-nothing" she then puts her attention in her food and ignored me right away.

"I was just going out with you because Nany told me so, don't think to much about it your not my type" I straightly said it to her.

"Larry" Nany said.

I just rolled my eyes once again and chewed the food and since that part I just ignored what Nany's talking about, after that we all finish eating I told the maids that I am going to wash the dishes, but they said no, but I convince them that it is okay so they let me, Ma, Nany and live I think is in the living room I can here them all laughing and giggling lively while I was busy washing the dishes. I can't help but to think why Nany bring Live, here in our mansion.

I've never seen Nany smile and laugh like that, it's just that it feels different Live change Nany I mean my Nany is smiling and laughing too back then but this one is different.

Live change Nany in a good way, huh I think keeping her around would be fine too huh? But I still can't trust her They just met last night.

"Do you want some help"

"HUY!" I screamed when I heard someone talked at my back what the!


Author's note: i'll try to update my story everyday but don't judge me okay it's my first time writing here so please don't judge me. Please keep reading my story, thank you in advance muahh.