
Angels and Demons are real

A dream has changed cassia's life .. She has got to know about many secrets and one of them is that she's a demon.. Her friend keira is accompanying her in the way to magical land ....she has to find best friend lucy ..but it's not gonna be easy.

fantasyworldddddd · Fantasía
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18 Chs


Pomeroy started saying her magical spell... I think it's gonna be more tougher now.....

She telepoted us in a place that was somewhat strange ....and I felt that I am standing on a soft kind of thing..

when I looked down, I wasn't able to believe at what I saw..

We were on clouds .

And most surprising was that there was nothing down, only I could see was sea .... That sea which I saw in my dreams..

" where are we Pomeroy " I asked her.

She looked at me and replied " we are near ' magland ' ,

But we can't see it.. Because of the invisible shield around it...

cassia, We need to find it ,, before zoe could take any action...


in magland... When Zoe took up Keira's form and went to her mother }

" mom, I missed you a lot... " she said and hugged her..

Critesia felt something strange as cassia don't know about her...

" cassia, where are gym and keira... I think Pomeroy was also supposed to accompany you ...

Zoe(in the form of cassia) smiled at her, and told her that they

( Keira etc.. )all were fighting with Zoe

And she came here.....

But Critesia had a doubt on her statement...

" oh! Lordess... Why are you looking sad, you should feel happy, our next queen is with us now.. I think we should have a crown ceremony tomorrow...... "Alice ( queens advisor) said....

Come with me cassia, I will show you the room " Alice said with a voice with deep intention ......

She and Zoe went to a room..." wow! You are a nice actor Nuri... " Zoe complimented.... " sh..., have you done your work Zoe " she asked...

. " yeah! I have closed them in the dreadred cage... It's impossible for them to be out of it " she replied..

Alice hugged her and wished byee to her...

" I think you should take some rest, tommorow is a big day, for us "

...and then she went to her room.....


{ on the other hand }

Hey! Cassia.. Please try to remember

Your dream.. What did you saw there"

Pomeroy asked Cass...

" oh! I remember , saw an island where I met lucy... l

She explained....

"I think we should try to find that island d " i suggested ..

" yeah! ,sure " she replied..

While flying in the sky we started searching for it.

This is too irony, as far as we could see, only the sea is which we can find ..

" Pomeroy, can't you do anything..." I asked her ...

" cassia don't loose your hope, we will find it out, very soon and we should , before zoe does anything wrong ...." Pomeroy told me... " hey! Cassia right now do you have the paper which Lucy handed you ?? She added in the conversation..

" yeah! think I have it.. I said while searching for that paper in my pocket..

Take it ' i said and handed it to her...

She used her witch's powers and started saying a spell, as a result the paper change into a butterfly and started flying in a direction.. .

" come cassia, let's follow it, will take us from where it had come from. . " she told..

" Pomeroy ! can you tell me what does

' Nephlem ' mean?? I asked her while following the butterfly..

" What !! ' Nephlem " but who told it to you??? " she turned and looked at me with a surprised expression...

" I.. I just read this word written in my necklace, that you gave me " I replied

While we were talking we saw that the paper reached at a point above the sea and it was circling over there .

I will tell you later,  first let's ..see what's happening to it " she said  .and flew below to the paper...

I really don't know but I felt as if  she is trying to hide something from me...

When we look down in the sea,  we saw a man trapped in sea grass,  it seems as if he's not in his senses...

"  As I   saw  it   , I dive  in the water to save him ...Something was strange there , I was able to breathe under water,  Pomeroy  didn't came there as she wasn't able to come inside the water....

So, I   swim to him in the deep water

The sea grass was thick and sticky,  I tried to cut it with the help of magic,   but the more I  cut it,  it grew faster and with a double speed....

The man was covered with all the grass now..  I shouted and asked Pomeroy for any solution but it seems that she wasn't able to hear me. .  

When I was trying to freed him,  the grass attacked me and tried to trap me too....

Due to which I developed a bleed in my arm ..As when a drop of my blood  fell  on  the grass it  got  dried and the man he got freed from the grass... As when my blood mixed with the water,  the colour of the whole sea changes to black,  and the place where the man was lying and I was there,  was comming upwards..

After a little bit it came above the sea and  I recognized  it.

" It's that island " I exclaimed with happiness  ....

Pomeroy landed on that island too..

" Are you okay cassia??  She asked me

"Yeah i  am  , but  why didn't you come to help me " I asked her...

" I really don't know the reason,  but it can be because I am a witch,  but you are a demonic soul, so you are able to go there,  and also when your blood mix with the water it became black and led the island to come up " ...she explained..

"Oh I see " , we both looked at the man who was lying on the land....

" Who can this person be?? ' I said. .

Pomeroy use her magic to wake him up... As he opened his eyes , looked at us with surprise  ..

." who are you,  and  what you were doing there?! " I questioned...

The man stood up and thanked us for helping him...

When he shook hand with me,  suddenly he became angry and pointed his gun to me. .

" what are you doing " Pomeroy shouted

" she..she is a half demon and I will kill her!  He said angrily...

Pomeroy , chant a spell and tied him  in a rope. .. '" you can't kill her,  she's   a half  demon but angel too, also she  doesn't want to haharm anyone   " Pomeroy said..

" I'am Steffen ,  a  demon hunter,  when I was crossing by magland,  I saw demons covering it with a  dark shield.. When I tried to kill them, as they were too powerful trapped me inside the water.. " he  explained it.all ...

"   so,  do you know,  how can we get in " I asked Steffen.

I actually don't have any idea but think that there's something strange happening here from the day,  when magland was covered with dark shield....this place has day everytime even in the evening and night,  the sun hasn't set from so many days....

" oh !  If it is  so , it means that magland might be dayless from so many days,  in simple words it might be night in magland everyday  ." Pomeroy exclaimed

We should hurry up now... I said

As when we were thinking about these Steffen handed me a book named

" The legendary book of  magic " , which he found while killing a powerful demon    and he got disaappered  . As he said this book has every spell in it , maybe it has the solution  to break the demons spell..

I and Pomeroy tried to open  the book , but it has a lock ..

I remember,  it's similar   as I have a key which the zombies had offered me before ,  Pomeroy was surprised to see that key with me...

The  book got stuck in the sky and asked us for what we want ...



(ZOE AS CASSIA is in her her room)


"oh, my little good sister cassia , she might be counting her last breath.. Though she's a powerful Nephlem I managed to capture her  ..now I will be the queen and demons will rule it..oh my poor mom!  She don't even know that who's real cassia  " Zoe said to herself with a devilish smile..



" oh!  It's a matter of joy that cassia is with us now,  from tomorrow after the crown ceremony  the spell of dark shield will break forever and everyone would be happy " Critesia said with proud. 

" I'am sorry to say,  your highness,  but when I met cassia,  felt as if she's changed and her behavior too a little b...

Lucy said with fear.." no nothing has happened,  she might be tired,  this can be the reason why you felt like this,  " cretasia cut Lucy's sentence... A sign of fear was deep inside her eyes

" have Somme rest your highness ! " Lucy said and leave the room.

I too felt somewhat strange,  but it can be because I met her for the first time... Hope so that tommorow will bring happiness and light in magland,  due to this dark outside angels are becoming weak... There's only one who can open the hell's  door... It's cassia's,  but for that she need to have more power " .....cretasia thinks ....


Finnaly,  tommorow will be our win ,

I awaited from a long time ago,  only for this day... Our revenge is going to complete very soon brother,  She said while looking at the mirror.... Suddenly her reflection in mirror changed into a demon like appearance , inside the mirror only and they both started laughing.....

" happy queen ceremony Critesia,  " the demon said while his  devilish laughing...

soon,  it would be our' s " brother  Alice said to that demon....

" yeah! Sure..   After that we will kill daughter cassia,  and she would became a complete demon " .... The devil said this and the appearance changes again to Alice's one....

" Good night everyone !  " so, sad it's the only good.. night for you all " Alice said to herself ...