
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Partner in training (Ch6)



"Partner in training"

"Congratulations on mastering the three basic steps," Edwin said, his voice filled with pride.

"You have shown remarkable progress in a short amount of time. We are now at the beginning of your training. The next step is to draw out your Atado, the specific nature of your energy. Everyone has a unique Atado, and it is this energy that gives us our true nature. You must learn to draw on your Atado, to channel your true energy, in order to develop your full potential."

Oliver looked at Edwin, his eyes filled with curiosity and excitement.

"Well ,for this one i'll demonstrate something for you"

"Demonstrate? Does that mean master Edwin is going to show me his ability? The nature of his Atado!?" He widened his eyes seeing Edwin as he was attempting to do something

"There is a famous basic technique known as Energy awareness technique,Energy awareness is all about increasing your sensitivity to the energy around you. It's about learning to perceive and understand the subtle flows of energy that exist in the world around us. This technique can help you to become more aware of the energy of other people, objects, and even your own energy. By increasing your sensitivity to energy, you can learn to use it in a more focused and effective way. I've thought you how to sense energy so this shouldn't be too hard"

"As I am about to demonstrate try to sense the patterns and flow of my energy that will help you to try and find the nature of your Atado."

"I'll do this slowly so that you can observe" he added

Edwin closed his eyes and focused on his own Atado. His body glowed with energy as he began to draw on the power of nature.

"Nature Atado : Verdant touch"

Flowers bloomed at his feet, and trees began to sprout from the ground. The plain field around them was transformed into a lush, green forest. The sun shone down through the branches of the trees, dappling the ground with light. Birds sang in the treetops, and insects buzzed in the air. The scent of fresh grass and flowers filled the air. Edwin opened his eyes and smiled at Oliver.

"This is the power of nature! The plain field is overwhelming with Master Edwin's Atado , truly he was an A rank hunter," he thought to himself

"You may have a different Atado, but this is an example of the power of the natural world. You must learn to draw on the energy of your own Atado in order to develop your full potential."

"Wait ! Could it be that Atado is aligned by the nature of a person's own personality or something similar to that, Master Edwin is a farmer he plants and do everything else related to that ,or was he interested in this before he even became a hunter?, and he has a deep connection with nature literally, I have yet to discover Atado"

Oliver was mesmerized by the sight of the forest that Edwin had created. He had never seen anything like it before. He felt a surge of excitement , and he was eager to learn more.

As Edwin willed the energy within him to retreat, the forest he had created began to melt away. The trees and flowers slowly shrank in size until they disappeared into the ground, as if they had never existed.

The grass beneath their feet reverted to its original state, and the area was once again a simple plain field. It was as if the entire forest had been a figment of their imagination, and now they were back in the real world. But both Edwin and Oliver knew that what they had experienced was very real.

"So did you saw , Oliver?" He asked

"Yes Master , it's exactly what you said though the technique is very complex but I saw what I need to see"

"Well if it's like that then , you need to improve your energy awareness it's very useful and effective in battle" Said Edwin

"Now, it's your turn to try" he added

"I will try my best master Edwin" he said

As Oliver stood on the plain field, he remembered the instructions Edwin had given him and remembering the energy flow of Edwin . He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on his own energy. He visualized the flows of energy that Edwin had demonstrated, and he began to feel it building within him. His body felt warm, and he could feel the energy coursing through his veins. Suddenly, he felt a surge of power and light, flame like aura radiated from him

"The warmth of that energy, so that's the nature of his Atado fire" he thought to himself

"Okay kid you ca-" Edwin suddenly sees something odd, Oliver's Energy was starting to evolve.

The Flame energy that radiated from him suddenly started changing, the energy became more lighter and more hotter the output of his Atado was increasing

"The intensifying energy has got to be Solar Atado"he thought to himself


Edwin was astonished by the sight of the Solar energy radiating from Oliver's body. But just as he was starting to process what was happening, another energy began to form. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was like a swirling vortex of light and darkness, radiating a sense of both gravity and weightlessness. Edwin felt as if he was being pulled towards the energy, and he quickly realized that this was a sign of a very rare Atado indeed.

"That's impossible! Two Atado attributes!? This kid amazes me," Edwin said, his voice shaking with awe.

"A dual affinity!."

A "dual affinity" is someone who has an affinity, or connection, to two different Atado's or energies. This means that they can connect to and utilize the energy of both of these Atados, it focuses on the connection to the Atados themselves.

And to add something on top of that, most hunters have only one Atado affinity. It's said that having two affinities is a rare gift, and it takes a special kind of person to be able to harness and balance two energies. The process of developing two affinities is intense and requires a lot of focus and dedication. A hunter with two affinities is said to be able to access a deeper level of energy than a hunter with only one. They can use their powers in ways that are more complex and nuanced, and they often have a stronger connection to the energy around them.

A hunter with two affinities is said to have a huge advantage in battle. They can access two different types of energy, which means they have a wider range of abilities at their disposal. For example, a hunter with fire and water affinities could use their fire energy to attack and their water energy to heal. This means they're more versatile in battle, and they can adapt to different situations quickly. Not only that, but the combination of two affinities can create unique and powerful effects. The possibilities are truly endless!

As Oliver stood there in a state of deep meditation, he could feel the two energies building within him. He could sense the warmth of the solar energy, like the heat of the sun, and he could feel the weightlessness of the lunar energy, like the cool light of the moon. The two energies began to collide, swirling around him and growing more and more powerful. The area around him began to heat up, and the air felt thick and heavy. Edwin watched in awe as Oliver began to lose control, his veins becoming visible as the energies surged through him. He tried to help, but it was like a storm was brewing within Oliver's body, and Edwin could only watch in horror as the two energies threatened to consume him.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a strong tree branch broke through the ground, wrapping itself around Oliver and holding him tightly. Edwin's nature Atado had responded to the threat, sending a surge of energy into the branch and calming the raging forces within Oliver. Gradually, the energies subsided, and Oliver stood there, weak but safe, supported by the strong branch. Edwin breathed a sigh of relief.

As Oliver caught his breath and regained his strength, Edwin spoke to him gently.

"I think it's time to take a break from training, Oliver. You've pushed yourself too far, too fast. We need to focus on building your control gradually, step by step." Oliver nodded, grateful for Edwin's words of wisdom. He knew that his journey would be long and difficult, but he was determined to master his dual affinities and become the strongest hunter he could be.

"Could it be the lack of balance or lack of control or both?, They need to be balanced and harmonized in order to create a safe and stable state. Without proper training, Oliver's energy was imbalanced, and the results were almost disastrous, To train his dual affinities, Oliver will need to learn how to harness each energy individually, gaining control over them one at a time. He will need to focus on balancing his emotions and keeping a clear, focused mind. It's only when he has mastered each energy separately that he can begin to combine them and use their combined power. This process will take a great deal of time and patience, but it's the only way to reach the highest level of mastery, this is my take on this" Edwin thought to himself thinking about what had happened

As the days passed, Oliver could feel himself growing stronger, both physically and mentally. He focused on feeling the energies around him and learning to control his own emotions. It was hard work, but he was determined to persevere. As he practiced, he could feel the world around him changing, the air becoming charged with an almost tangible energy. It was as if he was becoming a part of the very air he breathed. When Edwin returned after a few days, he saw the difference in Oliver immediately. He was glowing with an inner light, and his movements were more fluid and sure.

"You never cease to amaze me Oliver" he said as he saw that he was progressing nicely

"Thanks master , I'm trying my best to improve and become stronger"he said

"I'm glad you are, now to cut to the point we are entering another phase of training, today you will be having a sparring match with one of my students "

"Master has another student!?" He thought to himself as he was shocked, he didn't realize that Edwin had another student, probably he trained them separately.

"That boy should have been here 5 minutes ago, that troublesome boy" he said getting irritated

Jasper arrived at the plain fields with a speed that was almost too fast to follow. His footsteps barely made a sound as he ran, his body moving like a blur. As he approached, Edwin scowled.

"You're late, as usual," he said, his voice cold and stern.

Jasper merely shrugged, his face unreadable. "Whatever old man," he said, his tone dismissive.

Oliver watched the exchange with wide eyes, feeling a flicker of apprehension. He had never seen anyone move as fast as Jasper, and the thought of sparring with him was daunting. But Edwin seemed undeterred. "Today , you two will be sparring," he said, addressing both Oliver and Jasper.

"I want to see how much progress you've made in your training. But remember, this is just a friendly match. There's no need to get overly competitive." He gave Jasper a pointed look as he said this. Jasper's expression remained unchanged, but Oliver could sense the tension in the air. The two boys squared off in the center of the field, their Atados pulsing with energy.

"My name is Oliver Williams it's a pleasure to meet you, what's your name?" He said politely

"Shut up and fight" he responded aggressively showing no interest in him he had wanted to fight and get back on his training

(A/N: he was forced to come and have a sparring match)

"Ready?" Edwin asked, and at their nods, he called out, "Begin!"

"It would be impossible to win against him in a straight fight So I'll have to trick him, first I'll use Lunar Atado's energy at my fist and use the gravity push force technique to make it look like it's super strength at that his guard will be down he will surely reveal his attribute after and then I'll surprise him with lunar Atado and Use Solar Atado as a finishing move since he doesn't know I'm a dual affinity" he thought to himself standing analyzing the situation and glancing at his opponent, then he suddenly ran towards him

Jasper's face was a mask of indifference as he watched Oliver run towards him, a glowing energy encasing his right fist. Jasper sneered, thinking he had the upper hand. But as Oliver got closer, Jasper's sneer turned into a look of surprise. The energy around Oliver's fist suddenly exploded outward, pushing against the ground with a force that was strong enough to knock Jasper off his feet. He was sent flying backwards, his eyes wide with shock. Oliver's smirk widened. "What's wrong, Jasper? I thought you had this in the bag?" he taunted, his voice dripping with smugness.

"Argghh damn that bastard is smirking who does he think he is up against, does he have super strength well that's a weak attribute"

"Ice Atado : ice spike barrage"

The ground beneath Oliver's feet suddenly turned to ice, jagged spikes shooting towards him. He didn't flinch.

"Lunar Atado : crescent moon blade"

With a flick of his wrist, he formed a crescent-shaped blade of energy and slashed through the ice, shattering it into a thousand tiny shards. Jasper's eyes widened in surprise.

"So that brat doesn't have super strength after all , he tricked me so that I could throw my guard down but that doesn't change the fact I'm more stronger, I will win!," he said, his voice betraying his growing unease.

"Lunar Atado ." He shook his head, trying to regain his composure.

Jasper's face twisted into a cruel smile as he unleashed his attack. His ice energy expanded around him, forming a blizzard of spinning spikes that flew towards Oliver at blinding speed.

"Ice Atado : rotating spike barrage"

"You can't dodge this," he taunted. "You're finished."

But to his surprise, Oliver was unfazed. His eyes were closed, but his body was tense with focus. As the spikes reached him, he opened his eyes and let out a fierce shout.

As the ice spikes raced towards Oliver, he drew on his Lunar Atado, feeling the cool, calming energy course through his body. He summoned the power of the moon, creating a sphere of energy around him. As the first ice spike reached him, it impacted the energy sphere and shattered. The other spikes met the same fate, as Oliver stood protected by his lunar shield. He channeled the energy into his hands, forming two crescent-shaped blades of energy. Running towards him.

The two hunters traded blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. Oliver's crescent-shaped energy blades sliced through the air, but Jasper was quick on his feet, dodging each blow with ease. Oliver felt a bead of sweat trickle down his brow as he tried in vain to land a hit.

"Darn, his too quick I can't even land a single blow in that case..." Oliver thought to himself while fighting with jasper trying to find a solution to win

Just when it seemed like he was at a disadvantage, he felt the power of the sun welling up inside him.

With a roar, he changed his attack, turning the crescent blades into a ball of fire.

"The flow of his energy has suddenly changed! What the hell is going on!?" Jasper was caught off guard, and the fire ball struck him square in the chest. He was blown backwards,

- argggh

But even as he was sent flying, Jasper recovered, skidding to a stop on one knee. He braced himself, and from his palm shot a stream of freezing energy, the opposite of Oliver's fiery attack. The two forces met in the air, hissing and crackling as they clashed. The fire fizzled, and the ice melted, sending a shower of steam and droplets into the air.


For a moment, the two hunters stood there, breathing heavily, the energy around them fading.

Then, without warning, Jasper leapt to his feet, his eyes blazing with determination.

"So this guy is a dual affinity, how interesting despite being weaker he is trying his best to close the gap, honestly I'm starting to have fun" jasper thought to himself as he was smirking,

Oliver braced himself, knowing that this was the moment of truth. Jasper's fist glowed with blue light,

"This match is about to get interesting" he said smirkly

Oliver stood up on his feet as the energy of Solar had quickly disappeared, then the energy of Lunar had appeared on his fist

"I'll stick with Lunar Atado for now substituting these energies is draining my energy pool quickly and I can't use these energies at the sametime, Master Edwin warned of not try that" he thought to himself

"I'll give this my all" he said with a face of determination

As the duel reached its climax, Edwin rushed onto the field, waving his arms to get their attention.

"That's enough!" he called out, his voice stern.

"What! We were ab-"

Jasper, still filled with the heat of battle, protested, but Edwin cut him off.

"I said that's enough," he repeated, his voice taking on a note of finality.

Jasper reluctantly lowered his fists, shooting Oliver a look of resentment. Oliver, in contrast, was all smiles, giving Jasper a friendly nod of thanks.

"That was a great match," he said.

Jasper just huffed and walked away, but Oliver knew that deep down, he respected the fight they'd had. Edwin walked up to Oliver, a satisfied smile on his face.

"You did well out there," he said, clapping Oliver on the shoulder.

"I saw a lot of potential. Keep up the good work." Oliver beamed at the praise, and for a moment, he felt like he could take on the world. It was a good feeling, knowing that he was making progress.

Jasper approached Edwin with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. "So, who won?" he asked, his tone mocking.

Edwin shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to cause any hard feelings. "Well, it's not about winning or los-," he began, but Jasper cut him off.

"Just answer the question!, old man" he demanded. With a sigh, Edwin relented.

"Fine. Jasper won." Jasper let out a triumphant laugh, glancing over at Oliver.

"You heard that? I won! You're the loser!" he jeered, before turning and leaving the training grounds. Oliver watched him go

"That guy is short on brain cells for real" he thought to himself watching jasper going.

[1 hr later]

An hour after the sparring match, Jasper and Oliver took a break, enjoying the food that Edwin had brought. They sat next to each other on the forest floor, staring up at Edwin, who was perched on a large log.

"I wonder why Master Edwin wanted to speak with the both of us" he thought to himself with curiousity.

Edwin cleared his throat and began to speak. 'both of you are my students, I've been training you separately, I wanted both of you to discover your inner selves and connect with the nature of your Atado's and training you separately was my resolve.' He paused, looking intently at Jasper and Oliver. 'But you two are progressing fine so we are entering the next phase of your training, this part of training is going to be more challenging so it will be the best to train the both of you'

"So that's why Master always disappeared in the middle of my training" he thought

They both nod as Edwin had mentioned the next phase of training