
Angelic Symbols

After a man clones a child named Persona to simply win back the ex he abused -- by showing his angel the clone of her -- She denies the offer, and the child is discarded in a dump alone by the traumatized victim. Once the child's birth mother, Cara, & stepfather, Tony, find out, they raise hell and bring the child back, only for the woman, Lina, to get angry and sue them for having the child without her consent. Persona didn't know how to deal with the most adult affairs imaginable, so Persona deviated. She chose to get married to another 12-year-old; he was a boy her age. His name was Philip.

Goodnight_Reads · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Vintage Miracles

Persona looked down at her stepfather, Tony.

Persona got down on her knees & prayed for her stepdad while placing a hand on Tony.

Then, Tony just slowly opened his eyes as he took a breath. It seems that Tony is suddenly healed by God?

Tony turned his head to see Persona kneeling on the ground, praying for him.

Tony woke up slowly, wasn't all there, & his cognition was slowly returning.

Persona embraced him as he entered consciousness.

Kris went to see his father, Johnathan, as a weary soul.

Addy was with Kris, of course, as this was her husband.

Kris got on his knees and prayed with his mother, Addy.

Kris tried to convince God by any means to wake up his father, so Addy prayed harder to calm Kris, placing her left hand on Kris' right shoulder as Kris clasped his hands together, sweating from his forehead.

God looked down & had compassion on Kris, Johnathan, & his mother, Addy.

God healed his father as he had healed Persona's stepfather.

Johnathan's eyes had opened as Addy & Kris watched & sobbed in joy; their prayers worked!


📷: tinyurl.com/AddySmilingColor

(Link to Photo)


Johnathan hugged his mother, Addy, as she held Johnathan's hand in tears, both Kris and Addy holding big teary-eyed smiles.


2 weeks later, Persona went home with Tony.

Persona spent time with Tony, her black hair flying in the wind as her cocao-colored hands held onto Tony's pale hands & dragged him into her bedroom to play, her big brown eyes & large smile glistening in his eyes as he let out a calm, soft smile.


Tony was completely healed, so he chose to play tag with Persona; it wasn't long before he saw someone calling him. They had been playing in her bedroom for 15 minutes until this happened; he quickly caught up to Persona & held her left shoulder in his left hand.

Tony picked up the phone & said, "Hello?" It was his right-hand man, a 75-year-old Prophet named Eshud Nusha. Eshud Nusha noted, "The children are alright; I just called to ensure you were getting better.

Tony nodded, saying, "I'm doing fine."

Eshud Nusha smiled, saying, "That's amazing!" Eshud Nusha looked at the 11 children in the daycare for "Angelic Symbols."

Eshud Nusha smiled broadly, saying, "These children are such blessings."

Tony says, "Cara wanted to keep this one, so I let her. It's awkward. I'm raising a literal soldier," Referring to Persona.


Eshud Nusha says to Tony that "You need to bring her back in for training, what would happen if another A-Class Level Angelic Threat were to go down?"


Tony took Persona outside then put her in the car. Eshud Nusha Says on the phone that "Humans are cruel creatures, but we have to protect ourselves. You need to train her to fight."


Tony nods. "Yes, Eshud Nusha. I understand. How are the other clones doing?" said Tony.

Eshud Nusha says that "They're doing amazing. Their bodies vary in power level, however, I can teach them different ways to fight, but many will have to be simple police men. There are many who do not have powers due to their angels bodily strength."


Tony 🤨 replied "That's odd... If the angel could turn into a human and the human body could still turn into an angel, doesn't that mean that the human body would still have embedded in it the power to become an angel?"


Eshud Nusha 😔 says "Not exactly, no, their Spirit body has the ability to transform from an angel to a human. Many of them are simply putting on a human body as if it were clothes, their spiritual species is that of an Angel instead of a human spirit. I'm not saying they're killing people and wearing their bodies, I'm saying they're creating new bodies on top of their Spirit bodies."


Tony 🤔 says that "This means that they may have to be cloned from angels whose bodies are knowingly endowed with power. and where do we find an angel who's willing to create a human body for themselves that is endowed with power?"


Eshud Nusha 🤨 says "The only body that I can think of that would have something like that is if the angel turned their Spirit body itself into a human body, instead of just adding a human body onto themselves but without transforming their Spirit body into that of flesh."


Tony 🤔 says that "An angel whose spirit body contains the power of an angelic body, if they were converting their Spirit body into a flesh form, would have to allow the powers to pass over as well."


Tony 🤔 continued "If they didn't, in the time of trouble, since the flesh is weak, if someone were to attack them or if a car were to hit them, they wouldn't be able to transform back into an angel, nor would they be able to stop their bodies from dying or use their powers."

Eshud Nusha nodded slowly as if to agree with him on a realization level.

Eshud Nusha replied "Exactly, now the only problem is whether or not this is biologically endowed and inheritable."

Tony replied "How would they be able to do it if it were not biologically endowed?"

Eshud Nusha "I believe there is a considerable chance that it is possible, but I cannot understand how it could be possible..."

The angels around them are fully aware of what's going on. They're fully aware that this might not work.

They're in total belief that "This is a fool's errand," a male angel says, & they believe "That it won't work nor be a necessity," said a female angel.

Eshud Nusha says "Our graces and nurses are around us at all times. I've given up the belief that every human has a guardian angel. if so, why are there so many murders and rapes?"

Eshud Nusha has come to this belief on his own, Eshud Nusha says that "I believe that a Grace and Mercy's job is to give grace and mercy to their human but not to protect their human. I do not believe every human has a hedge of protection about them."

Eshud Nusha continued "Do you think an angel would really disobey God in not protecting their human?"

Eshud Nusha said "Allowing their human to get raped is not protecting your human, it's doing the exact opposite and because you have broken God's law in the worst way possible and have denied your responsibility of protection!

Eshud Nusha said that "They may get kicked out of heaven permanently."

Eshud Nusha says "That is why I do not believe in guardian Angels being for everyone."

Eshud Nusha said "I believe some people have guardian angels, I believe guardian angels exist, & I do believe in God, but I do not believe that they guard everyone as I do not believe that everyone has one."

Eshud Nusha said "To me, the idea that everyone has a guardian angel is just a pervasive mythology that has been birth from the misunderstanding of how God's angels work."

Tony asks "You don't believe they exist?"

Eshud Nusha sighs; Groaning, Eshud Nusha says that "You're simply inputting your thought process into this, expecting me to mean one thing when I clearly said another."

Eshud Nusha: "I told you quite clearly that I do believe in angels and I do believe in God; I just do not believe that guardian angels are given to everyone."

Eshud Nusha: "I believe that some people have guardian angels, I do not believe that everyone has a guardian angel."

Tony nods, saying "I totally understand your thought process. I, myself, used to believe that everyone had a guardian angel."

Tony continued "I never even thought of why bad things are happening to the people who have them."

Tony: "Those questions never entered my mind, I just blindly believed it without thinking any further & then would groan when bad things would happen, not asking why their guardian Angel would let it happen."

Eshud Nusha: "Get your daughter in the car."

Tony got in the car & drove off with Persona in a seatbelt in the backseat.

Eshud Nusha: "Over time, I would slowly ask why they would let something like that happen & then think 'Maybe they couldn't stop it.'"

Eshud Nusha: "I have heard of guardian angels working. THAT'S why I believe they still exist."

Eshud Nusha: "I just believe most of the world does not have them, especially the atheist world which do not pray for guardian Angels or for their family to have guardian angels."

Eshud Nusha: "You need to train Persona up, and get Persona a guardian angel. Make sure that guardian Angel has full permission to protect the child."

Eshud Nusha: "They said that to get your guardian angels to work you need to call on them, all of our clones have a code word with their guardian angels to trigger them to do something in case the child is incapable of fighting the Demon themselves."

Eshud Nusha: "Persona is fighting demons out of her control, they will want to do away with her."

Eshud Nusha: "It is your job to protect her, you need a guardian angel to help you protect her from things unseen."

Eshud Nusha: "Right now, she is a diddly child who doesn't bear a thought of the things unseen & that is a big hindrance."

To be continued...

Episode 6

Season 1

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