
Angel of Eternity

Elijah Lighton awakens in the supernatural world before he comes to realize that his life so far was just a vacation from who he truly is. After an encounter with an Angel Elijah discovers about this other life he has been living without even knowing it and while he comes to terms with who he is he must also fulfill his responsibility.

Starbrand29 · Fantasía
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3 Chs


The world can be a pretty confusing place to live cant it? Well you know all those myths you read about and watch in movies and they interest you, I mean stories about were wolves, vampires, witches, gods, Angel's and demons, I mean you all know that stuff aint real right.

Well so did Elijah Lighton until one nasty encounter with the world as it really is, Elijah or Eli as he prefers to be called was an orphan for as long as he remembers. His first memories are within an orphanage where he was raised for the first ten years of his life.

At ten years old he was adopted by a nice family out of town called the Lighton family hence his last name, the lightens were a good family that really seemed normal and willingly welcomed Eli to their home. His new brothers and sisters treated him well and even gave up some of their stuff to him.

Everything was going on well for him or so he thought for a few more years, at fifteen Eli discovered the true vile nature of the Lightons. They were killers, they would leave on their son called family trips but during those trips they hunted down and assassinated people.

He was so terrified but he couldn't say anything, he withstood the environment for a few more years and on his eighteenth birthday he seemingly left the lighton family under the cover of going to college, to the common person the boy had just left home to fo to college.

In reality he was escaping from the horror of a family he had been raised in, however as fate would have it, he was t mentally to go far from them, during his first week at college he started noticing that he was being followed by some groups of people every now and then.

However he passed it off as nervousness of entering a new city and living alone for the first time in his life, turns out he should have been much more careful. One special evening as he left the university to go home he was tailed once again, in an effect to drop his tail he turned a corner.

However when he did that he found that he had just fallen into a trap they had laid for him, the people trailing him suddenly started transforming, he believed his sight was being clouded by fear and adrenaline but it wasn't, their faces distorted, their eyes turned red, their hands turned to claws and their bodies increased in size.

Their faces effectively looked like monstrous except he couldn't place his memory on what monster he was looking at, the people has turned half monster half human. This just wasnt possible, suddenly he felt a sudden warmth like embers of a flame ignite within him, the closer these things got the warmer the embers became.

The warmth started spreading allover his trembling body, wherever they passed his fear vanished and it was replaced by strength and might, as it reached his whole body his sight turned, suddenly the darkness of the alley vanished and instead was replaced by the light of day except this wasnt natural light.

Everything had recieved a silver glow on it and color seemed to have vanished from the world, the world had turned black and white except even black and white didn't exist here, everything was covered in silver, power was flowing through his body just as the monsters struck at him.

He instinctively raised his hand but what happened next shocked even him, there was a tingling sensation on his back right before two massive wings exploded out of his back, these wings were roughly seven to eight feet long which was a surprise seeing as Eli was just six feet tall from head to toe.

How a six foot tall guy could generate eight foot long wings was a shock, however the wings had appeared, the right wing moved mirroring his hand movement and suddenly it arched before him forming a shield. The monsters collided with the shield and pain shot through Eli's body.

Theybhad scratched and injured the wings and the pain felt like theybhad scratched his hand, the wings felt as real to him as his hands did he retracted his shield and the wings returned behind him, however as it turns out he wasnt the only one shocked by the outcome.

The monsters seemed shocked by his transformation, "Nephilim!" Screamdd one of them as they took a step back and started looking around, it was like they were suddenly afraid they had fallen into an ambush and out of the blue four birds appeared in the sky falling straight towards the alley.

However these birds were incredibly fast and their wingspan grew larger as they approached, their bodies emerged as well and as they got closer and closer Eli realized these monsters didn't have bird faces but rather human faces, they arrived above the alley and stopped in mid air,

Surprisingly Eli recognized these birds, they were his adopted family. They were led by his father Daniel, then there was his mother Laura, his sister Elise and his brother Ethan. He then finally accepted that he had gone insane, he then felt a voice reverberate through the alley, this voice struck resonance with the strange warmth within his body. He knew the voice as his adopted father's voice however it felt different now.

"Dont you idiots know that a nephilim never travels alone, how dare you lay your filthy hand upon a descendant of celestial blood." The voice said, suddenly weapons came into existence in his hands, these weapons were two swords and they too seemed to fling with silver light in Eli's sight.

However her he suddenly realized that they may appear different on the outside, and just as he thought about it, his silver worls suddenly gained a slight tint of blue before it suddenly vanished allowing him to see the world in color once again. However that meant the night returned, his foster family now were the source of the evening light.

Their bodies and wings were radiating light however this wasnt the natural light of the sun nor the moon, this light felt different, it had an enhancing effect on Eli however the reverse seemed to be true for the monsters. The light burned them or so it seemed, they reacted with anger, their bodies seemed to release a mist like aura to fight against the light,

They then bared their fangs and roared against the nephilim, "let's cleanse these vermin from the earth." Said Eli's adopted father Daniel, Eli turned around to see that the rest of the family had similarly materialized weapons of their own however there was a difference, while Daniel radiated pure white light, Laura's light had a golden tint to it, Elise's light had a greenish tint to it and Ethan's light was tinted blue.

Daniel wielded twin swords, Ethan wielded a long sword and a shield, Elise had a quiver on her back and a bow in the other hand however she slung thr bow over her back and instead wielded a couple of long hunting knives instead. Laura wielded a lasso however the lasso seemed to be embedded with barbs.

Together they suddenly deactivated their wings falling from the height of a east two stories to the ground without any fear, the ground cracked with their landing and suddenly they launched themselves at the monsters, Eli had once seen them world these same weapons and attack a couple of villagers during one of their vacation visits although he was now doubting what he saw.

The monsters attacked as well with their claws as their bodies suddenly turned fully animal, they were about as tall as a human being and large and long like a gigantic animal, their oppressive force was too much for Eli to bear so he just passed out on the instant, the family on the other hand cleaved through these monsters like they were nothing.

When they were done they arrived at Eli's side, "He awakened on his own without our intervention, how is that possible?" Asked Elise and Daniel said, "I don't know, it shouldn't be possible but it has already happened, we need to take him home first. Answers will come later." No one objected to his suggestion as Ethan carried Eli in his hands and the rest summoned their wings.

Together they flew upwards into the skies and vanished within the light, just as they left the monster bodies turned human once again, out of the shadows a man stepped out, he looked at the vanisheidng flapping wings and he said, "the Lightons shouldn't have been able to get here that fast what happened?" There was no one to reply to his inquiry of course.

He simply thought to himself and said, "it seems I may have to step up my plan before they become too powerful for me, my mission cannot fail." With that he snapped his fingers and all the former monsters now human sunk into the ground surrounded by black fog, he then turned around as shadows seemingly extended towards him and he vanished within them.

The alley returned to normal as there was no sign that a massive fight had even happened, grey mist washed through the alley as the damaged ground and walls were suddenly repaired. At Lighton Estate the family landed in the yard outside prompting the various house aids to come forward,

Ethan handed Eli to ove of them and ordered him to carry Eli to his bedroom, this was the lightons' main home, the one place Eli had never been to, the Lightons themselves rarely came to this place as this was the headquarters of the family, they only came to this place when especially summoned or when they have a sore emergency like Eli's awakening without intervention.

While the house aid took Eli away, the rest of the family headed to a different direction, night had fallen and so the lights in the yard had turned on, the family walked through the halls heading to the throne room where the family head would be waiting.

They had sent word ahead that they would be arriving hence they were expected, one couldn't just fly into the family home without prior notice or they would be shot down before they even came close to landing. Throughout the hallways they were seen and respected by the rest of the family members.

This was because different families performed different duties and as such held different levels of respect, within the lighton family. Daniel and his family were known as the warrior family meaning when it came to fighting they were one of the best, it was warrior families that maintained and even grew the prestige of the family, as such they recieved a different form of respect.