
Angel Dusts Savior

After a culling a Arch Angel comes down to speak to Charile about her hotel and sees Angel and is taken by his behavior and follows him to his porn shoot and sees Val hit him and pull out his contract and walks takes the contract and burns it and saves angel from his hell

Chloe_Rose_5515 · Cómic
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4 Chs

Saving Angel

I couldn't get Anthony and his contract with Val "Should I intervene or not" I mumble. I step into the hall stop overhearing Angel Dust and him on the phone and hear him leave I can't control my actions and I follow him. Once I got there I walked in and Angel Dust looked "Micheal" he said. Val looks amazed "If it isn't an Arch Angel what brings you to my studio" he asks walking up. I see Angel Dust has a black eye. "Anthony's contract let me see it," I ask in the nicest way possible. Val laughs "Why should I" he said grinning. I smirk "You think I am scared of you" My wings come out my halo appears a sword lands in my hand. "I will ask again before I take Anthonys' contract," I said. Angel Dust was amazed Micheal even cared this much. Val looks at Angel Dust and snaps his fingers and Anothy's contract appears. I take it and burn it "Anothy no longer works for you, you no longer own his soul, his soul is under my protection understand me," I said Val grits his teeth and glares at angel dust. I look "Let's go," I said. Angel Dust nods and follows me out.