
Angel's Destiny: Prophet from Hell

'Who I am? Doesn't matter... Where I am? Doesn't matter... Why I am? I'm here to bring shatter.' The story follows the four main characters, who died in their previous life but have been given a second chance of existence by the heavens. They are incomplete angels, living to fullfill promises they made in their lifetime and which they know nothing about. As incidents involving a terror group called "Hell's Revolution", demons and even Fallen Angels start to happen frequently all around the globe, the Angels will come to the conclusion that they are not only deciding their own destiny...

Sammijome · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 3: The Winds to Change

"Let's go!"

Kenji and Hikari ran into direction of the burning creatures. Kenji hit two of the creatures approaching him with his sword. A thick, black liquid ran out of their wounds. Regardless how many times he hit them, they would just keep moving. One tried jumping right into his face, he could barely avoid the attack and fell down.

Kenji felt claws in his shoulders and he started to scream. The longer he felt these claws the more parts of his body started to burn. Kenji thought it's his end when suddenly an arrow surrounded by small lightnings hit the head of the creature and it flew away.

"Sorry for being late. Jason is with Hikari."

Jessica stood behind Kenji, holding a bow in her hands. With a confident smile she manifested three lightning arrows in her hand and shot them on the creatures. When she saw that all of them kept moving her expression got serious.

"We were hitting these things since ages in the smoke now..."

Kenji told Jessica and started to cough because all of the smoke from the explosion earlier that was being distributed all over the place by the wind.

"Seems we can't kill them by simply hitting them with our weapons. And we can't keep up long in all this smoke. Smoke..."

Kenjis eyes were following the creatures a bit further away for a while.

"Oi, Jessica. You can shoot normal arrows, too?"

Jessica nodded shortly while keepng the enemies on distance.

"I have a plan then."

He explained it to Jessica but she was hesitating.

"I can't leave you alone here now! It's just too dangerous!"

Kenji looked her in the eyes with a serious expression.

"Go!! Either we both die here and these things will continue to kill people or you go and we beat them! I can't afford to die here anyways...i still need to fullfill my promise...i need to be a fullfilled Angel! Now go!!"

Jessica looked at him for a moment, then she nodded and ran in the direction of the stalls, some of the creatures started to follow her but Kenji jumped in the way and pointed his sword at them, he was trembling and had difficulties to breath.

"Well then...I just need to keep you away from her for the time being."

Two creatures jumped at him from two different sides. He let himself fall down so the creatures ended up jumping into each other and hurt their legs. They couldnt't walk now.

"~As I thought...they can hurt each other...~"

Kenji was now surrounded by 7 of the burning beings.

"~Damn that's getting too much.~"

"Don't worry Kenji! We are here!"

Jason arrived next to him throwing his pair of chakrams to push back their enemies. Hikari joined up, too.

"Where is Jessica!?"

"You'll see...just help me keep them off her for the time being..."

Kenji stayed up again, obviously having problems to stand on his feet. Hikari looked at him with worried eyes but his determined expression told her that she couldn't stop him now. The trio turned in direction of their enemies again. Two of them approaching Kenji were pushed back with his sword while Jason and Hikari used their weapons on range to keep away the creatures from approaching even further.

"Huh? What's that mean now?"

Hikari looked into the sky and saw three arrows holding a big canopy flying through it. The canopy flattered around and pushed away the smoke where it was flying. Kenji smiled.

"That means she made it. Listen! Our enemies can only walk under the smoke now is our only chance to take them out all at once!"

Jason and Hikari nodded shortly and started hitting the enemies with their weapons as fast as they could. Kenji took his sword and sliced a small cut in his arm.

"Angels who are fighting for heaven, I shall sacrifice my blood to this blade of yours and erase this darkness to fullfill heaven.


His blade started to glow a pure white and and as he swung the sword the light got longer and cut through all the creatures that were left. Hikari looked at Kenji with wide-open eyes.

"A blood sacrifice..? Amazing..."

Jessica arrived at the others again, exhausted from all the running and fighting.

"Did...we do it?"

Kenji looked at her and nodded shortly with a smile on his face, when he fell down on his knees.


Hikari wanted to run to him but she was interrupted by the sound of someone clapping. She saw a silhouette in the shadows.

"Oh wow...you did it...hehe...congratulations my little incomplete Angels…"

-I can't afford to die now...I have to keep my promise...for you...and for me...-

To be continued...