
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Chatting break.

"Hey! I'm really sorry for leaving so quick, i know it was kinda rude...I wanted to tell that I'll be performing on stage, but then the staff needed my help. I really hope you can forgive me!" It was Dahlia who approached Freya. Her apology was so sincere and she looked worried and upset. Freya couldn't feel annoyed now, everybody deserved a second chance and she couldn't afford to be too picky when it came to friends. This time, she was going the forgive Dahlia, but if it happened again, she will surely take revenge.

"Oh, don't worry, it's alright. I was honestly confused when you left so suddenly, but then I saw you on stage. By the way, your performance was great! I never went to a theater before, so this was the first time I witnessed a play. I really liked it!" Freya was only half honest. She liked the people act like characters in front of her and the the props move around, making you feellike you were part of the story, appearing and disappearing. The only thing she didn't like, was the story. It wasn't that interesting, she felt like romantic stories never were. But, she thought that maybe it's just too hard to make good stories and having to do them on stage without editing and extra special effects.

"Thank you so much! I am so glad the first play you ever witnessed was the one I was in! If you still want, maybe we could keep talking about your work. Or, if that doesn't bring back good memories we can talk about something else." Dahlia smiled warmly, she radiated positivity all around her. She was really nice actually and that made Freya happy. She finally had someone to talk to outside of work after so many years.

"I don't think there is any point to talk about that anymore. You were right, adventure is great and brings some fun in your life. Doing that mission might bring some nice memories after all..." Even if that conversation was sudden, Freya was pretty convinced, she didnt know how or why, but it seemed like Dahlia's sudden appearance made everything crystal clear. That mission should be a good way to meet new people and see new places, after all work meant so much to her.

"I'm glad I could help you. I've always loved adventure. I actually watch a lot of action, adventure and sci-fi genre of movies. They are great! But honestly, my favorite genre! I love it so much when I just see the idea of creatures and magic that don't really exist." Dahlia looked up at the sky. Her eyes glittering as much as her dress, seemed to be wondering way further from where she was looking. As if she was seeing things that Freya couldn't, far, far away.

"Yeah, you're right. I do love when movies like that are shown on screen. They are just people's imagination, and yet, it's still wonderful! Sometimes, I wonder, how can the human mind make up so many things." Freya was now lost in thought as well. She remembered the movies she'd seen and the books she'd read. So much imagination put into different ways for anyone to see. That was really amazing... and soon, she too was lost.

"So, what's your favorite genre. I already told you mine, so it's only fair that you tell me too!" Dahlia turned to look at Freya. She had broken the long train of thought. She was smiling and prepared to hear the answer, she seemed really curious.

"I am not that sure actually. I think I'd choose fantasy too. But, then again... I'd rather choose two. I love fantasy just as much as sci-fi. I could never choose between those two." Freya started tripping over her words. Luckily, she still managed to say the words out the right way. She really didn't know why her brain wasn't working correctly anymore.

"I see. Maybe one day, we could watch a movie together. Or even better, make one! Wouldn't that be fantastic? But we would need to have amazing editing skills if we want an amazing movie so, nevermind that. Do you have a talent to show off on the stage?" Dahlia seemed truly excited in making a movie with Freya, but the moment she thought about having to edit the scenes she gave up on that idea. Maybe that was the reason she decided to talk about talents and maybe that was also why the play was simple, obviously she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Not really. I mainly slack off, work means a lot... It's just that I can't do that all day. I sometimes relax on my phone, but i cant do that all the time. That is why I came here, too. I needed to take a break from staying in my house. My mental health would've deteriorated if not." Freya was just being weird now. She really needed to get out more. She acted just like an author struggling to write a book and not getting any sleep nor going outside to meet real people instead of fictional ones. Or like someone obsessed with work, always stressing to get things just right.

"Hmmm... I see. Then you really need to get out more. I'm so glad I convinced you to go on that mission. Who knows what you would've done if you didn't accept it? Probably destroyed your health, but still, there could be other surprises too, right?" Definitely, especially when the person you're talking with can't even take care of simple things that were gifts from a very important business man. She just wished she could be more careful and outgoing... fortunately these things could be fixed... hopefully this was a beginning.

"Yeah, you're right." This could surely be more awkward, but Freya suffered too much already. She did feel a bit targeted with the question Dahlia just got out of her mouth, but Freya preferred to ignore it. And, besides, this was supposed to be a break, it was time to discuss somethingelse. "Anyway, don't you want to eat? The next show is about to begin and I'm sure it'll take some time for it to finish." Freya was still eating. She'd been eating the entire conversation, between replying. She only realized now that Dahlia didn't take anything.

"I already ate. And I ate quite a lot. I'm really full, so don't worry. Anyway, I guess we need to part ways again. I did promise the others I'd help with moving the props. Here, this is my number, you can call me if you want to talk. Please do, I can't talk with if I don't have your number! Goodbye miss!" After Dahlia gave Freya a paper with her phone number on it, she left, her dress flowing gently behind her. Soon after, her phone rang. After talking for awhile, Dahlia started running.

Freya was a bit mad that her new friend left without saying anything again. But at least this time, she left something behind for her. She wouldn't have been too angry anyway, it was understandable because it was her job, Freya knew how important a job was. And if she stayed, that would just ruin the next show. Freya then looked at the paper one more time, then put it in her pocket. After around two minutes, a new announcement was made, so Freya took a little snack putting it on a plate and taking it with her and went to the seats as fast as possible. She had to take the best view this time.

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