
Andie is just a name, but she has a meaning

Andie is a human. She is living amongst Vampires, Werewolves, and more. She was sent to live with her Uncle, Uncle J as she calls him, in Densville when she was 15, due to her mother and father dying in a tragic fire, along with 23 others. Andie meets lots of old friends she used to know when she visited her Uncle as a young girl. And she makes new friends along the way. When Uncle J and her think it is ready, he sends her to school. In the school, there are different buildings. The different buildings are for different power levels of students. The power levels consist of both hierarchy in their families and their own abilities. Andie gets herself stuck in some pretty sticky situations, especially when involved with Petter, Xander, and Candler.

BellaQuack · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Andies Arival (Chapter One)

It was a mid-fall day, and fog surrounded the car as we drove to my new town, Denville. The car lights from oncoming traffic were bright. I flipped my hood from my sweatshirt up over my head and put in my earbuds. I put my playlist on shuffle and stared outside through the foggy window.

It started to drizzle. I reached my hand to the window and drew a frowning face with my index finger. I already miss the smell of the burnt burgers at Jeff's Burgs, I miss the sound of the chatter at the local diner I and my family always went to. My family, they died a few days ago. It was a fire caused at town hall, by a gas leak, 23 people were killed in it. When I heard the news, I was at school, in my science class. It's kinda ironic, we were actually learning about gasses when I found out that they were killed in the fire.

I felt my eyes start to tear up. I slapped my hands to my face to get myself together. In my mother and father's will, it was said I would go to a private school in Densville. It was also said that I would live with my Uncle, James, in his house. But my Uncle was loaded, and when we visited for family gatherings, his 'house' was not a house, it was a mansion. It was huge. There was fancy furniture, beautiful paintings, and much so more. I was close with my Uncle, he was like a second father to me. I even had my own room when I came to visit him. But as I got older I visited less, which I regret.

I looked out the window and we were getting close to Densville, I could sense it. Whenever I went to Uncles for family gatherings, there was always this odd feeling to the town. I always asked my mom and dad about it, but they shrugged it off. Eventually, I just got used to it and stopped commenting on it.

I saw the sign that we always passed before reaching Densville, it said 'Welcome to Densville' on it. It was an old rugged wood sign with its paint chipped off desperate for repair. I slid off my hood and pulled out my earbuds. We were here. I stopped the music and turned my phone off. We reached my Uncle's house, and the driver rode into the driveway. I grabbed my luggage, which was just one bag, from my left and opened the car door. It was still drizzling and the grass was damp. I shut the door and waved goodbye to the driver. He pulled out of the driveway and smiled.

I mustered my strength to walk towards the front door of the mansion, that Uncle called a 'house' he had to have been joking, it was huge. The door was wood that was tinted red. On the door, there was a black knocker with some rust to it. It looked like a wolf, it was actually quite beautiful.

I reached my hand out and grabbed the hoop and knocked twice. I waited for a few seconds and the door opened slowly. I looked through the slight crack in the door and saw Uncle.

"Hello, Uncle, nice to see you again. Thank you for taking me in." I smiled politely.

He opened the door the rest of the way and motioned me in.

"Come in, come in, you are gonna catch a cold if you stand out there all day." He joked.

I walked in and took off my shoes. They were soaked. My socks were soaked too, but I did not want to take them off, that would be odd. I looked around and the mansion was the same as it always was. To the left of me was the shoe rack, where I put my shoes, and to the right was the coat and hat rack. Directly in front of me was a painting of his wife, Frances. She died within a year of being married and left him with no children. Ever since he has treated me as his own child. We were close when I came to visit, or when he came to visit me and my family.

My father was his brother. Originally I was going to be sent to live with my Grandma on my mother's side, but she was far too old to take care of a teen like me. So I asked Uncle and he quickly told me yes. He told me even the room I used to sleep in was still the way it used to be.

"Make yourself at home A." Uncle smiled.

A was the nickname Uncle gave to me, and mine for him was J.

I lit up, "Have not heard that name for a while, Uncle J. It's nice to see you again."

I walked over to him and gave him a big squeeze.

"Go check out your room! I left a surprise for you." Uncle said excitedly.

I grabbed my bag and headed up the stairs that were to the left of the painting of his wife. I walked down the hall, there were lots of rooms, now I just needed to remember which one was mine. I saw a pink door with a drawing of a wolf and a little girl on it. The wolf was brown and black, and the girl had brown hair and green eyes. I think I drew this.

I reached for the knob and opened up the door. I walked into the room and he was right, it was exactly the same as it was before. I looked at the bed and there was a note and a box on it.

I picked up the note and opened it.

Dear A,

I am so sorry for the death of your parents. But no matter what, I want you to know that you are here now. You have me, and don't forget about your old friends that you made here, I am sure they would love to see you. Remember you are like a daughter to me, so no matter what, stay strong, I will be here for you. Now, open the box, you will not regret it.

Love Uncle J

I placed the note down on the bed and started to untie the silky ribbon on the box. He really did not have to get me anything, it is enough just me staying here with him. I opened the box and it was a dagger that my dad used to use when he went hunting with Uncle. Why did Uncle give me this? Does he expect me to use it? Because I cant hunt for crap.

I lifted up the dagger and put it next to the note. There were two more things in the box. One was wrapped up, and the other looked like a photo that was folded in half. I picked up the photo and unfolded it. It was me as a child, with some boy. His eyes were hazel and his hair dark brown. He had pale skin compared to my olive tone. It looked like we're around eight years old at the time.

I put the photo with the note and the dagger, then reached in the box for the last item. It was wrapped in nice white fabric, I almost felt bad that I had to open it. I unwrapped the item from the fabric and when it was all unwrapped, it was a locket. It had a black wolf with a dark red stone in the middle of it. It was beautiful. I tried to open the locket, but it was not budging. I tried once more, but heard a knock on the window and whipped my head towards the sound.

I looked through the window and saw nothing. I got closer towards it and tried to see what the noise could have been from, but I saw nothing. As I turned back around, I heard yet another knock. I ran to my bed and grabbed the dagger. I slid it out of its case and turned around.

There was a boy, around my age, standing outside the window. I backed up and fell onto my bed in fear. He opened the window. How the fuck was the window not locked. I am going to have a serious talk with Uncle if he does not normally lock the windows. He hopped into my room and I jumped off my bed and pointed the dagger at him.

"Who are you, and why are you in my room?" I stuttered.

He walked closer as I trembled, shaking the dagger. I ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. So the window was unlocked, but the door to my room was somehow locked. What luck I have.

"I heard from Uncle J that you were coming back, I had to see for myself." He smiled.

"How do you know my Uncle's nickname? Who are you?" I questioned. I turned to the door and yelled, "Uncle J, get up here please!" God, who the hell is this guy? Climbing through a window into a girl's room, does he crave death?

I heard Uncle's steps thumping up the stairs. I felt relieved, but I was still pointing my dagger straight at him. He opened the door and looked straight at my dagger.

"Oh my god, you did not have to scare her Petter. Let her settle in before you scare her off!" He laughed.

Who was Petter? And now that I think of it, he looks a bit like the photo that was in my box.

Leave any tips or ideas to make this book better! I really want to get better at my writing, which is why I took on this contest! I hope you enjoy this book!

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