
Andgiet Scinn: Oneirophobia

Anyone who gets their home taken away from them would want to take it back. Even the kindest of people can become dark and twisted with all the unexpecting events happening. That's what happened to Altheia, being a sheltered young lady with everything she ever wanted suddenly getting everything and everyone taken away from her. Leaving her empty with only revenge and the need to reclaim everything that what once belonged to her driving her. She gets what she wished for but only not in the way she expected. Will her own desire for justice and revenge destroy her? Will she accept the outcome in the end with an open heart? Or will it boil from within her and awaken something that was never meant to see the light of day?

Grifone_D_Gratis · Fantasía
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4 Chs


A little laugh was heard throughout the corridor causing those who passed through to giggle as well. Playing along as though they did not see the small figure hiding in the shadows.

It was a usual peaceful day in Qaeven. A wealthy kingdom that had no scarcity in resources that made others green with envy. The sun was brightly shining on the kingdom with a soft breeze that grazed through the land causing the scent of lavenders to be drifted and carried to adorn the air around Palais du Vitrolly.

Princess Altheia Fridur was hiding behind a pillar. She could see what was happening in the courtyard up ahead but those within the yard could not see her. The maids and guards that passed by the corridor near the pillar where she was hiding chuckled at her antics but let her be as they continued on with their duties.

Altheia was the youngest daughter of the King Theodore and Queen Felicity. Taking after her father's gray eyes with the only difference was that her father's piercing eyes showed how calculative he was. While her's was filled with mischief and playfulness.

Then taking on after her mother's facial features; Almond eyes, a cute upturned nose and a heart shaped lips whenever she smiled with full cheeks that made her appear more youthful and younger than her age. Her brown hair turned into a shade of auburn as sunlight reflected on the strands.

Looking at her target for her next prank. Her older sister, Avery, who was currently enjoying a stroll through the courtyard. She and her sister share the same features,except that Avery took their father's hair and their mother's green eyes. She was taller and looked a bit older than Altheia.

"And what are you doing,little raccoon?" a voice behind her nearly caused her to jump.

A sight of a man's upturned gray eyes, black hair and an aquiline nose. The exact splitting image of their father greeted her. Sighing as she was relieved it was their eldest brother. He was still wearing his armor with his sword by his side as he had just finished training.

Pulling him to hide with her behind the pillar and giving him a 'be quiet' gesture as she pointed to Avery. Watching intently as the next events unfolded.

Avery unwittingly stepping on something made her stop in her place as she was about to check what it was until little sparks started to fly around by her feet causing her to give a little shriek of surprise causing the guards nearby to come to her aid.

Altheia's laugh gave away their position which made Avery stomped her way over to the pillar. Altheia seeing this pushed her brother out so he can take the blame as she slipped away to hide.

"Alexis? Seriously? And I thought you'd stop childish and dangerous tricks like this after your coming of age and after you get crowned as prince." Avery stated while fuming as she placed her hand on her hip seemingly forgetting her poise and grace. Alexis, who was so shocked that he was getting blamed, looked to his side to point out the true perpetrator only to see empty space.

"Now where did that little raccoon go?" Scratching his head before putting his hands up in surrender. "It was Altheia, I swear."

"Where is she then?" Avery asked as she crossed her arms. The guards that went to aid her tried to stop their laughter from the little banter of their superiors. Alexis made a 'listen' gesture by pointing to his ear. They could hear faint little giggles echoing through the corridor.

Following the giggles that lead to a curtain by one of the huge windows.

"Gotcha!" Avery said with a smile as she pulled the curtain back revealing a shocked Altheia who gave a gasp as she crawled through the gaps between her older sister and brother's body to escape as she ran towards the throne room. Where their parents were, immediately running to their father's arms where her father welcomed her with a warm hug as he carried her unto his lap.

"Avery,Alexis. No running." Felicity said as she smiled at them. Altheia looked at them then stuck her tongue out to her siblings.

"Mother, Theia nearly burned me with her prank." Avery stated as she composed herself before showing the part of her gown that had scorch marks on the hem.

The other people inside the room tried to stop laughing as they were also victims of the pranks of the youngest princess ever since she had found joy in playing harmless tricks on people and since it was not them in the receiving end it was funny for them.

"Then she framed me for doing the prank." Alexis stated as he crossed his arms.

Altheia looked up innocently at their father when he asked if it was true. Knowing that that look meant she was guilty and was trying to get away with it by looking cute confirmed the allegations.

"Altheia, have you been skipping your classes again?" Felicity asked their youngest who hid her face in her father's arm.

"Oh, Felicity. Let her be a child." Theodore chuckled as he looked as his youngest. "Let her enjoy things in life, she's only ten after all."

The queen shakes her head but knows how much her husband loves spoiling their children. Especially the youngest.

"I am sorry to intrude, your majesty, but I need to speak to you regarding the situation up north." Theodore's face darkened and this expression did not slip Altheia unnoticed. "Altheia, why don't you go with Avery so she can teach you how to play the harp?"

Altheia nodded and went to her older sister who went to take her hand. Avery understanding what her father meant led the way. Though Avery was only fourteen she knew enough of the kingdom's current situation as she had heard the maid's gossipping about it when they thought no one was around to listen.

"What are they hiding?" Altheia asked as they walked through the corridor towards the west wing of the castle.

"They're not hiding anything." She smiled at her younger sister but was only met with curiosity and an accusing gaze.

"Avery... You are a very bad liar." Altheia stated in an unimpressed tone.

Sighing, Avery went to whisper in her sister's ear. "A surprise ball for the celebration of your birth. Now, don't tell anyone I told you that."

Altheia knew that that was not what they were talking about in the throne room but did not push further. Her thoughts were cut off when she heard a meow from a corner. Turning to see her pet cat sitting there looking as though he was waiting for her.

"Can Storm come along while you teach me how to play the harp?" Looking hopefully at her sister as she held her black persian cat with green eyes that was purring in her arms.

"Fine, as long as he doesn't ruin my chambers." Avery said as she continued to walk with Altheia following happily as he hummed a carefree tune.

Meanwhile in the throne room; The King, Queen, and Prince, along with the other Lords who were their allies, listened to the report of the messenger from General Aquilo from the North.

"That does not sound good. Father, maybe I should go and help them defend the Citadel?" Alexis stated as he turned to his father with a worried gaze.

Theodore on the other hand turned to look at the man who was leaning unto the wall. He had a rugged look with a long scar below his left eye. He had blue eyes that were dark and empty, with hollowed cheeks, a crooked nose and thin lips. King Theodore thought highly of this man as he had been saved by the man in the past and has helped him with numerous battles.

"Vindur Aevilok is not someone to attack without a plan. He would mostly expect you to send troops up there to help defend Langen but he would have a trap ready. It would be a suicide mission." He said in a cold tone his eyes scanning the room in a bored manner. "I suggest pulling out and gathering more men in a different place rather than send help for them to be slaughtered while protecting the citadel."

Other people in the room disliked him and his sister for unknown reasons. Maybe it was the arrogant air they had around them, or the cold empty gazes they always had but those would be expected of any noble family.

"It would be unwise to send the prince there, especially now that the celebration for the birth of princess Altheia is near. " He added as he walked closer to the discussion. "It will take at least four days and three nights to reach Langen while riding a horse with no rest. The citadel would have been conquered by then and it would become a suicide mission."

The king nodded; protecting the kingdom was his duty as a king and protecting his children was his duty as a father. Torn between the two actions he can take. He took the advice of his friend ordering the troops in the citadel to retreat to lessen the casualties while they evacuate as many civilians as possible.

The throne room was left empty with only the King and Queen as he dismissed the meeting. Sighing as he massaged his temple.

"Wondering if you made the right decision as a king and a father?" Felicity asked as she held her husband's hand. He nodded to the question to which the queen only sighed in response.