
Ancient Tears BloodLine

After the Guardian God's demise. Zack inherited his legacy. Zack is a driven individual who wields a lot of power. Will he follow the Guardian God's trail of footprints? Or Will he continue to forge his own legacy? He is intelligent, calm, and composed. When it comes to making decisions, He is decisive. In the world of Humans, Monsters, and other unknown species, He learns and grows. "I know you were the most powerful bloodline warriors dispatched to assassinate me. However, in the end, it makes little difference." With a slight smile on his face, Zack ridiculed. "Anything that stood in my way will be obliterated by my lightning," I commented in my heart. "Lightning is Absolute!" ****************************************************** Current Plan- 7chaps/week. For more release, Vote with Power Stones. Target: 1st level- 100PS/Week. Result- 14chaps/Week. ******************************************************* Support me via: https://www.paypal.me/AravindS9356 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AravindS9356 Disclaimer: This is a Fantasy novel. Everything about this novel is Fictional. *******************************************************

Aravind_S · Fantasía
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928 Chs

Part Three: Final Clash

From MC's perspective:

Before I could realize where Jonathan is taking me. I arrived back at a familiar place. Seeing the teacher standing in mid-air above the dark swamp. A lot of questions come to mind. 

What is he doing here? A cold shiver went down my spine. Something is wrong with this dark swamp. 

Is he coming to investigate this place?

Meanwhile, Lowell McClain is already aware of their presence. After retracting his glance from the dark swamp, he turned towards the two.

There is no need to ask. Lowell knows that Zack got 1st place and received the prize as well. And when it comes to those Super Elite Warriors. He didn't even bother to ask. 

"Did you get that seed as a prize?" Lowell inquired looking toward Zack.

Feeling the gaze of the teacher, I immediately brought out the golden box and handed it over to him.