
Ancient Blood, Mortal Heart

Remetri, a noble resident of the southern realm, possessed an illustrious lineage as the descendant of the esteemed progenitor Mauroring. Even in her youth, she displayed extraordinary potential by manifesting a formidable spiritual energy. The firmament would tremble whenever she shed tears in the night, and those in close proximity would be enveloped by an awe-inspiring aura reminiscent of divinity. Remarkably, despite her youthful nature, she possessed a resilience akin to the ancient era, with a skin as impenetrable and polished as that of an immortal being. One might find it inconceivable that someone with such a remarkable background and past achievements, including battling against the old Gods, would choose to embrace a mortal existence.

Dave_Saturnino · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Enigma of Mt. Magayon and a Journey's Commencement

While Remetri was diligently packing her belongings and making preparations for her upcoming journey the following day, an unexpected sense of foreboding suddenly gripped her. This sensation was perplexing, since she had already lost her spiritual acuity . Even the seasoned cultivators residing in her village could not escape the unease that settled upon them, akin to the impending weight of the sky itself. Abruptly, the sky transformed into a blinding white hue, only to be accompanied by a deafening explosion that reverberated like a resounding "Boom!" The very ground beneath them trembled, as if echoing the cataclysmic demise of the world.

Amidst this chaos, the village chief, lord Guio Rene stood resolute, facing the source of this turmoil which had erupted from the distant Mt. Magayon. The mountain, concealed by a shroud of mist and darkness, bore an enigmatic air, and lord Guio found himself wrestling with its origin. Was this dormant mountain concealing an active volcano, poised to erupt?

Remetri also ventured outside to witness the spectacle. As her gaze settled upon Mt. Magayon, an overwhelming heaviness engulfed her, mingled with a sense of trepidation. In a dissonant symphony, the piercing shrieks of thunder shattered the auditory landscape, only to be succeeded by an eerie silence that seemed to erase the very occurrence from existence.

Pondering whether someone had perished during an ascension, Remetri's mind raced with questions. However, as she found herself unscathed by the incident, she promptly dismissed these concerns and returned to her modest abode to resume her preparations.

Across the five realms, the disturbance in the atmosphere did not go unnoticed by the cultivators, who were attuned to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies. The reverberating explosion had its origin traced to the southern realm, the domain of mortals. Swiftly, emissaries were dispatched, carrying the concerns of the realm's great sentinels. Utilizing teleportation portals, emissaries emerged –seasoned cultivators of the Golden Core Level cultivation from different realms. However, as they materialized in the serene village of Noviera, a perplexing serenity greeted them. Their thorough examination encompassed the enigmatic Mt. Magayon, yet their endeavors bore no fruit in uncovering any hint of disturbance.

Speculations abounded—could a cultivator of godlike stature have ventured into this realm? Should a more thorough investigation be pursued? Fellow cultivators from disparate realms converged in search of answers. Nevertheless, despite their combined efforts, the elusive reasons behind the disconcerting phenomena remained elusive, shrouded in a veil of mystery that defied comprehension.

The sunrise cast a warm and cozy embrace over the quaint village of Noviera, heralding a new day and a fresh chapter in Remetri's life. After meticulously arranging her belongings, she embarked on a stroll through the central market, procuring the items essential for her impending journey. Among her acquisitions was a white horse-drawn carriage, a symbol of transportation and adventure. Fond farewells were exchanged with fellow villagers before she directed her steps towards the school, where her students awaited their lesson.

Following the class, Remetri shared a surprising revelation with her students: her decision to relocate back to the bustling capital city, Rohozhili. She explained that her family needed her presence and to take over their epxanding business, and though her pupils were saddened by her departure, they understood. Heartfelt farewells marked this juncture before she proceeded to the village headquarters to formally notify the village lord of her impending journey.

Lord Guio Rene expressed both reluctance and understanding, recognizing the importance of family matters. He expressed gratitude for Remetri's ongoing dedication to their village and its school, acknowledging her as a valuable teacher. Additionally, he extended his assistance, offering guards to accompany her on her journey.

Despite Remetri's initial refusal, Lord Guio's insistence prompted her to find middle ground. She requested that the guards accompany her only until the next village. With a nod of agreement, Lord Guio escorted her from the village headquarters to its main entrance. As Remetri glanced toward the white horse and the quartet of guards awaiting her, a surge of anticipation coursed through her. In addition to this, Lord Guio offered his assurance that he would dispatch a message to his cousin, Lady Lucresia, who held the esteemed position of village chief in Taytung, an astonishing 2,000 kilometers distant from Noviera.

Boarding the carriage, Remetri settled in and took a moment to appreciate the comfort and the sense of purpose that enveloped her. Casting one last look at the village that had been her home, she turned her gaze towards the path ahead. With a soft smile, she found solace in her readiness for the journey, whispering her determination to the wind. With a gentle command to the driver, the carriage set into motion, symbolizing her step forward into the unknown with a heart full of hope.