
An Unexpected Mother

She is Epsha. Epsha An the second miss of An family. She is the loving sister of her nine brother's. Six elder brother's and one young brother her biological brothers. Expect them she has two step brother and a sister also. Her step brother from her father decreased wife and one child from one of his past flings. She is the owner of the ES Group of Industries. One of the rising company among other companies. The company which is where it was made by herself from the scratch . She is a strong willed and independent woman. Who knows what she wants. On a faithful day, She wakes up in a unfamiliar room. After looking it carefully she gets to know it one of the presidential suite of a hotel under her company. How she come her. when Epsha tried to sit she felt pain in her waist and stand up she fell pain all over the body and mostly at her lady part. After that she got up dressed herself and go away from there. After two months she got to know that she is pregnant. But she doesn't know who is the father of her child. She tried to find but couldn't find. Five years later, ' Lady are you looking for something or someone.' ' Yes. ' " What it is and how can we help you? " ' This...... ' From behind her come a deep voice come, " Women are you looking for them ? " " Yes. Oh! God my loving babies where did you guys go by leaving me? " The book written by me and not a Translation so the rights what to do with it is mine. So do not paralyze this . It's a polite request and reminder. Or I would have to take drastic measures and action against you for paralizing .

SurmitaSahaSrabuni · Ciudad
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69 Chs


" And that's final . Sahana , you have to take care of your self as taking care of your self is also equals to taking care the baby . As this baby is going to be the Saoli Tang's first great grandchild and I really happy about it . " say Saoli Tang .

Sailan Tang looked at his father and said , " Father do you know who is the father of this child and why I don't agree with this ? "

Saoli Tang replied , " No , I don't know . Now tell me about it clearly right away . "

" Father , the father of this child is from that An family boy Esakal An . He is the bastard that make my daughter pregnant . And it is not only that and that An family doesn't put me Sailan Tang in their eyes . Does they don't know that I am Sailan Tang the great Saoli Tang's son or they doesn't respect the Tang clan at all " told Sailan Tang .

Su Lan looked towards her son and says , " Stop that babbling mouth of your and we have the final say and right to make decisions and we well do it after hearing it from Sahana . So , just stop and sit where you are as a well behaved boy . "

" Sahana , baby tell us what's the matter and what your father is telling is it true ? " asked Saoli Tang with a small smile in his face .

" Grandfather , what father said is half truth half false . It is true that Esakal An is the father of the baby but the matter of not putting father in him Sailan Tang in their eyes is not true . As they are not aware about my family background or I am Sailan Tang's daughter . " replied Sahana Tang .

" Baby Sahana , tell us about your life after you leave the house to do your study ? " asked Su Lan .

Saoli Tang looked at his wife and then looks at his granddaughter and said , " Tell us about your study life later now tell us what is it with not knowing that you Sailan Tang's daughter and my grandchildren . "

" Grandfather , let them knowing that you are my grandfather . Even I got to know that you are my grandfather today or father never tell us about your guys . And as for why they didn't know that I am father's daughter it is a long story " said Sahana Tang with a sigh .

" Make the story small and tell us " said Su Lan Sahana's grandmother .

" From where to start even I don't remember but from when I remember I will tell from there . It was when I had just completed my school studies and I wanted to go to the college Aintree that is a college under J University as it is best out of the other colleges under J university and getting admission in it hard and it will make easy for me to enter the J university if I have good results in LLB . But father wanted me select medical or BBA or business management subjects to choose but I didn't want to so as I don't have passion for those subjects and we had a fight over this topic and after that I run away from the house . With my cards and money that I got from my maternal family . As No money or cards from father should not be used as in the quarrel he said if I don't listen to him then I should not use or stay in his house . So , I run away from the house and got admission in Aintree college . " say Sahana Tang .

" As Far as I can see this is not the all we wanted to hear their is a lot more important things are left to tell " said Su Lan .

Sahana Tang looked at her grandmother and didn't say anything but looked towards the window at the side that shows the scenery of the garden .

She was looking at the sky as she was seeing thought the clouds and looking at more distant scenery .

As if she is remesissing in the memories of her past which has become a distant memory .

Her eyes are saying that she is trying hard to control her emotions and fighting with her own self .