
An Under rated Skill [Taming]

Today I Awoke To a simple Fact, That is Yesterday I died. Don't worry about it though because I get to live again. I didn't meet Any gods or Special beings that gave me any cheats, Nor did They give me a manual. I just know I have all my memories of my last life. My name Was... you know what it doesn't matter now because my name I have opened my eyes and adjusted to my new ears to! It's Rin Silver, Second child of the Silver family. My Father Roland Silver, is a knight Whom was injured in the line of duty. My Mother Gina Silver, is a Mage Blade General of the royal family. My brother Is Three and I am Currently 12 Minutes old While my sister was born After me By that short time. Everything Flooded into my mind making it hurt as the Knowledge of an entire life Drowned my Small mind. It rocked me to my soul Causing me to cry, Soon after me was my sister Whom was now Set next to me. I counted the Minutes going by As I took in the future I now had! It's not like I left much behind all those I cared for are well off now, and I died in an extremely embarrassing way. So I have no reason to return That's not My problem, the issue is I don't want to grow up! I do want to live forever since dying once is more than enough... I could have been summoned Or something like in the Light novels! Instead I was reborn cursed to roam as a baby Until Further notice! At least I know there is magic, technology, Aliens, And so much more! I mean if this hospital I am in is Any indicator, Then this is just the beginning of a simple Life in a new world!

RogueSilver · Ciencia ficción
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7 Chs

The Great Lazy years!

Now stop it I know you didn't read the Synopsis but saw that title and thought oh taming!

Well It's a complete story of my life.

Hi there Rin Silver, Second son of the Silver family and Also my mothers Weakest child...

Weaker than my younger sister and definitely worse for ware compared to my eldest brother who is Three years older.

Ironically we all have the same birthday... As in our parents made a miracle.

That was having children on one Day and be Seperate years apart.

Our oldest brothers birthday was on our birthday!?.

Obviously that took three years to succeed in since he is three and look at me now, I am a three year old myself!

Some would say That Life as a kid is easy but it is not.

I mean to act like a kid is a lot harder than it looks, I mean to actually fail on purpose is maddening.

Children in my new world it seems are in tune with mana, So well that they can produce it.

Me on the other hand Cannot, I can use it but cannot make mana thus.

I am weaker then other children who literally breeth mana in, As to where I who have to constantly eat or Gather natural mana.

Thus normal kids are enhanced through mana strengthening...

Me, Well it seems I can use mana normally to play with toys but I have to wait Days for it to replenish making me Very tired and sick sometimes as it takes too long.

My parents have Always Thought I was going to die from Simple mana Exhaustion And to be honest...

Even I thought that I would.

Fast forward and now I am six. It has taken me three more years to realize just how weak I am, Compared to my sister whom was allowed to train in weaponry.

I am forced to read and do muscle training, Being allowed nowhere near a sword.

I have learned of a fair amount about the distant past in this world, One that makes this world look more than meets the eyes.

One day my brother brought home a bit of his homework that he got from Serious education, This made me Shiver!.

The educational process is Not done By Books but there is still paper knowledge everything is mainly done on technology with explanations of Magic or Beast races, to Mechanical Construct, Daft, steam Contraptions, Magical Mechanics and much more that is beyond my imagination!

The wars Fought were captivating, As it told of male and female warriors.

Although my explanation probably doesn't help in any way...

The Foundation of all this Worlds kingdom and government that We live in is matriarchal society as An Empress rules this Queendom with equality of life rulings.

Although Men and women have status and equal Rights.

The men are expected to act according only when it come to status, Or Military status.

Otherwise a job Is done by anyone male or female, there is nothing but equality as food is given freely to anyone in need jobs are easy to find.

The life style chosen in equality can be anything you want as Skill is but a simple peace of knowledge.

In a world of Perils brought about by demons, Monsters, Beasts, and Aberrations of dark machinations.

Even Adventure is on the list of jobs as guilds far and wide Fight alongside government agencies as protectors of this World.

Pentercast Prime, This is the First of Six Inhabited planets.

I live in the Queendom of Tempest, on the Storm continent one of the Fourteen Continents.

The great thing is we have connections to almost all six planets and space travel to cover that, Along with many other amazing products!

Now before I go to far into Explaining things Beyond me, I mean it's not like I'll be jumping on a space ship anytime soon since fifteen is the time a child is considered an adult.

But let me explain How I ended up here.

To begin with I was a man Of thirty-five, I lived a lonely life I had two siblings.

When I left them it wasn't broke, so I have no fears about them getting by.

Bit sad But I died alone and Pretty quickly, I got up like any other day And was on my way to work.

I decided to stop in for a coffee at a new shop that opened up around the corner from my job.

I was a Business owner and My job was simple since I made it with my own hands, I was logistic leader whom Sold, Stored, Shipped, and bought like Coastco!

I sat down after I got my coffe and My gut gurgled only after a few sips too.

That's It a nice warm Drink and Boom I saw in front of me a woman Fall.

The next thing I know, I am Looking at my body from above...

As my body released its Contents, I could only watch in horror as My pants Looked heavy.

That's when I saw flashes of Light then it became dark, After that I heard a heartbeat.

My Sisters to be exact, After that it was Black for a long time Then I started hearing voices.

That was my birth?!

Now it's been years, Seven to be exact And I have currently been working hard.

Although let me be honest, I have two deficiency one is my mana must be gathered constantly!

Then there is number two, In my past life I had many hobbies Fighting was never one of them.

Although in this world I would have no choice since, My father who is a fallen knight.

He Wants us to follow in his footsteps, Fallen or not He is still a knight and He expects us to be No less then him.

Our mother is the same Since she expects us to exceed her in every aspect.

My brother will do so easily, He is top of his Class Which school is only needed Until age Nine, After that it's Military school.

Military School is where a person gets their First Status.

To Explain this easily Humanity on this planet has learned how to check ones status, It's not so much Numbers.

My brother Preformed His status read last year and His Magic was The same as The silver Family legacy.

His magic was True silver Creation, As was my families Natural magic.

Although they can use magic for anything their Silver magic is well earned And true to the name!

My mom can make Weapons of silver And control them Fully at will Consistency Included.

My father who married into the Silver family Had Simple creationism magic.

Which led to my brother getting a small mixture of both their magic.

His magic can make anything but when it comes to silver Creationism he can make Three silver Almost replica of human figures golems.

He can make weapons and A Lot of other things his control isn't as perfect as moms but he is the top of his class.

After Age three children Go to a formal education, Using technology with magical properties.

Vr tech is viable and well used here.

Thus School uses VR Learning to teach children faster, At Six they go to Mage classes for magic and mechanical Science.

At nine it's Military status and Classes.

From nine until Twelve a child's Core RANK is set to cadet for their Status Of Society.

At twelve Their rank is Given From Full promotion, Or even demotion It's goes Eighth Cadet To first cadet, pawn, knight, Rook, Bishop, King and Queen.

Those whom receive Bishop are far and few apart.

One in every thousand students Reach Rook, and Knight is given to Every classes top Nine students.

There is two RANKS that each Student Thrives to never get that is The Pawn rank and the Queen rank.

Pawn rank are unclassified students that can't be placed in a ranks useful in the field so are left in the support division.

Queen rank, is the Rank that is Classified unconventional affinities in the battle field.

They have More value in teams seperate from the front lines.

They are useful but are not ranked softly as their power is unknown but shows practical experience.

Although each is a specialized skill that show up rarely Most Queen rank students are looked down upon like Pawns since the difference isn't always shown.

There will always be Disuasion in society, and since Affinity is common while sexual harassment was not needed this was the Harassment!

The king rank is Given To the Number one student whom stands number one in Military rank.

This is actually a great deal as each king of each Military school Gathers and Creates a squad meant for royal use alone and are then given a direct Royalty status of baron.

Only Rook ranks and up are eligible for Royalty or promotional materials.

Knights and down are forced to walk the ranks from Ranks One through Eight Then they must Conquer Major Ranks.

Rook And bishops Ranks Are just as hard when those who ranked up are frowned at and are never able to live it down.

Any way the rest of the Three years from twelve to fifteen us the three years mandatory service for the military.

After three years you can choose to Live on planet or off planet or stay in the military for better rank and status.

Or you can Quit the service and forfiet your status completely and live freely void of government.

The reasoning behind that is dumb?

Why are you going to waste all of that free resources you wasted on yourself?!

My goal is to be a Rook and nothing more, There is Three major things and one major reason.

The Three things are money, Materials, And Space!

The one major reason I need the Rook rank!

I receive a free ship capable of In system flight. It can be Any configuration I want And then Once it's in my name.

I am retiring with my own space ship hell yeah!