
An Unbreakable Sword

umme_roman · Ciudad
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5 Chs


It's a cold dark night of winter.There is no noise not any sound ,pin drop silence .There is no one around only her best friend ,she is walking with her best friend.She is not afraid of any darkness ,in this dark night she is out there walking and trapped in her thoughts .What she has been doing ?Did she do good ?Were the people around her happy ?.Before this she has been living without caring about these things .She is in a dilemma.

She is with her best friend,she has many other friends also but this is her best friend who is always there to help her ,you all know her but only some have strong bond with her and those who are friends with her enjoy her company while others get depressed in her company ,her name is "loneliness"but still only some love her name . Her own name is "Zoha".She was born 45 years ago in an elite class family .She was named beautiful and raised very well.Her life was always easy untill her mother died when she was just 5 years old .

She was an eldest child she was loved so much by everyone ,she had one younger brother who was just 2 years old when their mother passed away .There were many maids to take care of them but still they could not give them love of a mother .As long as their mother was alive everything was normal her sudden death in an accident broke their happy family .There was no one at dinner table anymore they were not able to see their father ,he rarely came back home .Zoha being an elder sister had to take care of her brother who has a beautiful name "Rohan" She went to school and came back to play with her brother .No relative came to check on them even their father had no time for them .She was very young but still she thought why everything changed ?Why their father don't come to see them ?

A year passed things were as they were but she was grown much she was not a normal child of 6 years who loves to play and make a mess she was quiet and calm she just studied or took care of her brother.And one day everything changed when her father came back home with a woman and a girl who was nearly her age and introduced them as their family .He married that woman .Zoha was just a child she didn't know about step mom or about their behaviour .Children are always pure hearted you can mold their heart in the way you want and as Zoha's mother taught her she was always welcoming to everyone she was never taught to hate anyone so she didn't do anything.A new phase of her life started .

She was not tortured by her stepmom or anything like that ,her stepmom and her step sister didn't like her much .What hurt her the most was her father's behaviour ,when she was at home he never came back or loved her or her brother but now he came back everyday and loved her step sister named " Alina " very much .

He plays with her but Zoha could not do anything,she had only her brother and granny she was her mother's maid after her death she took care of Zoha and Rohan .She was growing on her own .She only talked to her mother at night while looking at her photo nothing else .Her daily routine was to wake up get ready and go to school ,study hard and come back to take care of her brother .There was no one to even ask her how was she ,her father rarely talked to her and now she never got disappointed coz she got to know that their father was not interested in their matters .

Now he had another son and one more daughter to play with he had no time for Zoha and Rohan .Zoha was trying to study hard coz she was growing and expecting that one day definitely her father is going to disown her and her brother so in order to survive and make a good living for herself and her brother she had to study hard.

Days passed ,years passed and now Zoha was about 19 and her brother was 16 .She has been doing well in her academics and at home she had a very strong bond with her brother .He was like her own child ,she raised him for about 14 years .Their environment left a strong effect on Rohan's personality he was not brave or confident .He often got mocked by his step brother but there was never any fight Zoha left everything on nature .She knew fighting could not solve the problem .She thought one day everything will definitely get to end .She was waiting for a day when she will be able to move out of their father's house to a place where no one will laught at them .

Everything was going on track untill one day their only relative ,the only person which used to take care of them died ,Granny was always there to help them .When they got sick she stayed with them whole night .Blood has nothing to do with love ,people think only blood relations are important but heart is more important than blood when hearts are connected blood doesn't matter granny was their only relation and now they were left all alone.

Zoha didn't give up .One look on her brother raised her courage.She wept much while hugging her brother but after some days she came back to her life .Death is reality we can't die with dead we have to live on for the people around us this is an undeniable fact of nature .She had plans for her future for that she need to work hard .Without knowing the evil plans of her step mother she kept on doing her best .