
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Old Faces

Hello! At the time of writing this, it's the 31st of December so that means I will soon be celebrating New Years. Sorry to announce that although I released this chapter after 3 days, the next one will come about a week from now, so expect it on the 7th of January.

Thank you for all the support! I appreciate even comments made for experience.

Enjoy this chapter!


(In front of the Hokage office)


Izuna was leaning on a wall in front of the Hokage office. He came early and waited for his teammates and jonin-sensei to arrive.

After ten minutes of just standing there, his sensei arrived first.

"Hey, Izuna!"


Izuna simply looked towards him, not even bothering to bow his head. He then showed a face of disgust and looked the other way.

'What is wrong with him?' he thought, as he realised Izuna was not acting normal.

Soon after, Himuka and Toru both arrived. They also attempted to greet Izuna but got the same reaction.

They then entered the Hokage mansion in order to get their first mission since the Nine Tails attack.

"Good day, Hiruzen-sama!"

"Ah! Yuki!" the Third answered. "You must have come here for a mission, right?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Well, then I have a C-rank mission I can give you. There are lots of C and B-rank missions right now. Your task is to guard a trader from bandits as he travels to the Land of Grass."

"Alright! Let's go!"

"Oh, and Yuki, can you come here for a second?"

"Yes, Lord Third. You guys wait outside." he said as the three genin left the room.

"What is it?"

"You need to know something about Izuna." Hiruzen said with a serious expression on his face. "His parents passed away during the incident."

Yuki saddened as he heard this. He immediately understood why Izuna was acting weird.

"Because of this, he must be pretty down at the moment, so try not to let the others rely on him for a while, he might not be in top form." Hiruzen continued.

"Alright, Hokage-sama. I will be careful with him..."

Yuki then went outside to his genin.

'Wait, but doesn't this mean that his eyes have evolved? Since he is an uchiha...'

"Yuki-san, let's go!" Izuna said, eyeing his sensei.

"Yes! Everyone, let's go!"


(Somewhere in Konoha)


"Welcome, everyone, I'm glad you are all here fine." said Fugaku Uchiha.

"As we all know, the recent attack on the village caused great damage, with most of our homes destroyed and many people lost...

We will now discuss the proposed relocation of the Uchiha Compound. The higher ups wish that our home is moved to the outskirts of the village because of the destruction caused by the Nine Tails."

"Fugaku-sama! Wouldn't it be better for us to be closer to the center of the village? Our clan is responsible for the Police Force, so being in the center would mean getting anywhere in the village faster!"

"Yes! Yes!" the clansmen yelled.

"Of course that would be logical, but we were promised a Police base closer to the center as well. That would mean we would have our home on the outskirts and our Police Force in the center."

"But wouldn't that mean we have to go the whole length twice just to go to work and back? Why not have the compound there as well?"

"Yes! True!" they yelled.

"Hmm, I suppose you are right. Let us continue this discussion some other time. We should now talk about something more important. Of course, among the casualties there were Uchiha clansmen as well. I am sad to announce this but I will be now reading out the casualty list.

(...) and finally, Taichi and Mizune Uchiha."

"Fugaku-sama! Did Taichi-san not have a child?"

"He did... Izuna Uchiha. What about him?"

"I propose that he is invited to our meetings in Taichi's place!"

"What? But he is only about eight years old."

"He might be, but Taichi-san was a respected jonin and one of our best shinobi. I'm sure he'd be proud to have his son invited here."

"Alright then, but we will have to vote. Everyone, if you are fine with having Izuna, Taichi's son invited to clan meetings, please raise your hands."

About a half of the room raised their hands. Taichi was respected by members of the Uchiha clan. He wasn't just a strong shinobi and a jonin, but he was also a friendly person who helped others.

"Alright then, I will allow it." Fugaku said, signaling everyone to lower their hands.


(At the Konoha gate.)


"I have to say, Yuki-san, I am really glad that you came to escort me. I feel really safe under your protection."

"Rest assured, Takuma-san. We are well trained and have experience dealing with bandits. The worst that could happen is you arriving late!"

"Ha! Thanks again, Yuki-san. By the way, is that pupil of yours a member of the famous Uchiha clan? I heard that they are some of the most skilled in the world."

"Yes, he is, but he is going through something at the moment so he may seem rash at times. Please excuse him."

"Oh, I see."

They ended their conversation and left for the Land of Grass.


(Thirty minutes later.)


"Let's take a break here. We need to make sure there are no bandits following us and also need to rest." Yuki said.

"Takuma-san, please sit down, we will be looking out for bandits!" Himuka said.

As he looked around Izuna thought:

'The trees all look normal. There don't seem to be any signs of steps in the area, no traps, no ambush, nothing. Why would Yuki-sensei stop us here? There must be something... something I am missing... something that I didn't see...'

'Wait... something I didn't see?'

Izuna then activated his Sharingan and looked towards the back of the group, where he spotted a man hiding his chakra, disguised in a rabbit.

He then deactivated his Sharingan and hurried to Yuki.

"Yuki-sensei, what are we going to do? That is a shinobi, isn't he? He is using ninjutsu."

'What? He noticed him?' Yuki thought.

"Yes, he might be a shinobi, but he doesn't look that strong. We could easily defeat him in a fight, but-

"But there might be more right?" Izuna said, taking a kunai out and throwing it straight at the rabbit.

"Take this!" he yelled at him as the man undid the transformation and dodged the kunai.

"Oh? So you managed to find me? Then, prepare to die!"

Izuna then closed his eyes and took out another kunai.

He opened his eyes again and stared right at the attacker.
