
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: The Elk Treant

The first few hours of Azrakar's journey were relatively quiet. Nothing overly formidable confronted him, only the usual Rot Eaters here and there with the occasional direwolves. Something that proves to him one more time that he indeed fell into a territory dominated by these savage beasts.

However, that all changed when he noticed that the landscape gradually shifted. The dense forest began to thin out, giving way to more open areas with scattered trees and rocky outcrops. The change in terrain signaled a potential shift in the types of creatures he might encounter, and his senses remained heightened, alert for any signs of danger. And he was right.

Within minutes of entering this new area, Azrakar spotted a peculiar creature, unlike anything he had seen before.

'Hmm?...what a strange beast,' he mumbled, observing from a lower position, an Elk-like creature, with a long neck and a single eye in the middle of its forehead. Its horns were massive and intertwined like tree branches, and upon closer inspection, Azrakar realized that the creature was indeed made of wood. Its skin had the texture of bark, and its limbs were thick and sturdy, resembling the trunks of young trees.

[That, Master Azrakar, appears to be some type of Treant.] Nexus' voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

'A Treant? What is that? I've never heard of such a creature.' Intrigued, Azrakar inquired further.

[Treants, Master Azrakar, are ancient guardians of the natural order.] Nexus explained in a more informative tone. [They are protectors of the forest and its inhabitants, often taking on the form of trees or other plant life. Their role is to maintain the balance and harmony of the natural world.]

Azrakar's eyes narrowed as he considered this new information. "So, this Treant is a guardian of the forest. But why is it here? And what does it guard?"

[It is likely that this Treant is the protector of this particular area, Master.] Nexus elaborated. [They are known to be territorial and will defend their domain against any perceived threats.]

Understanding the potential danger, Azrakar queried, 'Should I be worried about this Treant? Will it attack me?'

[It is wise to exercise caution, Master. Treants are powerful beings and will not hesitate to defend their territory. However, they are also known for their wisdom and may choose to communicate or even offer guidance if they sense no ill intent.] Nexus advised.

Although Azrakar was tempted to test the strength of this Guardian, he opted for caution, mainly because a theory formed in his mind. Given the Treant's wooden composition and role as a forest guardian, there was a good chance it was battling the forest itself. He couldn't explain how he knew this, but it was best to play it safe and continue his journey.

As he continued his journey, Azrakar kept a respectful distance from the Treant, careful not to intrude on its domain. The creature seemed to sense his presence, its solitary eye tracking his movements, but it made no aggressive moves.

The terrain shifted once more, and Azrakar found himself amidst a diverse array of wooden creatures. They took on the shapes of various animals, each with a single eye glowing with vibrant green energy. There were bird-like creatures with feathered wings, wolf-like beasts with sharp wooden claws, and even boar and bear-like creatures, all crafted from the very essence of the forest itself.

'What a strange place, filled only with wooden creatures,' Azrakar thought, observing them for a moment.

With caution, Azrakar chose to sneak around the wooden creatures, careful not to draw their attention. However, some of them seemed to sense his presence, their eyes fixed upon him, yet they made no move to attack. It was as if they were evaluating him, gauging his intentions.

As he navigated through the area, Azrakar felt a sense of awe and wonder. The ancient trees towered above him, their branches reaching toward the sky. The air was heavy with magic, and he could sense the weight of centuries of history and secrets within this enchanted forest.

"This place holds power," Azrakar whispered, his voice filled with reverence. "I need to be careful"

With each step, Azrakar felt a connection to the natural world around him. The wooden creatures, though silent, seemed to be guardians of a sacred realm, protecting the ancient trees and the secrets they held.

As he continued his journey, Azrakar's mind raced with questions. Who had created these wooden guardians? Were they sentient beings, or merely constructs of nature's magic? And what lay beyond this enchanted forest?

"I feel ... strange" The air whispered ancient tales, and Azrakar felt a sense of peace amidst the watchful eyes of the wooden creatures. He knew that his path would lead him to greater challenges, but for now, he found solace in the tranquility of this magical realm.

Soon, Azrakar reached the heart of the clearing, where the ancient trees stood like titans, their branches intertwining to form a natural canopy. The air crackled with otherworldly energy, and he sensed this was a place of immense power and significance.

Suddenly, without warning, a loud, rumbling sound echoed through the forest as the ground beneath Azrakar's feet trembled.

Thrown by the unexpected tremor, Azrakar instinctively adopted a fighting stance, his curved blade held firm. "What is happening?" he barked, eyes darting around, searching for any signs of danger.

Then, the earth mere paces away from him split open, and the very same Elk-like Treant he had encountered earlier emerged. Its massive form rose from the ground, its wooden limbs cracking and creaking as it stretched toward the sky.

'The Treant!' Azrakar exclaimed inwardly, his eyes widening in recognition. 'Is he looking for a fight?'

The Elk Treant remained silent, its imposing form casting a long shadow, his solitary eye fixed upon Azrakar, its gaze intense and unwavering. It stood tall, its branches swaying gently in the breeze as if assessing the Orc before it

Abruptly, a slender tree branch sprouted from the Treant's forehead, just above its solitary eye. The branch moved of its own accord, slowly extending toward Azrakar until it stopped, hovering just a foot away from his head.

[Master, I believe this Treant wishes to communicate with you] Nexus' voice resonated within Azrakar's mind.

Azrakar's eyes narrowed as he studied the Elk Treant before him, and strangely enough, he didn't sense any hostility coming from it.

"Alright," Lowering his blade and with a cautious movement, Azrakar reached out and gently touched the tip of the branch with his finger. As he did, his eyes glowed in an ethereal green, and a rush of images and sensations flooded his mind.

He saw a forest, vibrant and alive, filled with lush greenery and the sounds of nature. But slowly, the forest began to wither and die. The once vibrant plants and trees turned brown and brittle, their leaves falling to the ground in a sad, silent farewell. The very essence of life seemed to be draining from the land, and Azrakar felt a profound sense of loss and despair.

"What is this?" Azrakar whispered, his voice filled with concern. "Why is the forest dying?"

The visions continued, and even after everything died, the changes didn't stop. The very soil itself began to change, transforming into something dark and sinister. The land became a place of rot, decay, and death. The once beautiful forest was now a desolate wasteland, devoid of any sign of life.

As the vision began to shake, signaling its ending, Azrakar spotted something rising from the lifeless earth. It was a corpse, a fleshy undead creature of some kind. He couldn't make out its features clearly before the vision ended, leaving him with a sense of foreboding.

When the vision ended, Azrakar raised his head, his gaze fixed on the Elk Treant. "What do you want from me?" he asked, his voice filled with determination.

In response, the branch trembled, slowly twisting upon itself, transforming into a peculiar wooden disc with an arrow etched in its center.

Azrakar reached out, grasping the disc. The moment he did, the arrow glowed with a faint green light before slowly rotating and pointing to his left.

[Master Azrakar, I think that this Treant desires your assistance,] Nexus voiced.

'I think the same too'

"Do you want my help with what you showed me?" Azrakar asked the Elk, raising the disc high "And this shows me where to find the dead land?"

The Elk Treant lowered his head slightly as if saying yes, its solitary eye fixed upon Azrakar.

"I see," Azrakar said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. He didn't comprehend why the Treant sought his help, or why it couldn't address the problem on its own.

'What are your thoughts, Nexus?' Azrakar queried his powerful AI, 'Should I accept and assist this creature?'

[The decision rests with you, Master Azrakar, but I propose we lend aid to this Treant. If the vision you witnessed held truth, the corruption poses a grave threat if left unchecked. We must act swiftly,] Nexus advised.

Right before he finished, a system window materialized before Azrakar's eyes

[Fifth Quest: Complete The tutorial (05/10)

Objective: Aid the Elk Treant in confronting the corruption threatening the forest. Explore the dead place indicated by the wooden disc and uncover the source of the decay. Restore balance and harmony in the forest by eliminating corruption and restoring life to the land.

Failure: The corruption spreads, consuming the entire forest and transforming it into a desolate wasteland. The Treant and its guardians will perish.

Rewards: The blessing of the ancient forest]

'Ah! Nexus why do I have a new tutorial? I haven't even completed the previous one!' Azrakar was perplexed. Based on the knowledge he had acquired, tutorial quests should be sequential.

[Apologize Master Azrakar] Nexus explained. [Since we increased the difficulty by granting you 'The Shop' early, tutorial quests will now appear randomly and without limitation. It's possible to receive them all at once or one at a time.]

'I see,' Azrakar understood. 'Well, I don't have a choice now.'

He raised his eyes, gazing at the Elk Treant, saying, "I accept your request, and I'll help you deal with the corruption."


Sorry guys. we still have net and power problems. the releases will be delayed more