
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 17: Time To Move

"Ugh! I'm getting nowhere with this!" Azrakar growled, glaring at the system interface.

[Fourth Quest: Complete The tutorial (04/10)

Objective: Slay five different creatures from Lvl 50-80 (01/5)

No time limit

Rewards: A set of basic armor and weapons appropriate for your class. Experience points bonus.]

Azrakar sighed, frustration evident on his face. Despite his recent victories, he was still far from completing the fourth tutorial quest. He had only managed to eliminate one creature within the required level range, the Sabertooth, and that was a week ago.

All the creatures in the vicinity were below the level requirement, and irritation gnawed at him. The only creature Azrakar suspected to be level fifty or higher was the crocodile-faced fish. However, defeating it was a pain in the ass. Azrakar had no idea how he could force it out of the water. From his experiments, he found that his skeletons were not suited for deep-water combat. Not yet, at least.

When Azrakar examined his skill trees, the skill shop, and the options available to enhance his skills, he was overwhelmed.

There were TONS of options! Hundreds of skills for a seemingly endless array of classes. Despite the basic skills costing thousands of system points, some were worth the investment.

For example, the healing skills from the healer class or, in Azrakar's current opinion, one of the most crucial ones, 'Quick Cast' from the mage class. This skill would expedite the summoning of his minions.

Furthermore, what truly made Azrakar's mind go BOOM! beyond the vast amount of purchasable skills in the shop were the modifiers.

Each skill, regardless of rank, could be tailored in any way he desired. Options included lowering the cooldown, enabling double casting, transforming a channeled skill into an instant cast, and many more. The possibilities were limitless, and Azrakar's mind buzzed with the potential combinations.

For just one of his skills, 'Summon Skeletons,' he could modify it in various ways. He could equip his skeletons with armor and weapons, strengthen their attributes, grant them specific abilities like self-repair, and much more.

'As long as I have enough points, I can practically do anything I want,' Azrakar thought, a surge of excitement coursing through him as he explored the possibilities offered by the skill trees and the skill shop. Despite the daunting number of choices, he recognized the potential to enhance his abilities and conquer the challenges ahead.

He was tempted to purchase a few modifiers for his skills, as he had accumulated a decent amount of system points from his hunts, but he refrained, deciding to invest in some quality-of-life skills first.

The first one was.

[The Oblivion gate Lv1 (Necromancer): "Beyond the veil, they slumber."

The skill allows you to tear open a temporary rift in the fabric of reality, storing the undead you control in the desolate realm of Oblivion. While inside the realm, your undead will slowly regenerate any damage they have taken. You can use the skill to summon back your undead to fight for you.

MP Cost: 200/Cast. Maximum Undead: 30. No Cooldown]

Azrakar's eyes widened as he read the description of his newly discovered skill, 'The Oblivion Gate'. The ability to tear open a rift in reality and store his undead minions in a desolate realm was incredibly intriguing. The fact that they would slowly heal while inside and could be summoned back to fight at his command was a game-changer.

He immediately grasped the implications of this skill. It provided him with a strategic advantage, allowing him to preserve his minions and prolong their usefulness in battle. No longer would he have to worry about his skeletons crumbling to dust after a single engagement. With 'The Oblivion Gate', he could recall them, healed and ready for the next fight.

"More importantly, I don't have to lug them around with me anymore, making my travels significantly easier," Azrakar muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his face. He had contemplated leaving this area a few days ago, but he hesitated, mainly because a small army of skeletons would undoubtedly attract attention. But with this skill, that problem was eradicated.

Without hesitation, he promptly purchased the skill, adding it to his arsenal. Another skill caught his eye, a passive one that was simple yet powerful.

[Bloodthirst Lv1 (Berserker): Restores a portion of health with each successful attack or kill. (0.5% on attacks. 3% on each kill]

"This skill could be a lifesaver," Azrakar murmured, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

Bloodthirst, the quintessential skill of Berserkers, reflected their nature and relentless aggression in combat. This passive ability would allow Azrakar to persevere in battle as his health would be replenished with each successful hit or kill.

"Perfect for an Orc like me," Azrakar chuckled, a low rumble escaping his throat.

Hastily checking his remaining points, Azrakar found himself torn between two skills. He could acquire both, but that would deplete his points to a mere 230 SP. He knew from experience the crucial role health, mana, and stamina potions played, and limiting his ability to purchase them was not an option.

The two skills were compelling, with one being more useful than the other. 

The first skill was from the Leader skill tree, named "Battle Redeployment." This skill granted him the power to swap the positions of two party members on the battlefield, including himself and his minions.

The other skill, hailing from the Guardian class, was called "Regeneration." This passive ability would enable Azrakar to continuously regenerate a portion of his health, mana, and stamina over time.

"Hmm... decisions, decisions," Azrakar muttered, his gaze flitting between the two skills as he weighed their merits. 'Battle Redeployment' offered tactical flexibility, allowing him to reposition his minions or even himself during battle. It could prove invaluable for escaping perilous situations or setting up strategic maneuvers.

On the other hand, 'Regeneration' promised a steady restoration of health over time, boosting his survivability and reducing his dependence on healing potions.

It was evident that 'Regeneration' was the superior choice, but the price tag... oh boy, now Azrakar understood what Nexus meant by a 10-100x price increase.

Purchasing the skill would cost him a whopping '10,000 SP,' and it was just a basic passive skill. In contrast, 'Battle Redeployment' only cost '2,000 SP' since it belonged to his class skill tree.

Biting his lip, Azrakar checked his points again, seeing that he only had '12,230 SP.' He squeezed his eyes shut and, with a shaky hand, purchased 'Regeneration.'

"NO!... sob... my points," tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at his new balance. "Weeks of blood, sweat, and toil to gather those points..."

Taking a deep breath, Azrakar calmed himself down. He knew that he had made the right choice, even if it meant sacrificing a significant portion of his hard-earned system points. 'Regeneration' was a powerful passive skill that would enhance his survivability and reduce his reliance on healing items. It was an investment in his longevity and resilience.

"I can always earn more points," he declared, rising to his feet. He gazed at the interior of the hollow tree.

For weeks, this tree had served as his haven, a place of refuge and home. Feeling a pang of emotion, he placed his hand on the rough bark and bowed slightly.

"Thank you for everything, old friend. You have served me well," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. It was a simple gesture, but one filled with gratitude for the protection and comfort the tree had provided during his stay.

"But it's time for me to move on. I need to explore uncharted territories, face stronger opponents, and uncover the secrets that lie beyond these woods."

With a final glance at his humble abode, Azrakar exited the hollow tree, not before storing everything inside his inventory. Once outside, he swiftly summoned his minions.

Since discovering his ability to perceive his undead's condition, location, and surroundings from his hideout, he would strategically position them around the tree for protection whenever he retired for rest. After all, they could alert him of any approaching enemies.

Emerging from the shadows, a horde of skeletons clattered their bones as they assembled before him. Their vacant eye sockets seemed to stare at him expectantly, awaiting his commands.

"My loyal servants," Azrakar addressed them, his voice carrying a tone of authority. "We have lingered here long enough. It's time to venture forth and seek new conquests."

Being alone for an extended period had begun to subtly affect Azrakar's mind. Talking to himself was a habit he carried even when he was with his tribe, as no one wanted to be around him. But now, Azrakar found himself conversing with his minions. Though they offered no response, he somehow knew they understood him.

With a sweeping gesture, Azrakar activated 'The Oblivion Gate.' A rift tore open instantaneously, expanding rapidly to form a dark portal that seemed to devour the surrounding light.

"Enter, my minions," Azrakar commanded. "Rest and heal within the realm of Oblivion." 

The skeletons, their bones clattering with each step, marched towards the rift. As they crossed the threshold, their forms flickered and vanished, transported to the desolate realm beyond.

"Phew!" With each skeleton disappearing into the abyss, Azrakar felt a wave of relief wash over him. No longer burdened by the need to keep his undead companions by his side at all times, he could now move with greater agility, unhindered by their presence.

"Farewell, old friend!" With a final lingering look at the hollow tree, Azrakar set off, venturing deeper into the heart of the Misty Mountains. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but he embraced the unknown. With each step, he knew he was forging his own destiny.

"I hope you're ready for me, World."


Sorry guys for the messed up release a big reconstruction of the net and power line in my city so for the next week or so the release will me random.

Shadow_Library_creators' thoughts