
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Ninety-nine More To Kill

Exploring in the opposite direction of the Sabertooth's lair, Azrakar stumbled upon the most critical element in his hunting plan.

It was destiny, undeniable in his mind. A crater in the ground, considerably deeper and wider than the previous one – the one that imprisoned him for three months.

However, unlike that one, this hole was unnatural. Azrakar, with his newfound knowledge, could discern that this hole was formed by something large impacting the ground with tremendous force.

"This will be a good place to set up a trap," he declared from the edge, scanning the inside of the hole and noticing the flat, empty bottom.

'Now I just need to figure out how to get down,' he thought, rocking his head to come up with a solution.

His initial thought was to create ropes, but the question was with what material? He could attempt to find some veins and use them as ropes, but that would be exhausting and risky

The only solution that came to mind was replicating the method he used to climb out of the previous pit. Impaling sturdy spikes into the crater wall to create a makeshift ladder.

Searching the environment around him, Azrakar spotted long and thick branches lying on the ground. With a nod of satisfaction, he realized that these would serve as perfect spikes for his descent. Thankfully, his inventory allowed him to store many, eliminating the need to carry them manually to the crater. He also decided to fashion some ropes after discovering a very long, fibrous vine snaking its way up a nearby tree.

"Good, this might work," he muttered.

With his bone spear in hand, Azrakar set to work, carving the branches into sturdy spikes. Each strike of the spear sent vibrations through his arms, but he persevered, knowing that this was a crucial step in his plan.

After what felt like hours of labor, Azrakar finished crafting the spikes and the rope. With a sense of accomplishment, he secured the rope to a nearby tree and tied the other end around his waist.

He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the descent into the crater. The rope felt secure against his waist, and he trusted his own handiwork. With a final inspection of the rope and spikes, Azrakar began his climb down into the crater.

As he descended, he made sure to embed some spikes along the wall to create the makeshift ladder, testing each one for stability before moving on to the next. The rope groaned under his weight, but he held on tight, his gaze fixed on the bottom of the crater.

Finally, after about an hour, he reached the bottom, his feet thudding against the flat, empty space. He looked around, absorbing the eerie silence, the stillness of the air. It was as if the crater was waiting for him, waiting for him to set his trap.

"No time to waste, I need to set the trap quickly," Azrakar mumbled to himself, his urgency rising with each passing moment. He swiftly retrieved the remaining spikes and branches from his inventory, wasting no time in getting to work.

Taking a deep breath, Azrakar began to dig, creating a series of shallow pits in strategic locations around the perimeter of the crater.

Once the pits were dug, Azrakar retrieved the spikes he had prepared earlier and meticulously positioned them at the bottom of each pit, their sharp points gleaming in the dim light. He didn't forget to coat the tip of each spike with poison.

With the traps meticulously set, Azrakar stepped back to admire his handiwork. The anticipation of what might come fueled his senses, sharpening his focus.

'Phew...I'm exhausted, but I have to keep going,' he thought.

The ascent was swift thanks to the makeshift ladder. Stepping out of the crater, Azrakar retrieved from his inventory the longest branch he found. If he had seen this branch before falling here within the Misty Mountains and witnessing the colossal trees, he would surely have mistaken it for a tree trunk, not just a simple branch. This branch was the perfect fit to be used as a bridge to cross the pit.

With that out of the way, it was time for the finishing touches, covering the pit with the giant tree leaves.

"Finally!...I'm done," Azrakar exclaimed, a wave of relief and accomplishment washing over him. He had finally set the trap, and it was a masterpiece – in his eyes – The crater was now a deadly pit, waiting to ensnare some unfortunate monster.

Seeing that twilight was approaching, Azrakar hurried back to the hollow tree, along the way collecting a decent-sized rock to use to block the tree entrance. He didn't rest immediately; he spent a few hours crafting more wooden spikes and some spears to use as weapons.

'Hmm…If I can find some feathers, maybe I could craft a bow?' he contemplated but quickly dismissed the idea mainly because he lacked a sharp blade to craft the bow and, more importantly, the arrows.

With just the bone spears and the new stone axe, Azrakar wasn't confident in his ability to craft a bow and arrows. He'd never done it before, and he wasn't about to attempt it now, not with the time limit ticking away.

After consuming a small portion of the raw Bison meat, Azrakar succumbed to sleep. The temptation to roast some meat was strong, but with great difficulty, he decided against it. The fire and the aroma of roasted meat could attract monsters to his hideout.

At first light, Azrakar awoke and began preparing for the day ahead. As he emerged from the hollow tree, he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the crisp morning air. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the familiar sights of the forest.

With a nod to himself, Azrakar set off towards the crater, his senses on high alert. Thankfully, the trap remained undisturbed during the night. After a quick inspection to confirm everything was in order, he ventured around, searching for his first prey.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as Azrakar ventured forth, his senses keenly attuned to the subtle signs of life around him. Every rustle of leaves, every distant call of a bird, held the potential of danger or opportunity.

After about fifteen minutes of silent stalking, he spotted movement ahead.

"!!!" Azrakar froze, his senses on high alert as he carefully observed the source of the movement. Through the dense foliage, he glimpsed the outline of a creature—a large, shaggy silhouette moving stealthily through the underbrush.

Azrakar quickly recognized the creature. It was a direwolf, its gray fur bristling with primal energy as it prowled through the forest with predatory grace.

'T-This...' Azrakar was speechless for a moment, as he observed the direwolf from beneath the cover of the bush.

He was both thrilled and apprehensive. Thrilled because direwolves were the standard mounts for orcs, loyal, fierce, and powerful creatures. Capturing one would significantly enhance Azrakar's chances of survival in the Misty Mountains. Apprehensive because he knew taming a direwolf wouldn't be an easy feat.

Back at his old tribe, Azrakar recalled that they performed a ritual to tame direwolves, and they also preferred to attempt taming younger ones rather than full-grown wolves as they were more impressionable and easier to train.

In fact, Azrakar never heard of anyone successfully taming a fully grown direwolf, except for one: his father.

He faintly remembered his father's stories of how he had managed to subdue a giant black wolf by forcing it into submission after a full week of fighting, a feat that had earned him immense respect and admiration among their tribe. Even to this day, and even after that tribe was destroyed, Azrakar still held that respect for his deceased father.

'Hmm?...What's that?' Azrakar narrowed his eyes upon noticing something peculiar about this gray direwolf. The tip of its tail was unlike a normal one.

It resembled a curved, razor-sharp blade made of bone.

Azrakar's heart pounded as he observed the unusual feature at the tip of the direwolf's tail. The sight of the blade-like structure sent a shiver down his spine, but instead of filling him with fear, it filled him with excitement. A singular thought consumed Azrakar's mind at that moment

'I want that bone-tail for myself.'

Without hesitation, Azrakar summoned a wooden spear from his inventory, the tip coated in poison. He aimed the spear with precision and launched it towards the wolf's side.

The spear sliced through the air, guided by Azrakar's unwavering focus, as it sped towards its target with deadly accuracy. The direwolf, caught off guard by Azrakar's sudden attack, let out a startled snarl as the poisoned spear struck its side.

Unfortunately for Azrakar, the direwolf's thick fur acted as a natural barrier, partially deflecting the poisoned spear. While the spear penetrated the creature's fur, it didn't pierce deeply enough to deliver a lethal dose of poison.

"Grrrr!!!" With a ferocious snarl, the direwolf turned its attention towards Azrakar, its eyes blazing with fury and determination. Sensing the imminent danger, Azrakar swiftly reached for another spear from his inventory, his muscles tensing as he prepared to defend himself against the enraged beast.


The direwolf lunged forward, its powerful jaws snapping dangerously close to Azrakar's leg. With reflexes honed by desperation, Azrakar twisted away, narrowly avoiding the creature's gnashing teeth.

But the wolf was agile too, possessing lightning-fast reflexes of its own. It used the colossal tree in front of Azrakar to propel itself backward in a powerful leap, aiming to land directly on top of the orc.

Azrakar's eyes widened as he realized the direwolf's intentions. He knew he had to act fast to avoid being crushed by the wolf's massive body. With a swift motion and Instead of using the wooden spear, Azrakar instinctively summoned a long, thick wooden spike from his inventory, jabbing it upwards in a desperate attempt to intercept the airborne beast.

"AWOO!!" The wolf let out a piercing howl of pain as the poisonous spike pierced its underbelly, digging deep through fur and flesh. The direwolf landed with a thud, thrashing and twisting its body in a futile attempt to dislodge the spike.

Azrakar seized his opportunity. He scrambled to his feet, a spear clutched in his hand. Hesitation flickered across his face but quickly vanished as he steeled himself and charged towards the wounded beast. Fortunately, that split second of indecision had saved his life.

In a flash of movement, the direwolf's bone-tipped tail whipped through the air, slicing a mere inch from Azrakar's face. The orc stumbled back, his heart hammering in his chest as he realized how close he had come to death.


Gulping down a lump of fear, Azrakar understood the injured wolf was even more dangerous now, its primal rage amplified by pain.

'I can't get close to him too dangerous' he thought, his mind racing. Without another moment's hesitation, he turned and bolted, retreating deeper into the forest.


Spotting the orc fleeing, the wolf disregarded the throbbing pain in its underbelly, giving chase with renewed vigor.

'GOOD!...That's it, follow me' Azrakar exulted silently. His head pounded senses on high alert. He could hear the wolf's thunderous footsteps behind him, its labored breathing, and its snarls of rage. A single glance back could spell his doom. Instead, he focused on navigating the treacherous forest.

With each passing moment, the sound of the direwolf's pursuit grew closer, its hot breath on Azrakar's heels as it closed in for the kill. But the young orc refused to give in to panic. Instead, he kept his wits about him, his mind racing as he kept luring the wolf into his carefully laid trap.

Fortunately for the young orc, his trap was nearby. In a final burst of adrenaline, Azrakar reached the crater's edge, the wolf snapping at his heels. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Azrakar grabbed the pre-prepared rope and secured it around his arm, all while maintaining his sprint. Using the long tree branch as a makeshift bridge, he crossed the chasm.

He halted precisely in the middle of the narrow log bridge, only to witness the direwolf leaping toward him with murderous intent.

"Not today!" With the rope wrapped around his arm, Azrakar sidestepped, sending the wolf crashing onto the flimsy bridge and scattered leaves.

Instantly, gravity did her work.


The wolf plunged into the pit with a deafening crash, its body impaled on the venomous spikes Azrakar had meticulously placed the previous day.


The direwolf howled in agony as the spikes pierced his body all the way through. It didn't take long for life to slip away from his eyes.

[You have Killed: Gray Direwolf]


[Level UP]

"YES!" Azrakar roared in triumph, pumping his fist in victory as he hoisted himself back up from the chasm. A wide, toothy grin stretched across his green face. The adrenaline coursed through his veins as he savored the sweet taste of victory.

"That was GREAT! I could take on a hundred right now!" he declared aloud, gazing down at the lifeless wolf in the pit.

However, Nexus' next words shattered that joy, like a hammer against glass.

[Congratulations Master Azrakar, I'm glad you feel that way. You still have ninety-nine creatures to eliminate.]



yO!. sup? New chapter I hope you enjoy it.

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