
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 11: I'll Do It or Die Trying


Azrakar blinked, and rubbed his eyes again, scrutinizing the system window, rereading its contents for the third time.

A groan escaped his lips. Then another groan, and another.

Lacking the energy to bellow, he groaned for the fourth time and slumped against the hollow tree's interior wall.

"One hundred kills in a week, is that even possible?" he questioned aloud.

Azrakar never anticipated the mission's difficulty to escalate so dramatically. This level was beyond his capabilities. Even the most skilled and seasoned orcs back in the tribe couldn't claim to have slain a hundred creatures, let alone accomplish it within a week.

"Nexus, show me the quest rewards" he commanded, curious to discover the reward for such a high-difficulty quest.

[Right away]

[Third Quest: Complete tutorial (3/10)

- Objective: Slay a hundred creatures (0/100)

- Complete the tutorial's second quest 

- Time limit: one week

- Reward: Exotic Class ticket ] 

"Hmm?...Nexus, can you explain the reward for me?" Azrakar inquired, intrigued by the term 'Exotic'

[Master Azrakar. The Exotic Class Ticket is a rare and expensive shop item that should not have been available to you at a lower Hunter rank]

"Mm.." Azrakar acknowledged, perking up his ears, and absorbing Nexus' words.

[The item will grant you the option to select an Exotic Class, which is a fusion of Three separate classes all in one. For instance, you could be a warrior, a mage, and a healer simultaneously]

"Wow!" Azrakar's eyes widened in astonishment at the description of the Exotic Class Ticket. The possibilities it offers were beyond anything he had ever imagined. To possess the abilities of three distinct classes simultaneously was a dream come true for any hunter. He understood that well from the knowledge he gained from the system.

'I need to get this reward…NO! I must get it' he shifted his eyes back to the quest description, reading it again, but then a frown appeared on his green face. 'The time limit is a big problem'

"Eh...Nexus, if I fail to complete the quest on time what will happen?" he asked, a tremor of worry lacing his voice.

[There will be no penalty for failing a tutorial quest, Master Azrakar. However, the Exotic Class ticket will remain unavailable until you progress to a higher Hunter rank and unlock the ability to purchase it. Additionally, the original reward, which was 'Class unlock,' will be unavailable until you finish the tutorial]

"I see…" Azrakar nodded slightly in comprehension and just as he was about to pose another question, Nexus spoke.

[Master Azrakar; I advise you to exert every effort to complete this quest. The Exotic Class Ticket is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and acquiring it early will grant you a significant boost in strength, making future quests more manageable.]

A spark ignited in Azrakar's eyes. The Exotic Class ticket was more than just a reward; it was a chance to excel, a path to becoming a legend. Even though failure wouldn't result in punishment, the thought of missing out on this opportunity sent a jolt of determination through him.

"Very well, Nexus," he declared, his voice firm with newfound resolve. "I'll slay a hundred beasts or die trying"

[That's the spirit, Master, I'll assist in any way I can]

A grin, as sharp as a predator's, stretched across Azrakar's face. "Let's get star—" Just as he attempted to rise, Azrakar stumbled back, his legs so weak that they could barely support him.

In that moment when the adrenaline subsided, all that pain, exhaustion, and fatigue came crashing down upon him like a tidal wave. His muscles screamed in protest, his vision blurred with exhaustion, and every inhalation felt like a struggle. Azrakar slumped back against the hollow tree's wall.

[Rest now Master, there's no need to rush, rest for the night, recuperate your strength, and tomorrow morning commence your hunt, please examine the shop later, many things inside will be of great use]

"Yes…I believe that…will be…beneficial" Azrakar couldn't take it anymore; his mind instantly surrendered, drifting into a deep sleep.

Hours passed unnoticed as he slumbered peacefully within the confines of the hollow tree. The world outside continued to move; even the howls and roars of the beasts couldn't rouse Azrakar from his slumber.

Only when the first light of dawn crept over the horizon did Azrakar's eyelids flutter open, the soft glow of morning slipping through a crack in the tree trunk. As he gradually emerged from the depths of sleep, a sense of clarity washed over him, dispelling the lingering haze of fatigue.


Cracking his knuckles and stretching his muscles, Azrakar surveyed the interior of the tree for the first time. Since there was light filtering in from above and through some small cracks in the trunk, he was able to discern the interior more clearly.

The tree was massive, ten full-grown orcs could fit inside comfortably. Azrakar took a moment to marvel at the sheer size of the tree, its ancient presence grounding him in a primal way. 

"This tree would be my home for now" The best part was that there was only one entrance to the tree, and Azrakar could easily block it with his shield or a rock.

Taking the time to collect his thoughts, he opened the Shop, recalling Nexus' advice. As the Shop materialized before him, Azrakar's eyes scanned the various categories of items available for purchase. Weapons, armor, potions, and other supplies beckoned to him.

Unfortunately, all of them were inaccessible except for the potion section. When Azrakar attempted to open the weapons section, a window materialized before his eyes, informing him that access was denied due to his lower hunter rank.

"Ugh…" Azrakar growled in frustration. "A decent weapon or armor would have been a great help in my quest," he muttered to himself, disappointment tainting his voice.

Undeterred, Azrakar turned his attention to the potions section, determined to make the most of the limited resources available to him. As he browsed through the assortment of vials and flasks, each containing a different elixir promising various benefits, he carefully considered his options.

There were healing, mana, and stamina potions, available in two different sizes, small and medium. The smallest ones cost 5SP while the medium ones cost 10SP. Beside them was the antidote Azrakar used before, priced at 50SP.

Suddenly, as he perused the limited selection of potions, two in particular caught his eye. A poisoning potion and a sleeping potion. Smaller ones, each priced at 10SP.

"Wait, that could work!" Instantly an idea lit up in his mind, an idea if he could pull it off, he could slay a few dozen creatures with minimal effort. With unwavering determination gleaming in his eyes, Azrakar formulated a strategy.

Quickly checking his SP balance—950 SP—he purchased ten small vials of healing, stamina, and mana along with five poison and sleeping ones, bringing him to 700 SP.

"Ah! Nexus, how do I earn system points?"

Nexus responded promptly, [Master Azrakar, system points (SP) can be earned through various means within the system. Completing quests, defeating enemies, discovering new locations, and achieving milestones are some common ways to earn SP. Additionally, you can sell any items you don't need to me for a quick and small amount of points.]

"Items? Like what?"

[Any object imbued with mana. System points (SP) are merely a numerical representation of the mana I necessitate to fabricate anything for you.]


[Master Azrakar, any item you see in the shop doesn't really exist physically or in another dimension. Employing my creator's skill, "Equivalent Exchange," I utilize that mana or SP and convert it into the desired item for you. So, technically, you can sell any item that contains mana within the system for SP.]

"That's excellent!" Azrakar nodded in understanding, absorbing the explanation. The concept of the system points and the way Nexus created items using mana fascinated him. "Your abilities are truly remarkable; glad to have you on my side, Nexus," Azrakar praised.

[Thank you, Master Azrakar, I appreciate it]

"Alright then…" he rose, stretching his body once more. "Time to get to work"

A wide, bloodthirsty grin stretched across his green face. "Let the hunt begin."

With a bone spear clutched in his hand, Azrakar cautiously emerged from the hollow tree. He held his breath, eyes darting left and right, searching for any sign of danger. He was prepared to scurry back inside and barricade the entrance with the bison skull at the first hint of threat.

Despite being an Orc, a being that thrives on brutal combat, Azrakar possessed enough intelligence to comprehend the distinction between bravery and recklessness.


He released a silent sigh internally when nothing materialized, no monster lunging out of the bushes to attack him. The first action he took was to memorize the area surrounding him. Since he had chosen the hollowed-out tree as his temporary base, knowing his way back was crucial, especially since most of these giant trees resembled each other.

"All good," Azrakar whispered to himself.

With quiet, cautious steps, Azrakar made his way towards the location where he had encountered the Rot Eater. He planned to utilize its carcass to set a trap, but unfortunately, the corpse was absent.

"Something must have scavenged it," he remarked, noticing a clearly visible drag mark leading deeper into the forest. Without hesitation, Azrakar followed the trail, his senses alert for any indication of danger.

Azrakar didn't intend to hunt this creature; his objective was simply to observe and comprehend the food chain in this environment. Based on his observations, he would then select the most effective bait to lure a larger number of creatures for him to slay.

As he ventured deeper into the wilderness, the sounds of the forest enveloped him—the chirping of insects, the rustling of leaves, the distant calls of unseen creatures. He spotted small trees bearing unknown fruits and bushes laden with colorful berries, yet despite his hunger, he didn't dare to consume them.

Putting something unknown in your mouth is a fatal thing to do.

Finally, the trail opened up into a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. Azrakar crouched low, surveying the surroundings with keen eyes. In the center of the clearing, a cluster of large rocks formed a natural shelter, their rough surfaces covered in moss and lichen.

"Hmm?" There, nestled between the rocks on the ground, lay the remains of the Rot Eater, however, half of it was missing. And from the blood and flesh scattered around it, it was evident that multiple creatures had devoured it.

"!!!" Just as Azrakar was about to approach the half-eaten corpse cautiously, a four-legged creature landed right beside it.

'What in the world is that?' Even though Azrakar saw the creature land, the impact made no sound. It was as if Azrakar was witnessing an illusion or a reflection of a creature.

Startled, Azrakar froze in his tracks, his eyes narrowing as he watched the mysterious creature with caution. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before—slender and agile, with sleek yellow and black fur and sharp, gleaming claws.

'It resembles the sabertooth tigers the orcs in the north ride, but much larger.'

The Sabertooth scanned his surroundings first, his glowing yellow eyes lingering for a moment where Azrakar was hiding.

Azrakar didn't dare budge or even breathe or blink. A few seconds later, the creature turned, approaching the half-eaten corpse.


Azrakar released a silent sigh internally, not daring to do it audibly. He knew that this creature was sensitive to sound.

Slowly, Azrakar began crawling backward, retreating. For the first time, he was grateful for his orcish heritage; his green skin provided him with decent camouflage in the forest.

'For now, I am the weaker one,' he thought before retreating completely. Azrakar stole another glance at the Sabertooth, his eyes glowing with determination. 'Enjoy your meal while you can, for when I become stronger, you'll be my prey.'

yO!. sup? New chapter I hope you enjoy it.

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