



/"Why don't you consider shutting up and mind your own business. It's just a wise suggestion though./" Ah, there is chilliest – bit not smart enough -retort I missed a lot.

/"Come on. You used to love my mouth open. Why, it's just a memory though./" Now, woman, that's what you call a smart reply. Learn from me, hotty.

Arsenio Garcia, the Royal King of Malaga, always had something sarcastic coming out of his mouth whenever he had his eyes on the woman of his life and probably, his death too.

Valentina Bianchi, the smart and a thoughtful girl of Bianchi family is one person you wouldn't want to mess with. She hates the mere sight of Arsenio and becomes completely a different person in his sight.

What made these two strong personalities collide with each other like ice and fire?

Will they ever have a middle ground or will they always dance on a battle ground?

Follow the journey of Val and her Arse King while they see tides of life with each other.

Valentina Rose Bianchi Point of View


Life is such a silly Demon.

It doesn’t give you what you want; only gives what it likes.

/"Ms. Bianchi, Ma’am, we got what you asked for./" I jerked back from my thoughts as my assistant provided me with the folders I was looking for.

/"Good. You may leave now Arran. Do not forget to stalk the stock fluctuations and report me back./" Ordering him to keep an eye on the stock market, I sighed deeply reading over the documents in front of me.

Being a Bianchi may seem all Gold and Platinum but only the one with the tag will know the burden of expectations and responsibilities knows what an ache it is to keep up with the spineless aristocratic title that gives more of a pain than pleasure.

As a floral designer, as a lover of flowers, as a chairman of the best floral company in the world, might I say, if there is something I can relate to closely is, flowers.

They had been there for me when I was washed away and drowned by the tides of life. The flowers were the only thing that kept me from going insane at my worst point of time. They gave me strength and then when I received the most valuable gift from the heavens, the same flowers share my joy as well.

A hobby I used to like; turned out as a business that saved me from falling in the pits.

/"Arran,/" I called him on his phone as I was going through the charts and reports he prepared. /"The proposal to recreate a forest for Luther’s upcoming movie is supposed to be in New York Urban studios?/"

I looked over the pictures, the details and the plan for Producer Luther’s next movie which is supposed to be based on some kind of historical Viking concept. They reached out to us for the floral and green decorations of the filming set and there comes the part where we have to make a fantasy looking woods.

While it is exciting to work on something I love, it is also tiring and too time consuming when there is someone special and dear I have to take care of.

/"Yes, Ma’am. It was, at first, supposed to be in Venice but it changed to New York recently. Heard there are some restrictions in Venice following the murder of a political person./"

/"Right. Then I assume you already sent a notice to the New York office about our potential arrival, yes?/" I asked putting most of my attention on the catalogue of the Director’s wants in the décor.

The Director was good at putting his preference straight on the point that gave me few good ideas to make a wonderland they wanted.

/"I did not, Ms. Bianchi. I wanted to get a green flag from you before I confirm it. Also –/" Arran stopped himself with a small fake cough.

Why doesn’t he just tell me what it is?

I have enough on my plate right now and he, being my personal assistant since the start of earth, still cannot wrap his mouth around words.

/"Also what, Arran? I don’t have eternity to play guessing game with you again./" I chided. This man, I tell you.

His flair for the drama is almost irritating and heartbreakingly nostalgic.

/"He was in New York a month ago. He has been in and out of the city from the past year./" A wave of anger and vengeance took over my otherwise cool heart when I heard the mention on ‘him’.

I scoffed when a useless thought crossed my mind for a second that maybe – maybe he was in and out of the city looking for me but that ignorant worthless idea whooshed away when a conclusive moment of my life with him came back as a bitter memory.

Oh Val, he has nothing to do with you and so do you. You do not have any ties with him whatsoever.

/"He is now? Doesn’t matter, Arran, confirm our arrival to the New York office and contact Bianchi mansion to prepare for my return./" With a final order, I ended the call and made my way to home with another headache on its way to trouble me.

Passing through the beauty what Verona has offered to its residents, the coldblooded realization of where my thoughts were going to made me want to slap myself.

Italy has been a safe womb to me the past two years of my anguish. It offered me the home I was looking for and blessed me with people I needed.

The drive was not long to the three-story building I call home. It was a calm and peaceful colony where there is no chaos every other day or the intervention of mindless crimes around.

It is a safe, secured and a calm place to live with my –

/"Holy son of Adam! My dear, what are you doing there?/" I exclaimed nearly experiencing the leap of my heart into my hands at the mere sight of terror that I’m seeing.

This good child of mine will send me to the gates of hell if he continues to play his part of being a spawn of devil.

/"Sweet dish, you are clearly being just like your spineless father which is not good at all./" I spoke to myself making sure my baby doesn’t hear it, as I slowly approached my very own one-and-a-half-year son, Agustin, who is enjoying his time sitting on the thick branch of a mango tree of my garden.

His round face is glowing brightly and that toothless smile – Gosh – he can send bullets of love to your heart with that smile. There is chocolate smeared around his mouth and he still has his apron around him which means he tricked his nanny again and went out to the garden to be the best devil that a father could ever produce.

/"Mama/" /"mamamamama/" He kept chanting as the echoes of his loud claps brought back the senses in Ariel, his nanny.

Ariel, as usual, looked terrified and guilty at the routine sight of my dear son being a superman every day.

/"I’m sorry, Ms. Bianchi. I just went inside to bring wet wipes to clean him and when I returned, he went missing./" Ariel mumbled guiltily. I brushed of her concerns knowing too well that Agustin can be much more than being mischievous.

This little angel of mine is too crafty for his age and got the worst combined attributes from me and his father.

Good Lady Eve!

/"Knock it off, Ariel. This is everyday’s happening and I wished you could be much smarter than my son every time he tricked you. Anyway, pack all the essentials for our trip while I get down my sweet peach. We are leaving to New York tomorrow noon./" Ariel left to put my orders into actions, leaving me with my dear baby.

/"Mama Mama/" I got back to my chuckling, giggling and rambling son who spread his little hands for me to take him into my arms.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt of feigning an innocent face with that adorable smile. Apart from flowers if there is something or someone who made me what I am today, then it is undoubtedly the little mammal sitting on the tree for fun.

His birth was unexpected but joyous, nonetheless. He is not just my blood, not just my son but he is also my teacher who unknowingly led me out of the dark pits of monotonous life.

Agustin is my sun and my moon. He is my everything and my everything is he.

/"Hello love, come to Mama./" I raised my hands to take him into my arms. He is on a higher branch and I had to tiptoe to reach the branch he is sitting on.

How the heck did this little boy climbed so high?

/"How did you choose to share the monkey-ness of your father, dearest? Your climbing ability is uncanny./" Chuckling, I pulled his leg downwards and when he was off the branch and falling, I caught his little body midair and turned rounds and rounds causing my little boy to squeal in excitement.

/"It would be hard, but you should’ve given a try to the qualities like being cool and calm that you can get from me. But seeing how an apple still chose to fall in the shadows of its tree, no wonder you love to occupy your Mama’s mind with worry for you./" I said randomly in general but my little baby nodded his head approvingly as if he understood everything I spoke.

Laughing at his sudden impromptu reply I kissed all over his face and wiped the chocolate from his mouth with the sleeve of my dress.

One of the things I love being a mother is, getting my clothes dirty for my little one. It gives me a weird kind of satisfaction. I didn’t and don’t mind sparing my luxurious expensive clothes or anything of mine at that matter to keep my little one happy.

/"Mama/" He mumbled to me again and gave a kiss packed with his chocolaty saliva dripping on my cheek.

/"You know I love you to hell and back, right?/" I said kissing me again. /"Let’s go and prepare to see your uncle Leo, sweet peach./"

Going to New York, after two years, I wish I finish my project and get back without any mayhem.

I hope that the life I left, keeps itself from me.

I wish there is no more ‘him’ again in mine and my baby’s life.