
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasía
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114 Chs

Shiny Island

Jin's words flowed, recounting what had occurred with Immortal Murky Stone to Al, who listened with a mix of astonishment and skepticism.

"He drove his blade into Cesar and began to test our Will" Jin explained.

Al remained concealed by Ellie's mirror; her etheric shell manifested her Reflective Will rendering him invisible to all but Ellie herself. She had grown used to seeing his bare ass.

They were covering a lot of ground their speeds surpassing 50 miles per hour, they moved through volcanic lands. Once-slumbering earth now erupted in violent fury, painting the surroundings with molten fire.

The sky above had deepened into a perpetual shade of gray, a brooding canopy over the transformed landscape.

Cesar's voice broke through the tension, directed at Ellie, who seemed lost in her thoughts. "Do you know where we're headed?"

Ellie's response carried a calm determination, her gaze sweeping across the altered landscape. "I mean how much could things have changed? I'm thinking we keep heading North until we begin seeing familiar landscapes."

Jin and Cesar exchanged a doubtful glance, their concern etched on their faces.

"Ellie," Jin's voice held a touch of uncertainty, "earthquakes fractured the western coast, consumed by the very ocean. Recognizing landscapes? There might be nothing left to recognize."

Ellie's conviction remained unshaken. She held a quiet confidence, a belief in the face of uncertainty. Calm and clearly, she spoke "I guess we'll just have to find out."

Cesar's voice interjected, his tone grave and resolute. "That being the case we're probably a month away if we keep this speed with small rests in between. If we encounter any enemy even if they are much stronger, we have to meet them with overwhelming ferocity!"

As cloudy days turned to cloudy nights, their path transitioned from a volcanic wasteland to a dense, smog-choked forest, where every inhalation felt like a struggle.

The landscape lay charred and desolate, their footprints etched in the ashen ground they treaded on. Their Autonomous Revolution Converter (A.R.C's) were adversely affected, hindering the manifestation of their Will and slowing their progress.

It was within this ravaged expanse that they encountered an enemy, an ambush orchestrated by a Dark Acolyte and his Hybrid. A ten-foot-long salamander, part-worm, with the head of a Jackal, lunged at them.

Cesar's words proved accurate, for the group swiftly unleashed their combined might, overpowering the Hybrid and the Dark Acolyte. Their etheric shells absorbed the grey mist that was released.

Undeterred, they pressed on through the scorched remnants, their journey leading them into an enclave of the forest that had miraculously escaped the ravages of the fire.

The air here held a peculiar vitality, reinvigorating their A.R.C's allowing them to return to their regular speed. It took them over a week to emerge from the sanctuary of the woods, confronting the mountain ranges. The land now tapered, the expansive ocean stretching to their left.

A river crossing marked a transition into peaks and valleys. Jin recognized the terrain—it was the Gulf of Panama, twisted and contorted in a crushing embrace. Panama had crumpled upon itself, its formidable mass exerting immense pressure upon the neighboring Colombian coast.

Their relentless journey led them to a dense forest nestled within a vast crater, the trees soaring upwards like sentinels guarding an otherworldly region. The sky here was clear, a tapestry of azure adorned with wisps of white, a stark contrast to the obscured heavens they had previously traversed. Beneath the comforting canopy, they decided to rest.

That night Ellie consciousness drifted into a dream. Her mother materialized before her, a vision of ethereal grace, her voice a soothing murmur as cryptic words unfurled. "Seek the island that will light the way." her mother's message echoed in Ellie's mind.

With the dawn's gentle touch, Ellie awoke, the enigmatic words still echoing within her memory she immediately shared what had occurred with the rest.

The group resumed their journey, their spirits fortified by Ellies dream even as the physical toll mounted.

As the sun marked the passage of days, they eventually arrived at a monumental barrier—a towering mountain range, its imposing peaks resembling a serrated fortress wall.

Their progress slowed as they scaled the rocky heights, surmounting each peak with unwavering determination. They were all in the Physical Domain of the Mortal Chasm all they had was their Etheric Shells and increase in physicality by the manifestation of their Will.

Emerging victorious from the craggy peaks, a breathtaking blue sprawled before their eyes. The vast ocean stretched infinitely in front of them. To the ocean's right side, a sweeping shoreline extended, leading the eye to an expansive desert beyond.

The implications were clear—this was the remodeled terrain of Southern California, now submerged beneath the ocean's embrace, and the arid expanses of Arizona to the right.

Standing at this juncture, the magnitude of the devastation caused by the day the "world ended" imprinted upon their very souls.

Ellie's dream whispered through the winds, guiding their path.

The five of them embarked on a new trajectory, veering left until the mountain range's grand expanse reached its conclusion. Their determination led them to a pier, where boats glided in and out.

Ellie extended her Etheric Shell to its utmost capacity, enveloping the 5 in invisibility. Al fashioned a rudimentary garment of leaves, sticks, and flora.

They invisibly boarded a vessel, as they sailed away they overheard two individuals whose discussion centered on the vessel's destination a place named Mt. Cali. For a few hours, they journeyed across the water's expanse, the tranquil voyage affording them a much-needed rest.

Their rest, however, was interrupted by an awe-inspiring sight—a colossal, grey mountain of unparalleled enormity. Its towering form seemed to swallow the heavens, casting an immense shadow that threatened to eclipse the sun itself. Surrounding this titanic peak, a sprawling landmass unfolded.

Adjacent to this enigmatic spectacle, a luminous phenomenon ignited the ocean from the far Northeast with a stellar brilliance, captivating the attention of bystanders who marveled at the light spectacle.

"Do you see that?" one of the observers exclaimed, his voice filled with a blend of astonishment and skepticism. "Rumor has it that there exists an island, it's light like a diamond amidst these very waters. Sailors claim to glimpse its radiance, only for it to vanish as they draw near."

The words were met with good-natured laughter from his companions, a shared sentiment that echoed their doubt in the face of such fantastical tales.

Meanwhile Ellie's heart quickened, the riddle from her dream now intertwined with the unfolding reality. The boat's prow cleaved through the tranquil waters.

Abruptly, a distinctive splash echoed across the water, sounding like a giant bear had fallen into the sea. The sailor's attention snapped toward the source, their senses on high alert, anticipating a potential accident.

Yet, as they rushed to the water's edge, there was no sign of any fallen soul, leaving an air of unease to linger among the sailors.

Unbeknownst to the onlookers, Ellie had swiftly orchestrated their entry into the sea the instant she discerned the light shimmering to the northeast of Mt. Cali.

As her companions splashed into the water, Al's makeshift leaf-and-stick robe unraveled, leaving him exposed and vocally disgruntled.

"What the hell, Ellie? Now I'm naked again!" Al's exclamation carried a mix of irritation and humor, though his words were muffled by the water's embrace.

The shroud of invisibility had lifted, their forms now visible as they bobbed in the gentle waves.

Ellie's nonchalant retort rippled through the group, "Who cares, we've all gotten used to it by now." The exchange drew a collective eyebrow raise, particularly from Agnethe, whose curiosity seemed piqued.

Before any further words could be exchanged, Ellie assumed command once more, her determination evident as she directed her request to Agnethe. "Agnethe, do your thing and guide us to that luminous beacon."

The abruptness of the request hung in the air, Agnethe's skeptical gaze locked on Ellie. Nevertheless, without a word, Agnethe's etheric shell her earrings began glowing as her Titan Will manifested, growing to an astounding height of 90 feet.

With gentle precision, she scooped the group into her colossal hands, the water's surface churning beneath her immense form as she embarked on a course toward the source of the light.

Back on the boat, a cacophony of screams erupted as the sailors bore witness to the surreal scene unfolding before them, awe and disbelief etched across their faces.

As Agnethe propelled them through the water, Ellie's heartbeat increased, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation filled her as they drew closer to the enigmatic light.

Agnethe's colossal form surged forward, the radiant light decreased as an island gradually took form. The massive strides she took propelled them across the waters at a swift pace, and within a half hour, the group found themselves standing upon the sandy shores of the seemingly uninhabited island. Al immediately searched for anything to hide his nakedness.

As the sun's descent painted the sky with hues of red and orange, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Then, as if responding to their anticipation, a brilliant beacon of light pierced the gathering twilight.

All eyes converged on the source—the luminous beacon emanating from the side of the only mountain on the island. It was the heart of the mystery, it now laid bare before them.

Cesar's casual remark broke the momentary silence, his voice infused with a blend of excitement and determination. "Well, let's not keep your mom waiting. It seems she's been expecting us."

One by one, the group followed Cesar's lead, in minutes, they were assembled at the base of the small island's mountain, they began their ascent. As the veil of night descended, the world plunged into darkness, the small mountain ahead continued to light their way.

Their climb was halted by an unexpected intrusion—a soft, melodic voice that seemed to emanate from the shadows behind them. "You're missing one," the voice intoned, its resonance carrying a tranquil authority.

Startled, they spun around, met by the presence of a stranger. Before them stood a woman of ethereal beauty, her long, jet black hair cascading like a silken waterfall. Her skin radiated with a luminous quality like a polished pearl, she exuded a glowing cold aura, akin to the moon in the night sky.

Ellie was the first to recover from her surprise, a radiant smile illuminating her features. "Hi, Mom," she greeted, her voice laced with joy and warmth. "Your message came to me in a dream, it guided us to you."

In response, the woman offered a gentle smile, a nod of acknowledgement passing between mother and daughter. Without another word, she turned and began walking towards the source of the flashing light.

"You are welcome to my grotto," the woman's voice resonated, the melody of her words inviting them into the heart of the island's mystery. "I'd love to hear your journey into the world of Will so far."

With those words, Ellie's mom continued with a purposeful stride, leaving the group in her wake. Cesar and the others exchanged glances, prompting Ellie to follow her mother without hesitation.

As if in response to their arrival, the mountains brilliant light abruptly ceased, unveiling an entrance to the grotto of which Ellie's mother spoke. Eagerly, they followed Ellie through the revealed passage, venturing into the heart of the cave.

The cavern's ceiling sparkled with crystal stones that emitted an ethereal glow, casting a radiant light that illuminated the chamber as if it were bathed in sunlight.

The depths of the cave beckoned, and as they ventured further, the expanse opened up into a grand chamber, its dimensions vast and awe-inspiring. A small waterfall cascaded into a serene lake, its gentle murmur filling the air.

To one side stood a magnificent library, its shelves brimming with knowledge, and at the center of the room, a raised platform of rock commanded attention.

Gracefully, Ellie's mother took her place upon the elevated platform, gesturing for them to gather around. One by one, they approached and seated themselves, the air charged with a sense of reverence and curiosity.

The woman's gaze swept over them, stopping only on Al who compared to the rest seemed like a lost jungle man. Her expression one of gentle amusement. "Well, which one of you wishes to introduce yourselves first?" she inquired, her gaze lingering on their faces.

A unanimous glance settled on Cesar, who found himself under the spotlight.

Noticing the group turned towards Cesar Ellies mom addressed him "So you're the captain? Looking at your etheric shell it makes sense."

With a hint of nervousness, he mustered a nod before speaking. "Yes, I'm the captain of our phantom seed. My name is Cesar Ray Gonzales. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ellie's mom."

A soft, melodious laughter rippled from the woman, a warm wave that enveloped them all. "Please, you can simply call me Marcie," she offered, her tone warm and inviting.

Ellie looked strangely at her mother "Well that's a reaction I've hardly ever seen from her." she thought.