
An Heir For The Multi Billionaire CEO

Rated 17+[Contains 36+ erotic scenes with foul words such as fuck, asshole, dick, bitch, whore, slut, boobs, pussy ] ................ “What do I benefit if I marry you?” “If you marry me, I can help you deal with your slutty family on one condition!”. “YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A MALE CHILD WITHIN NINE MONTHS OF THE CONTRACT!” “DON'T BE AFRAID. OBEY MY RULES, COMPLETE THE MONTH RANGE, GET ME AN HEIR, AND YOU WILL BE FINE ” “AND WHAT IF I DON'T?” “THEN THERE WILL BE HEAVENLY CONSEQUENCES ” Nine Years Ago, Zhang Meiyin, a well-known model drastically falls into her doom when she finds out that her uncle is her BIOLOGICAL father. Her entire life and career fall and her life portray a damsel in distress without her daring prince to save her. Her modeling Image as EVA was stolen from her and she swore to have her revenge when she discovered that they were the major roles in her mother's death. A few years later, She bumps into An aloof, cold, brutal, ruthless king of the underworld and sleeps with him. In other to deal with her slutty family, She engages in a marriage contract with the King, and in exchange, to bear him a child. She signs a contract with him and comes to terms to bear him a MALE CHILD within nine months of their marriage contract. What will happen when two strong and opposing forces are joined together by a contract marriage? What will happen when their marriage is set on benefits and not love? “I HATE you but can't stop LOVING the monster you have to turn out to become. ” “Run away and I will tear the entire Galaxy, smash all the mountains, part the whole oceans and seas, quench the blazing fire and bury those that get in my way just to find you, because, without you I am nothing!”

JessicaE777 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter Four Fake Miss EVA

"Okay, Boss!" Jimi ran a call through another line and a woman in her thirties came in. "Carry her and let's be going!"

"Yes Sir!" She responded and they both left the demon king to the darkness.


Next Six Years.

"When are you coming home?" Yan Ruyue asks while arranging her apartment.

"Once I am done here, you will be the first to know when I get to Beijing " Meiyin answered back and dragged her luggage into the airplane.

It had been six years since she last came to her hometown. She was not ready to face the reality.

Meiyin plugged in her earplugs and turned up the volume to the highest while scrolling through the internet.

She grits her teeth in anger and balls her fist when she read through a post.


Her face lit up in fury. All she could think was about her cousin, Zhang Xiyu.

How all her career, life, and success were stolen from her! She tapped the title and a video popped up.

"Let us give a round applause for EVA!" The reporter announced with a smile as Xiyu came upon the stage.

Xiyu had a slight resemblance to Meiyin since childhood and they played dress-up.

If she was well covered with makeup then they would not be able to tell the difference.

Meiyin held her phone tightly and glared at Xiyu. She had no mercy in her face or sorrow as she walked upon the stage.

"I am glad to be up here with my adoring fans, my success has been thanks to you all " Xiyu gave a bright smile that equaled hers.

She could not believe that Xiyu would undergo surgery to look just like her!

"Those slutty family!" Meiyin swore and watched more. Her nails dug deeper into her palms.

"So how do you feel being crowned as the Goddess of Beauty! Everyone knows that you have been a beauty from the start. "

"My beauty is natural and perfect. Well, I worked for it "

"Natural? Perfect?!" Meiyin screamed and threw her phone on the floor.

Luckily, She was in the first class and the only person going to Beijing that afternoon.

"You bitch! I will make you pay!" Her face turned red.

Zhang Meiyin could not believe they would go to any extent to destroy her career like that but what did they do?

They took everything from her! Karma must strike!

She picked up her cracked phone and turned off the video. She clenches her fist as she stares at her surgery carbon copy, Zhang Xiyu.

Once she is back, the whole earth must shiver at her feet, she thought.


After Five Hours. Beijing, China.

"The plane is approaching landing, all passengers should please be aware!" The flight attendant announced as it snapped Meiyin from her sleep.

The Airplane landed and Meiyin dragged her luggage down from the plane.

"Yinyin!" A lady of twenty-five called out with her hands waving in the air signaling where she stood.

"Ruru!" Meiyin responded and ran into her embrace.

Her only companion since her breakdown was her good trusty friend, Yan Ruyue.

"I missed you so much! I have lots of things to tell you!" Ruyue blabbers immediately and signals the bodyguards to help with the luggage and takes Meiyin into the SUV.
