
An Average Chad from Ostdeutschland

Erich is not your average Joe having been killed by immigrants, making him turn a villain in his next life, with a love for both football and politics he'll become a master in this field and prevent refugees from coming in the future, But that doesn't stop him from sleeping with Turkish hoes ( I know it's terribly written

Marin_Margarine · Otras
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Future plans

Time Skip

Dresden, East Germany, June 17, 1967

In a government housing in Dresden, Erich burst inside the door coming home from school.

"Mom!! I'm home"

His mom heard him from the kitchen then looked at him with a warm smile and replied "Oh, Welcome home honey!! How was school?"

Erich responded"Nothing much, I pretty much know it all, though Russian was hard"

"well you can ask me and your father for help, in case your having difficulty"

"No thanks I'll deal with it"

"Well how about you go to your room and I'll call you when dinner is ready, sounds good?" asked by his mother Khloe

"Yep" replied by Eric

Erich grabbed a newspaper from the table and proceeds to go to his room



ISRAEL Victorious Against Arab Agressors


Erichs room

I have awakened the powers bestowed to me by the godly being. First step to do is control my parents and all important officials of East Germany and Soviet leaders, well this would be later, first step is to send my family as a diplomat outside of this country, preferably Italy, I could earn money playing football there and control my father as arms sales guy for the Eastern bloc like the future Victour Bout.

Now which country, I mean world leader would be good to control at the moment?, The Iranian Shag would be out of the question and so is the king of Libya, Saddam Hussein would be good but so does other middle eastern monarchs like Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia and UAE, we also got guys like the Kim family in North Korea, Erich Honekker, Ferdinand Marcos, Gaddafi.

After thinking for a while about the pros and cons, Erich Himmler decided to control the communist legend Fidel Castro as his first "ally".

"Now that I've got a target, next step is increasing the population!, damn how do I do this?" Erich thought about it for a while and seemed to remember something

"I think I've read an internet article where China offered 10,000,000 million women to the US, as long as we have something China wants maybe they'll offer the same to us but we'll probably only need 3,500,000 women as baby makers, we can't have too many mixed race that will dillute European traits after a couple generations.

"We need to get other women preferably USSR has a lot of women during this time due to ww2, we can take the women from places like Ukraine, Georgia and Caucasus area thatll help them lower Muslim population that will cause the Chechen war in the future!, plus those women have same identical physical features to Germans, We can also offer this to Yugoslavia to give us Bosnian women, and also once east Germany is in my control I can send stasi agents to "buy baby makers in the Syria, Iran, and Algeria in the form of dowries!" with this plan we could probably get 6,000,000 million more women + 3,500,000 Chinese will get almost 10 million!, Fuck if it weren't for my other cheats of having an invisible inventory and can physically make a copy of anything except living things, I can infinitely make Food for an X amount of times!!,'

The problem would be this babies will take some time to grow that won't boost our population in the short time,,, ' I can also consider immigration of other ethnic groups with Christian values like Assyrians, Lebanese, and some christians from Ethiopia for my future basketball team'

'the problem now would be is where would I get thousands of doctors and midwives for this to work!?!, I can get doctors from Cuba and nurses from Philippines but can they even supply enough for this to work?!? Money wouldn't be a problem as I can just basically print gold but I wouldn't do that, I don't want to be involved in some conspiracy theory in the near future.'

'next problem to solve the gypsy problem, I'm gonna form a private mercenary group that would act as my guard though I would hire the Gurkhas in Nepal for that job not gypsies, I'm gonna probably hire them in my mercenary group to use them to intervene in conflicts in the future, like cooking Americans in Iraq(Fallujah), Participating in Rwandan genocide, and using them to guard my future mines in the Congo, and to prevent Americans from invading Grenada, my private future vacation house'.

After Finishing His Sadistic Brainstorming

'I'm so fucking evil!! Mwuahhahaahhaaha!! I feel like forming the German mafia the world never had but needed' Erich maniacally speaking like someone who just tried Colombian cocaine


A few minutes later, Khloe Himmler(Erich's mother) called her son for dinner "Erichhhhh!!, dinners ready your father's also here now come and greet him!"

"Coming mom!"

Erich opened the door to his room and sat at the dining table next to his father Pankraz Himmler already seated. He then faced his father and asked him " How was work today dad?"

"There were some changes in the production line I manage, we're currently making parts for a new Fighter jet"

"New Fighter jet?" Erich stared at his father curiosly

'it must be the MiG 23!!' thought Erich selling this information to USA could give us millions of dollars.

Khloe then put the food on the table "Erich don't ask too much questions the stasi might be eavesdropping on us" scolded by his mother.

"It's fine darling, nothing sensitive about the factory" defended by his father

Erich then called his parents"Mom, Dad I have something to say to both of you"

Both of them then stopped eating and focused their attention to Erich "What is it honey?" Said by his Mother Khloe

Erich then mumbled "OBEY"

Hearing the command both of them fall under Erich control. They then return to normal as if nothing happened but now Erich can now control what they say, action, and their decisions and thoughts.

End of Chapter