
An Author's Wetdream (Overlord Fanfic)

From the title alone, you already know that this book is gonna be someshit. So if you don't like harems, then I suggest you quitely read them relationship novels there, fam! If you don't, then be prepared for your mind to be corrupted, degraded and violated repeatedly. If you're one of those grammar nazis, then better stick to reading your J.K Rowling or Stephen King books there, buddy! Cuz imma bout to make gramer level of is an 8-year-old look like the work of William Shakemespeare in comparison to mine is work! Finally, if you're one of those nitpickers who finds the tiniest of plotholes to complain about. Then you better free up your weekend there, sweety! cuz imma bout to make Antman's Pym particles theory look like the size of a pinhole. Spoiler alert-That movie was quite bad, so just pirate it. For those who are still reading then congratulation you have won the little bit of respect I have left, so go and read the damn book darling! Ohh yeah almost forgot, updates are whenever I have free time, Therefore, just add this novel to your library and try to forget about it for a month. So that you'll have chapters stockpiled. [asterisk] coughs to signal the end of the sales pitch [asterisk]

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12 Chs

Prologue: The End That Starts The Beginning

If someone were to ask you the question:

"How would you describe your life until now?"

How will you respond? Would you disregard it as a silly question and give a typical answer? Or would you take your time and recall the significant events that happend have had happend to you?

If I were to have been asked that question in the past then I would have disregarded it completly. But thinking about it now, I can only woefully describe my life up until now as:

"A life so normal that nothing can be said about it."

After leaving college, I was able to climb the ranks, becoming the general manager of a luxury hotel. I am living alone now at the age of 37. Having no wife at all.

Filial duty left to my older brother, my life is essentially that of an independent, single noble.

Neither short of height, or wanting of a good face. The problem wasn't my appearance, but more so my mindset. "Once you get married, your life is over." You might have heard this statement before. But just these 8 insignificant words has managed to burrowed itself deeply into my heart, and became a barrier for me to take that final step towards my past lovers.

But you really can't blame me. Marriage has always been depicted as the happily ever after or in otherwords the end in many movies and fairy tails. This is the reason why I believe that marriage denotes the beginning of responsibility, accountability, flexibility, surrender of Ego and sense of freedom respectively. It is a lock that restricts from waging your tail (having fun) and cut off your wings to fly as high as you can.

Nevertheless, having reached this age, I can honestly say that this romance thing is nought but troublesome. While behaving like a bachelor is more suited towards me, as I find being blunt and uncouth more comfortable than masking your intent with the so-called 'civilised' talk.

"Boss! Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

With a cheerful smile the young man approaches me. And, by his side, a beauty.

More specifically, the young man, Joseph, is a junior at the same company I work at; the one by his side is our company's renowned Madonna, the hostess of the hotel's restaurant, Jill

Yep, I have been asked by these guys to offer consultation on their upcoming marriage.

And by the way, this is the reason why I started monologuing about my perception of marriage.

The after-work rendezvous was held at an intersection, and there the two hoped to indulge my thoughtfulness and support.

"Yeah. So, what kind of advice are you looking for?"

I ask while greeting Jill

"Hello, pleased to meet you. My name is Jill Merry. Although we have seen each other before, this would be the first time we are speaking, right? Makes me nervous, somehow. "

"Hey Jill! Nice to finally meet you, just call me Jan like January. No need to nervous haha, I've always wanted to meet the famous Belle of the restaurant"

"What's this about being famous? Are there weird rumours floating

about me?"

"Yeah. Like increasing our compony's revenues by 3% from all the different guys who come to eat at the restaurant just for you, or even that one about you seducing the big boss into giving you a pay rise hahaha"

It was all just teasing, of course. And although I intended these to be just some light jokes, Jill face turned bright red and she looked at me with watery eyes. Hate to admit it, but she looked adorable.

Makes me wonder how the newbie attracted her, well let's just hope that he wouldn't get cuckold after the marriage. After all Joseph is a pretty good guy. Speaking of Joseph

"Boss, please leave it at that! And, Jill, you are just being teased!" He really is protective huh

Well, my jokes lack both delicacy or tact, and I am often told to keep my mouth shut… but I end up saying them anyway.

Joseph's only 28. And although we are so many years apart, we've got something in common. Well, nothing to do I guess but to give them my blessing…

"My bad, please don't take my jokes seriously haha. And, well, the location doesn't help much, does it? Let's get something to eat and talk there."

It's just jealousy, after all. And just when I thought so…


Screams. Confusion.

"Move it! I'll kill you!"

Turning to the sound of the voice, a man brandishing a knife and holding a bag is running towards us.

I hear the scream. I see the man. I see the knife. Where is it pointing? At….


I hit Joseph out of the way. But sadly I was too late to dodge the knife, after the shock of being stabbed has worn off a burning pain can now be felt on my back.

"Tch, damn hindrance!"

Having shouted thus, I see the man escaping and turn to make sure Joseph and Jill are safe.

With a shout that resembled no words, Joseph runs up to me. Jill is stunned by the sudden turn of events, but appears without another injury… thank god.

That being that, my back burns. Feelings of pain aside, it just burns.

"Ahh man, why did I have to be one of those heroes I've always loathed in my last moments."

With death approaching me, all I could do was lay on the cold concrete floor and watch as the sun slowly disappear over the horizon as darkness embraces me.....

'-------y the last rays of this beautiful sunset to end the day.'


[Confirmation Complete. Acquiring EX skill [Sage]... Successful. Continuing to evolve [Sage] into Unique skill [Great Sage]... Successful]

Boom bam bap Barabapbop Pow!!

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