
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Uncle's Visit

Jeffrey entered his home and saw a familiar figure sitting on the couch, he froze. It was a bit late, what the hell was his uncle doing in his house?

"Sun my boy, come on here don't act coy"

Jeffrey's face cringed. That was his uncle alright, guy just couldn't speak without making a rhyme. While others may think it was intriguing, he felt it was more than disgusting.

Masking his anger under a sonic gaze he walked to his uncle. "Good evening uncle, what brings you here" he tried to sound as polite as possible but lying and pretending was never his strong suit fortunately his uncle misunderstood his impatience as longing.

"You miss me a lot I see and that pleases me. I came to Trost to do some work and it might require a bit of luck. It might take a week or two but no matter I'll be here with you"

Jeffrey could almost hear something snap inside his head. Two weeks, his uncle was going to stay with him for two weeks. even his stoic expression could not hide his despair.

His uncle again misunderstood and smiled. "I know it isn't much but have faith in me, when I come next time more bonding it will be"

Jeffrey's lip twitched but he forces himself to remain silent besides what could he possibly say in this situation? but at least Moon wasn't in the living room right now or she would always tease him about it.

He went to his room with his mood all-time low, he desperately needed something to calm his head.

The day had not been kind to him at all, first was Evie. He wasn't one to hold grudges but he did not like her attitude towards him before, he hated pretentious people while he recognized that she must have been through a lot it was no excuse to look at people the same way.

Then the stupid poem assignment which he was still contemplating whether to write or not and the icing on the cake, his uncle's sudden appearance.

Jeffrey let out an exhausted sigh as he lay on his bed, Wex was there beside him probably trying to make him feel better. The only way to get his mind off the messy day was to read a book so he took his phone and opened the web novel directly without any detour.

'I wonder if this new ability of mine works on comics as well' with that thought, he taped on the featured option and then swiped to 'new novel' before swiping to the comic.

After scrolling down a bit, he found one he found captivating. 'Vampire Outcast' by Blue-Poison, was a comic adaptation of the novel.

Jeffrey did not bother reading the synopsis before opening the comic, he wanted to be surprised.

The first image was bloodied young man holding the left side of his neck with 'why?' written above his head than on the next image was a big 'A FEW HOURS AGO'. Jeffrey again felt his consciousness slip.

He appeared beside the young man in the image a minute ago and saw the gruesome state he was in.

'Are kids even supposed to see this' then he remembered that he had not checked if the book was rated or not? He would rarely ever make such a mistake on a normal day but today just wasn't for him. The mistake had already been made and he had no intention of changing the book so he put the thought at the back of his mind.

"Why?" Jeffrey heard a weak voice before the scene changed to the young man running down an alleyway.

"Trevor!" a female suddenly appeared at his front. Her eyes were red with fangs protruding out of her mouth, her skin was pale, and was dressed in...revealing clothes. Jeffrey sighed and covered his eyes, he had no interest in the lady's figure, everything about her was gorgeous.

"Leave me alone Amelia you liar" Trevor screamed but Jeffrey noticed a ting of fright in his eyes.

"I did this for us, I want to be with you," Amelia said walking slowly towards Trevor.

"I would never be with a Vampire" he rebuked and Amelia's expression changed.

"I was born this way. Do you know how I try my best every day not to sink my teeth in your flesh?"

Trevor's heart rate spiked and he started moving backward. "Stay away from me!"

Another figure appeared and pounced on Trevor. Everyone stood surprised, even Jeffrey was caught off guard.

The new figure was also a female, she did not waste a second before sinking her teeth in Trevor's neck and instead of him, Amelia released a frenzied scream. "Linda you bitch"

Trevor trembled as he tried to suppress the wave of pleasure that filled his entire being. His lips eventually gave way to a moan and he saw the whole world spinning in his vision.

His blood was running dry and fast. The fear of losing his life overcame the pleasure and he regained a bit of clarity.

Amelia did not just sit by and watch the newcomer devour the love of her life so she bolted toward the female and pulled her away from Trevor.

The forceful pull caused a small rip on his neck and more blood came out.

"Trevor go!" Amelia had Linda in her grasp and tightened her hands making the latter cough.

Even after that drama, Jeffrey would be lying if he said he understood what was going on but he was curious.

The scene then changed back to where Trevor was holding his neck, trying his best not to lose his balance. It was even a miracle that he was still alive. His shirt was soaked in his blood and his completion never stopped growing pale. It did not take long and he fell to the ground unconscious.

'Is this a reincarnation comic?' Jeffery thought to himself. He did not know where the story was going but he had a feeling it was going to be quite an adventure.

The scene again changed...well not really, Jeffery guessed only the time must have changed but his thoughts were interrupted by a groan, he turned and saw Trevor's body move.