

Rosalie pov

If I had seen an Acromantula , I wouldn't be as dazed as seeing Mr white guy in a different color, not just the usual color a guy like him could yank out of a closet with a sharp grin and a big ol ' I will just go with this' kinda look.

He was actually seated, hands and legs crossed on a drafting chair, dressed in a a blue T-shirt!, batting my eyelashes hurriedly at the odd body seated calmly before me, he looked back at me, with a bumped eyebrow.

“ take a seat rose” pulling me out of dilemma I locate the nearest seat, my feet had imitated a jello in seconds, beside me sat jose, who shared a similar dazed looked,popping my eyes wide open at him, he responded with a shrugged shoulder equally frightened by the new change.

But if I may ask why the change though?

" Now shall we begin ''