
Strange Magic

Asher pov

I have seen people less bothered about where they sleep, but Rosalie is one of a kind, even when given a task, she had slept in the middle of the road, on a very lonely and chilly night with no care whatsoever, what would i have expected.

Looking at the unfinished puzzle, that’s absurd, everything looks so mismatched, even with the reference laying dormant beneath her wet drool covered cheek, so silly.

Walking towards her, her hair laying diligently on her face, lifting it off, my eyes caught a name that made my mind whirl in seconds.

Guess the punch wasn't enough, how stupid…

Taking my phone, “ i had told you to stay away from her” i said, trying hard enough not to yell, as I observed little miss taking a nap.

“ Axel I wouldn’t hold back next time if I see you close to her”, my heart boiled like it had just been tossed in a furnace , “ keep your words to yourself, I don’t care”, cutting him off, I shove my phone back into my pockets.