
New Boss

Rosalie pov

There’s this pain in my head that just proves that hell is real, it hurts so much, even opening my eyes is a threat already, I hear whispers, familiar whispers of a familiar voice.

As my eyes lashes flickered open, the environment is familiar, it’s my room, in Kate’s apartment, what am I doing back here?, uncertainty settle in my heart as I survey the room, nothing changed, the window were open and with the look of things it’s dawn.

Anna is talking outside, and it’s not a whisper, it’s an argument, my head bangs making me wince gently as I held my head firmly with my hands. What am I doing back here?I should be at the interview.

Oh I was done with the interview, then I got attacked by bat, before… a man, I saw a man, naked man, before me, he was hairy, and he had long hair, just below his chin.

“ hey rose, thank goodness you are awake, come to the living room” Anna said as she combed her hair with her hands, she so worried, why?, what is going on the front porch?.

“ come” she said sighing before leaving, I follow suit, still stressed in my pencil skirt and chiffon top from the interview earlier, I scamper towards the living room, as fast as I could.

Kate was standing on the front door, “ who is with my car?, I am asking you for the last time” she says pacing back, her car?, the bats, the last time I saw the car the bats were playing around with them.

“ hey Kate, uhm the car?” I say trying to find my words as my head hurts, the living room so gently as I tried to find my footing, “ yes, after you were dropped by the wind yesterday, I couldn’t find my car, just to wake this morning to a brand-new car” she said

Her words make my eyes pop, “ dropped by the wind?” My heartbeat quickened, how was I dropped by the wind? “ yes yea, I heard the doorbell ring and I went out to open the door, after calling you ten million times, just to find you laying on my porch, so yea you were dropped by the wind” she says glaring at the man.

“ ok, if you can’t tell me where the heck my car is, why don’t you tell me, who assigned you to get a brand new car, it’s the latest version for crying out loud” she says.

The man dressed in shorts, didn’t say a word, he had sun glasses on, a palm tree based t-shirt and some sweet slides, he looked rich enough to get the car as well, “ my boss wouldn’t want that” he said, he had a boss?, who would look this sweet and still have a boss?.

“ who the fuck is your boss!” She yells, the man stares at me, “ good morning ma’am” he said, looking at me from top to bottom then smirks, before leaving, that was just odd, way too odd, “ hey come back here!” Kate pursues him, leaving me standing totally stupefied by what just happened.

Nothing makes sense at all, how did I get here?, by wind, who the fuck rides on wind, and a brand new car, who gets a total stranger a BMW?

What is going on here?, flashes of the last real scene i witnessed, was back at the creepy company, with the beautiful,most sexy man woman I had ever seen, i picture her image in my head smiling at me, and it eases the pain on my head gently.

“ Hey Anna, you good? “ Kate said as she arched a brow at me, “ nope “ I whispered, aching a brow at her as I spread my arms in confusion, what’s here to be not confused about, yesterday I had a simple car, now I have a BMW parked outside.

And I came in contact with an actual werewolf, “ werewolf” I said as realization, struck me, “ a were what?” She asked if I could see her eyes popping as wide as mine, “ yes, Kate, I saw a werewolf a naked one, and he had long hair, so beautiful, nice abs, like I saw a werewolf!” I said pacing around.

“ hey, are you saying a werewolf brought you back home?” She said following me, “ yes, I got stuck in the car, after being attacked by bats, then I hit my head on the car, before pacing put”, I said trying my best to remember what actually happens

“ bats?, she asked awestruck, “ yes kate, after the weird interview, I got attacked by bats, and then the cars refused to work, same was the network, I said to her, she rolled eyes, “ so the car not working does it explain why we got the neighbors eye on us, there’s a BMW outside?!,

She said pointing at the living room door, “ I know, and I don’t know what to do or say, it was a weird night Jauna , and I had the strangest interview of all times, I was literally yelled at, just to pass the interview” I said she sches a brow at me

“ what do you mean?”

“ a masculine woman, interviews me by yelling, and we were the only one in the building, and worse of all, she was way too fast, I didn’t Meet her when I dropped back down, and you need to see that she's so beautiful with longs hair.

“ a woman, is she the requirements boss?” She asked, using her hands to check my temperature, she must see me as a psycho to speak something inhuman like

“ no, she’s not the boss, there’s probably someone who is higher” i said, as fear crept into my heart, this unknown person I would be of assistance to, reeks of so much power that even in his absence I will be frightened.

I bet that sexy woman was just there to see how gullible I am, I am totally doomed, she said she would send me the , I hope it won’t be coming through mails, “ mails?” Kate asked as she stride towards the home computer.

“ hey the mail is here!” She yells