
Mystery Crush


“ shut up jauna” bemused, i toss my phone back on the bed, i shouldn't have told you the first time you know” she giggles over this phone, “ hey!, don't blame me, you told me you had no feeling for your boss “

“ I know , i don't, was just_”

“ shut up, if you had no feeling why were you so heated up in a car” she said, guilt flushed over me, “ it's just my mind , nothing more”,

“ well your mind has always been smarter but your body has been dumb you know” she said, shoving some root beers in her mouth

“ i want to go to bed, thanks for making it worse” i said ending the call as i fell back on my bed devastated, how stupid of me thinking he was trying to kiss me, fuck!, my hand wrapped around my phone, I am sure he was aware I was eagerly waiting for something out of the blue, that’s why he halted, tossing my phone, it fell on the floor, the sound of shattered glass got me.

A broken heart and screen as well, isn't that great?
