
A total shy mess

Asher pov

I stare at Rose from the TV installed in the wall just before me , funny how she doesn’t remember me. I had thought when she was clumsy earlier it was because she remembered something from our last encounter, but I was wrong, she's just so clumsy and timid.

Images of her flushed face take a quick stroll through my mind, even the ride home from our last encounter, she had been so clumsy, she fainted , what if she got kidnapped?,or maybe taken advantage of, what if i have not gone on a stroll that night?

What if?

Looking at her, she taps a few times on the tablet then drops it, walks around then combs her hair gracefully with her hands, i could tell she wasn't as comfortably, with a quick wave of her head she surveyed the room, I watch her pair her eyes at everything, i know my taste is finicky, but it's just the way i like it, spotless, just like the endless blue in the sky .

Seating back down, she sags to the chair, what terrifies her this much, i can't have an assistant that feel like she has seen a ghost throwing files all around, she doesn't suit her position, or maybe she doesn't want it, picking up my cell phone, i dial anna, she picks after the third ring, _ classic anna.

“ hey yo” she yells, just as suspected I stretch ,my hands far from my ear always quick to piss me off, obviously from the bosom of one of her girlfriends, i hear her jerk a little, “ what made you choose her” i said, hoarse and uninterested, she sighs deeply, “ what did you do this time, you know human actually live together, to actually be referred to as human” she said.

My fingers grasped my temples, “ it's not time for jokes anna, why did you choose her”

“ Because she's beautiful, timid, and willing to learn, just the perfect human to tolerate you, and your little alien nature” she said over the phone, followed by the clicking noises of lips , “love you too , bye honey” she said.

“Ashy baby, she's just perfect for you, i know that all you need is actually speak more, don't forget to breathe ,and lastly, appear more before her” her last words makes me smirk, she had broken her phone and a figurine, just because she saw me, “ well, i could refer her to you, i bet you need her in your chain, how about that”

‘ i can't have a female assistant, and you know why” she sighed,

“ well, just give it a try, and before i forget, mom and dad wants us to pay a week visit, i want you there” she ends the call just as quick, knowing a second late might be the end of this forsaken meeting i solely don't want to be a part of.

Looking back a rose, she’s typing something on the tablet, and if i may have commed she had actually tried compiling more, as i can see how far she has gone on my phone, if only her efficiency came with a slice of boldness, it would be a bone nice enough to toy with.

An hour passed and she was done, quicker than expected, time to actually 'appear before her' , walking towards the mirror , i did well taking a big chop of my hair , it still looks nice and fluffy , maybe that's just why she was clumsy, i look horrifying with my hair down.

Packing it up, in a piggy bun, i make my way out of the room, “i am coming” i announce, just then i catch a quick gasp before she actually replies, “ ok” just after a quick sigh, i descend down the stairs, “ i am almost done” she replies timidly.

Holding the tablet with both hands, against her chest, my eyes dart around her slender figure she freezy, “ wear a sweater tomorrow” i said, she nods shyly, must have thought i wouldn't notice,

“ and when you are done you are free to go home, “ i said

"well, thats early, isn't there anything you want me to do for you’

“Baby steps” I said, she squinted her eyes like she had just licked lime, and I can’t help but smirk at her reaction, she looked funny with that look.

“ and you have time to consider the job, it's not going to be as easy as it seems, don’t take it as a threat, but i could still refer you to other branches, so you fit in more” i said taking a seat just opposite her, she shies away, then brush her hair back behind her eyes.

The look of timidness overwhelms her, as her cheek turns red, she's just too timid, “ and what is your reply to that?

Waiting for a reply I get none, “ well, think about it, you got a job to work for Lopez, so you are not bound to me alone” that was all.

She nods, then stares blankly at me, making me wonder what she's actually staring at this time around, is there something on my face? I didn't take note of , or is something wrong with my hair ?

I had packed it up, what if i am having a receding hairline, “ well that would be all” i repeated, this time with a little fright, as i walk up, trying to make less noises, she doesn't say anything, and for the first time, i would have appreciated it more if she had actually spoken.

Getting to my room, i let out air , i never thought i held my breath till i saw my hair, it’s ok, then why did she stare at me intensively, damn, i needed a personal assistant, not a bag of insecurities, staring back at the television, she hasn't moved an inch obviously lost in thoughts what's she thinking?

I had gone for waxing before she was hired , I look spotless, I feel the same way too, it's obviously not my body, what might she be thinking.

she had sent a message when she was done with her share of the task I had given her earlier, now she stares directly at the camera, like she had just noticed its presence , shit, turning the television off, i walk down the stairs without making an announcement.

She turns swiftly letting out a quick gasp as she held her chest, “ when did appear” she said, panting gently, her question stupefies my sense, that my dear is the dumbest question I have heard in a while.

“ Please stop the superstitious beliefs, you are free to go home” I said as I walked back upstairs, i could sense her intense gaze on my body as I ascended. Finally she will be leaving , tomorrow is another day. I hope it’s better, I hope she doesn’t come back as well.