
an Archangel with an infinite potential in the Multiverse

A man died and saw himself in a place where there was no light, and there he met a god who would give him 2 wishes. He asked God for the powers of the archangel Michael and a system that would strengthen him forever.God tells him that he can only get Michael's powers by doing the tasks he gives guy accepts.begins his adventure with infinite potential

eternal_angel12 · TV
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29 Chs

Chapter 22

All of a sudden there was a huge burst of golden light in my house.

The light illuminated my whole house.

Then the light went out and Excalibur-proto appeared in front of me.

I was fascinated by the power the sword emitted. My fascination was interrupted by the killing intent coming towards me from behind.

I quickly turned around and saw Morgan looking coldly at me and the sword.

"This sword reminds me of Excalibur." It's normal for Morgan to be this angry, after all, it's the sword of the person Morgan hates.

"Morgan, now that you see it, I can explain it to you," I said, then picked up the suspended sword.

I looked towards Morgan." This sword is Excalibur. But it's not the king Arthur you know, it's a king Arthur who is a man.

Morgan stared at me for a moment. Then he approached me. She held out his hand to touch Excalibur, which was in the sheath.

"So what you say is true, this sword is really different from the Excalibur I know." Morgan looked at me with his now calming expression. "How did you get this sword?"

"It's just a gift, Morgan." I said quickly, then distracted by the notification from the system.

[God made an offer to strengthen the sword. Do you want to give the sword to God?]

Strengthening the sword? It's interesting, but why doesn't god give power-ups without asking?

"Why doesn't the system power-up without God asking?" I thought, Then the system responded back.

[Because god made the system completely loyal to the host. The system's first priority is the host, and then the god.]

I always had some doubt in me.

I thought about the possibility that God would see me as a pawn, like in fanfiction or movies or TV shows.

But when I heard this, I no longer had any doubts.

"Okay system, I accept." I said thinking.

Then the sword suddenly flashed again. Me and Morgan had to close our eyes.

After the light went out, the sword had disappeared.

[The sword has been developed. The features are as follows.

-The sword is now tied to the host. It cannot be taken by anyone.

-Sword, The stronger the Host gets, the stronger the sword becomes.

-The 12 seals made into swords have been removed.]

I was going to jump with excitement when I saw the powers that the sword brought. But when I saw that Morgan was here, I stopped myself.

"What happened!!?" asked Morgan, looking at the place where the sword had disappeared.

"I just couldn't control my strength a bit." I can only attribute the glow of the sword to such a silly reason.

Morgan just looked at me with suspicion. But she didn't say anything.

[Host, God has a message, do you want to receive it?]

Then I turned my attention back to the message from the system.

"Show system," I said in an inquisitive voice.

[God no longer needed to keep the Host's memories. And god decided to return his memories to the Host in exchange for not helping the Host anymore.]

After reading the system's message, all of a sudden, pain came to me with memories.

I hid my pain so as not to show it to Morgan.

After a while, memories came to my mind.

Goddess escaping from hell, then Pierce, Cain's pact with Lucifer, Michael demiurges's coming to earth.

Memories like this came to mind.

"You're stupidly lost in your own thoughts again." Uncomfortable with my absentmindedness, Morgan woke me up.

"Sorry Morgan, I was a little lost in thought." I said, trying to pass it off with a laugh.

Morgan looked into my eyes.

Then she walked past me and lay on my bed without saying a word.

"Morgan, I'll sleep somewhere else," I said, then when I was about to turn around and leave, she pulled me towards the bed.

Normally I could easily block this pull, but I didn't do anything because I didn't feel any danger.

Morgan, who looked at me after left with only his underwear, greeted me.

I tried not to look at Morgan's seductive body, but I couldn't take it anymore because Morgan was hugging me. And I lost some focus.

Morgan just closed her eyes, ignoring me.

When I saw Morgan asleep, I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.


In the morning I opened my eyes and saw that Morgan was not in the bed.

Then I quickly got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

After a while, as I was walking towards the kitchen, a very nice smell of food came into my nose.

Curious, I quickened my pace.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Morgan in an preparing dinner.

"You're finally awake." Morgan lifts his eyes from his dinner and smiles at me.

I looked at Morgan, who was smiling.

"What are you doing, Morgan?" Morgan turned to me.

"I just wanted to cook some food." I listen to Morgan and turn my eyes to the food.

Then I reached out to get a piece of the food.

But Morgan noticed me. She took my hand and looked at me.

"Now is not the time, be patient and wait." Morgan said authoritatively.

I stared into Morgan's eyes for a while.

But in the end, I gave up and sat in an empty chair and watched Morgan cook.

But I have to admit.

Morgan who cooks looks beautiful. If another couple saw us, I'm sure they would see us as the ideal couple.

Then I snapped out of my thoughts and waited patiently.

After a 10-minute wait Morgan finally brought the food.

She took off his apron and sat on the chair.

"Let's start eating meal" said Morgan, beginning to eat meal graceful.

I looked a little embarrassed at Morgan's graceful eating meal.

After thinking, "I should read, How to eat meal elegantly for fools sometime" I refocused my attention on food.

I started eating meal with Morgan.