
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Fated Night

"Take off your clothes." The Alpha commands as soon as he enters the room given to me. I'm taken aback by the sudden boldness behind Alpha Rhys's words. We have just entered the kingdom, and now he is telling me to take off my clothes for no reason.

"Excuse, but what?" I sound out.

"Did you hear me? I want you to take off your dress."

"No, you pervert."

"I don't plan to mate with you just yet. I only wanted to look at the assets before trying it…"

"Pervert." I say out loud. Though I remain as brave on the outside, I am terrified on the inside. With men like him, I know how all of this goes.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." The Alpha goes up to me. She reaches for my puffy sleeves and slips them down. I swatted his hand away but it was too late. My top falls just below my stomach. I use my hands to cover the skin above my fallen dress.

The Alpha's eyes skims up and down at my body. Eye twinkling with delight. He flashes his canine. "My, you are very thin."

"Well, that's what poverty and the harsh winter do to someone." I retorted. "Of course, you wouldn't know because you grew up spoiled and pampered. Like a little doggie."

Alpha Rhy's jaws clenches. He grips my cheek with one strike. "What happened to that sweet girl in the house? Ready to make me some dinner."

"Go to hell." I managed to say even if my lips squished.

My heart pounds with every seen the Alpha reminds glaring through my eyes. He scoffs then lets go of my face, now burning from his hands digging into my cheek.

"I'll give you some time to compose yourself."

"So you can manipulate me again?" I say.

He breathes out. "Today has been hard on you. Get some rest while you can." He leaves my room. The door shouting makes me shiver. I slip my dress back on. The tears I was holding on to now spill out of my eyes. It doesn't stop coming out. Forever flowing like a waterfall.

I slump down onto my bed, my body trembling from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The encounter with the Alpha is still fresh in my mind, my heart continues to race, pounding against my chest like a caged bird desperate for freedom. Emotions swirl within me, a mix of fear, relief, and a strange sense of triumph. As I catch my breath, I can't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. The Alpha, the powerful leader of our pack, had come to me with his commanding presence and unwavering gaze. But I stood my ground, refusing to let intimidation consume me. With every ounce of courage I possessed, I summoned the strength to confront him, to stand up for myself.

The memory replays in my mind like a vivid movie scene. The intensity of his gaze, the weight of his authority bearing down upon me. But I refused to be cowed, refused to let him dictate my worth. With every fiber of my being, I projected an aura of defiance, an unyielding spirit that dared him to challenge me further. And then it happened. The moment his expression faltered, the glimmer of doubt that flickered in his eyes. In that moment, I realized that I had managed to strike a chord within him, to rattle his composure. The power of my presence, my unwavering defiance, had managed to unsettle the mighty Alpha.

As I sit on my bed, the room enveloped in silence, a triumphant smile dances across my lips. It's not that I revel in the downfall of others or seek to dominate, but rather, this victory represents something more profound. It symbolizes my growth, my ability to stand tall in the face of adversity and emerge unscathed.The shaking in my body begins to subside, replaced by a sense of calm. I release a long, slow breath, allowing the tension to melt away. It's in moments like these, moments of personal triumph, that we discover the depths of our own resilience. I realize that I am stronger than I once believed, capable of asserting my own power, my own voice.

As I lay back on my bed, a contented sigh escapes my lips. The memory of the Alpha's departure lingers in my mind, a reminder of my own bravery. The room feels quieter now, the air filled with a sense of empowerment. I close my eyes thinking of how I got here. My father sold me so he could live like a king. He promised mother he would protect me, and this is his way or protecting me? The warm tears running from my eyes stop; replaced by a festering anger.

The door opens and Blonde hair peek into the room. Ophelia opens the door wider to accommodate the other maid staring into the room. They help themselves to the room without me saying anything. The door is wide. I see they both hold on to towels, and fresh bed sheets on their hands.

"The Alpha was quick." Soloria says, searching the space on the bed. "It doesn't look like he touched her."

"You're right. The sheets are white as ever."

"What is wrong with the both of you?" I fix my gaze on Solaria and Ophelia, their dumbfounded expressions only fueling my frustration. How can they be so oblivious? How can they not understand the gravity of what I'm saying?

"What are you talking about?" Solaria asks, her voice laced with confusion. But her question only serves to ignite the fire within me.

"I mean all of this!" I exclaim, my voice rising in volume. "How can you stand here and talk about the alpha defiling me like it's some kind of normal occurrence? How can you brush it off as if it's just another part of life in this pack?"

Both Solaria and Ophelia maintain their silence, their lips sealed shut. They know the truth, the unspoken horrors that lie beneath the surface. Their silence speaks volumes, a tacit admission of the painful reality that they too have witnessed.I take a step forward, my eyes darting between the two of them. The anger, the betrayal, it surges through me like a torrential wave. How could they let this happen? How could they turn a blind eye to the abuse, to the violation that occurs under the Alpha's rule?

"You both know," I continue, my voice quivering with a mix of rage and desperation. "You both know what goes on behind closed doors, behind the façade of power and authority. You've seen the pain in the eyes of those who have suffered, who have been stripped of their dignity."

Still, they remain silent, their eyes avoiding mine. It's as if they fear acknowledging the truth, afraid of the repercussions that might follow if they speak up. But I can no longer stay silent. I can no longer pretend that everything is normal, that the Alpha's actions should be accepted without question.

Solaria and Ophelia exchange glances, their expressions shifting from confusion to a flicker of understanding. It's a small victory, a spark of hope that they might join me in challenging the status quo.

"It's complicated," finally, Ophelia speaks. And I know she is just finding a way to cover things up.

"Well, I already scared him off so he knows what kind of person I am."

"I'm sure the Alpha is terrified of you," says Solaria in a sarcastic tone.

"What are you two even doing here?"

"We are here to clean you up of any mess in case the Alpha gets handsy with you. Will looks like he had a change of plans." Opheila smiles throughout her words that scares me. She thinks this is all funny. I was taken by some pervert claiming me as his mate.

"Let's clean those tears off your face.You don't want the other servants calling you a crybaby." Solaria wipes the dried tears off my face.

"You know how much they love to gossip." Ophelia cackles.

"Why are you two being so nice to me?"

Solaria shrugs. "It's our job."

"I'm very curious to see a human in person." Ophelia takes my hands. She sniffs it. "You smell like flowers."

"Everyone smells like flowers to you."

"Not you, you smell like a grumpy cat."

Solaria tosses the towel to her face and she laughs. I feel my lips twitching into a smile then I remember where I am and who these people are. I yank my hands from Ophelia's grip. For a second, she looked hurt then she cracked a small polite smile.

"Let's leave human. She must be tired."

I watch as Solaria and Ophelia quietly leave my room, the sound of the door clicking shut echoing in the silence. Alone once more, I lay down on the bed, feeling the weight of the world pressing down upon me. My gaze fixates on the ceiling, obscured by the delicate pink lace fabric that hangs over my bed, casting ethereal patterns across the room. Numbness settles in, seeping through my veins, rendering me incapable of tears or anger. The emotions that once raged within me have been extinguished, leaving behind a hollow void. It's as if my spirit has retreated to a place of solitude, seeking solace within the confines of my own mind.

The room feels suffocating, and the air hangs heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and shattered illusions. The silence amplifies the tumultuous thoughts that swirl in my head, echoing through the empty space. I try to make sense of it all, to comprehend the magnitude of what has transpired, but my mind feels clouded, overwhelmed by a maelstrom of emotions.

All I want at this moment is to be left alone, to retreat into the depths of my solitude. The world outside my room feels distant, disconnected from my reality. It's as if time stands still, and the outside chaos fades into insignificance compared to the turmoil raging within me.

I lay there, unmoving, lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts. The lace fabric above me provides a soft barrier, shielding me from the outside world, allowing me to retreat into a cocoon of self-reflection. The patterns dance above me, their delicate intricacies hypnotizing me, briefly distracting me from the pain that gnaws at my soul. As minutes stretch into hours, I lie in stillness, allowing the weight of my emotions to ebb and flow. I surrender to the numbness. I release the need for immediate resolution, for explanations and answers. The lace fabric above me becomes a silent witness, offering comfort in its delicate presence.

In this moment of quiet solitude, I find solace, a respite from the chaos of the world outside. And as I lay there, staring at the ceiling, my eyes close, and I drift off into sleep.


"This tastes so good, Mel!" My sister closes her eyes, chewing on the rabbit hind I just cooked. During dinner where the three of us ate, I counted the money I got from the rabbit skin.

"Father, we have enough to buy some new things."

"There's no need."

"Why? I worked so hard for the money."

"You're a disgrace."


"A freak. A creature."

The door barges open. Alpha Rhy's howls. He rushes into the dining table and picks me up. "Let go of me!"

"Don't worry my dear beauty, I promised our father I will take good care of you."


"You are mine!"

My eyes shoot open. My body drenched in a pool of sweat. I glance out and it's only dark. I must have had a bad a dream. Moments later, the door knocks.

"Come in."

A servant. Not the two familiar ones I am used to walking into the room. He seems to be about my sister's age by his smaller build from the Alpha or the other males I've seen. "Here's your dinner. The Alpha said to make this for you too feel at home," he says.

"Place it there." I walk up to the tray. The young maid shifts in his spot. Nervous at me? I lift the tray cover and it's a bowl of soup. The exact same soup my mother always used to make for me: Creamy Honey Soup. It had all the ingredients on it. The white beans, cashews, miso paste, mustard and honey. Tossing the tray on the ground flashes in my mind, but I close the lid. "Thank you."

The servant lingers for a bit. He opens his mouth as if he wanted to ask me a question, then he leaves without a single word. I hear muffled speaking coming out of the door. I go to listen to what is happening.

"How was the human? Is it true they shot lasers from their eyes?"

"She wasnt that scary. She's really bare like a baby." Several laughter filled the hall.

"Ugh." I lean against the door. I guess Solaria and Ophelia are not wrong about the gossiping maids in this palace. I walk up to the window covered with white curtains. The view of the kingdom stretches into the woods, where a sea of trees stares back at me. Inside the walls of the kingdom, I set eyes on the Alpha and his pack discussing smelting. They all seem tense and angry about something from their faces.

I hold my breath seeing the Alpha looking up in the buildings. He doesn't smile nor blink. I close the curtains before anything else happens. My skin still tingles from his words, and the way he touched me. There's a feeling in his gut that he isn't going to stop just there.