
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasía
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43 Chs

An Unexpected Guest

"Where is she!?" I burst through the grand doors of the palace, my heart pounding in my chest. The servants glance at me with wide eyes, their expressions a mix of confusion and disbelief. They think I'm crazy, perhaps even dangerous, but I don't care. I just saw her—or someone who looked exactly like her—being dragged into this palace, and I needed to make sure it was really my sister.

Ignoring the curious gazes and whispers that follow me, I stride purposefully toward a servant standing nearby. With a determined voice, I ask, "Where is the Alpha?"

The servant blinks at me, clearly taken aback by my urgency. After a moment's hesitation, they swallow and nod. "He is in his meeting room," they manage to reply.

"Take me to him," I demand, my eyes searching theirs for any hint of deception.

They hesitate, their uncertainty palpable. I can see the inner turmoil, the conflict between their duty to obey and their concern for my sanity. But then, with a deep breath, they muster the courage to guide me.

We navigate through ornate corridors, passing grand tapestries and exquisite paintings. The opulence of the palace surrounds me, a stark contrast to my frantic state of mind. I can't allow myself to be distracted by the allure of luxury; my sole focus is on finding the truth about my sister.

Finally, we arrive at the Alpha's meeting room. The servant gestures for me to wait outside, but I shake my head vehemently. I can't afford to be kept at a distance; I need to see the Alpha with my own eyes, gauge his reaction, and confront him if necessary.

Ignoring their protests, I barge into the room, and every pair of eyes turns toward me. The Alpha, a regal figure seated at the head of the table, regards me with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. His legs are hoisted up the dark wood table with a parchment paper hanging over his face.

"Who dares to interrupt this important gathering?" he booms, his voice carrying authority.

"It's me," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "I need to know if my sister is here."

Murmurs ripple through the room, and the Alpha's eyes narrow in scrutiny. "And why should I entertain such a request from a stranger?"

"She's not a stranger!" I insist, my voice cracking with desperation. "She's my sister, and someone who looks just like her was dragged into this palace. I need to see her. I need to know if it's really her."

"You cannot be in here." One out of five of the council members stepped to me, but he didn't touch me in my fit of fury. They have my sister and I want to know why she was taken, and where she is in the big and confusing palace.

The alpha slowly moves down the parchment from his face; revealing a dark button up shirt, only bottom up just half-way up his shirt. Revealing just a peak of his chest muscles. "Who?"

"My sister. Nesa. Your guards took her captive."

The Alpha folds the paper and tosses it onto the table. "I was not aware a human made it into the capitol." A hush falls over the room as everyone avoids the Alpha's obvious glare. His gaze lingers on me, assessing my sincerity. And then, unexpectedly, his stern expression softens ever so slightly.

"I understand your concern," he finally replies, his voice softer now. "But the palace is a vast place, and I can't simply grant every one's request. You'll have to provide some evidence or further information."

Desperation surges through me, but I refuse to give up. "Please, just let me see her. I can prove she's my sister if you give me the chance."

The door flies open and Oscar rushes to the room.

"Alpha Rhy's I'm sorry." Oscar rushes into the room. He takes a hold of my arms. "I will tell Melanie to her room."

I plant my feet firmly on the floor. "I'm not leaving until you let go of my sister."

The Alpha stares at me from where I was. His blue eyes shift from me to Oscar right behind. "Bring the human girl."

"Yes, sir." Oscar rushes out of the courtroom. Standing here alone in the room felt like an eternity just waiting for my sister. I wonder who she managed to find her away to the wolf kingdom. How did she manage to survive the journey here? Why did she come back for me? I start to space in a circle, just letting my wind take over my entire body.

"Why is he taking too long?" I ask the Alpha.

"Relax, Melanie, you don't want to stress yourself out."

I start to pace around. Every beat of my heart sounded like a drum pounding against my ear. Every second that ticked away felt like hours just waiting to see my sister. I suddenly stopped in my tracks."I'm going to go find her."

"No you won't. No one is allowed in the prisoner's ward." A councilman says.

"You shut your mouth." I point at him, and he opens his mouth in a gape.

"Sir, you must learn to control your mate. She is going feral."

"You people should be the last to use the word feral." I snap.

"So much for mating a human." One of the nameless council members says under his breath.

The sound of the chair scraping on the floor catches my ear. The alpha stands, and I start to feel that he is going to take the councilman's words at heart. Instead of coming toward me, his lips pressed into a content grin, focused eyes staring behind me.

"I have brought the human, sir." Oscar's voice breathed from behind me.

"Melanie is that you?"

My heart instantly melts into a pool of liquid just seeing my sister standing by the large pack member. Her black hair is tied into a high ponytail for once, adorned with a lace white bow that matches her dress covered in dirt, sooth and greenery. Though she looks a lot gaunt that I last saw her, my sister has not aged. Glowing like an angel in the high heavens.

"Nesa!" I rushed across the room to my sister. Everything makes a lot of sense when we make contact like a missing link that has now been restored. I hug my sister so tight that I think I'd break her bones. I dig my nose onto her head. She smells sweat, and like smoke. She smells just like back home.

My home.

"I missed you so much." I try not to cry my heart out.

"Me too." My sister sobs into my clothes, and I don't care if she covers my dress in snot and tears. This only makes me draw her close to me. In all my life I've never been separated from my sister. Just seeing her here makes me want to ball my eyes out like a toddler. Sniggles only come out of me.

"Are you alright, did they hurt you?" I pull away.

"No, I was kept in a room somewhere. I should be asking you if you're alright."

"I'm fine. I've always been fine." My lips spread into a frown. "How did you get here?"

"It's a long story. I would rather not say now."

"It must have been hard on you." I eye the little fresh scratch mark on the right side of her forehead.

"Sorry to break the family reunion," says the alpha, stepping onto our little safe zone. For a second I completely forgot that he and the others exist. "Your sister cannot stay here."

"My sister just got here. Have a heart."

"Yes, but your sister is a human who came of her own will. Humans are only invited into Wolvendom. The ones who sneak here will be killed." His words sound like a threat which makes me bring my sister closer to me.

"You are wicked."

"It's the rules."

"I don't care about the rules. I want my sister here."

"What about the rules you don't understand?" A councilman steps up. He fixes a glare for me and my sister. "Humans, apart from being invited, are not allowed here."

"What about me? Am I not a human too?"

"Your situation is different compared to your sisters." The alpha sighs.

"Oh, yes because I am your slave."

"Oscar, please escort the human back to the human world. Make sure she is accompanied on her way safely.

"No!" My rage boils down to Oscar. "Come near us and I'll make you pay for it."

"Alpha, may I deal with your stubborn mate?"

"No need." He sighs, "Melanie. Let go of her or I might have to use other methods you may not like."

"Then try it!" I breathe heavily.

Alpha takes a deep annoyed breath again. "Of course you would take the hard way."

With a look to Oscar, his pack member takes hold of my sister with ease. Nesa screamed for me and I felt something snap within me.Something feral. I take a hold of the sword on Oscar's side and with a single movement, I press it against the alpha's throat who seems to be completely unphased by this.

"Oh my stars!" The council men gasp and whisper among each other, one of them calling for a guard.

"Don't,"the alpha says calmly.

I press the sword to his neck. "Why are you doing this? Don't you have a family? Don't you have a heart."

"Do not start this now."

"How would you like it if someone took someone you love." He doesn't say a word, and I press the blade close to Adam's apple. "I've sacrificed everything for you and you are so selfish not to let me have anything."

"I have made sure you are happy–"

"Don't talk!" I breathe. "Please, let her stay for the night. That is all I wish for."

"Let go of me then I will give you my answer."

I pause, staring at him in his eyes that seems to have some form of sympathy, but again, there is that sternness in his face that makes me think letting go of this blade will be a mistake. The Alpha holds my hand and quizzes it gently. I release my grip but the sword is still to his neck. I'd half expect the alpha to retaliate, however he just takes the sword from my hands. He rubs the area where the blade was pressed against his neck. His eyes then set on me. Behind that darkening gaze brewing with vengeance.

He approaches me, leaning toward me. "Your sister can stay," he leans his lips close to my ears, "but you owe me."