
An Alpha's Wife and An Alpha's Soulmate

Evangeline was just a regular girl, for the past 16 years her life had been mundane and at times sad. She never would have expected what her life would become just 2 weeks before her 17th birthday. Now she must figure out who she is while also finding out who she truly belongs with.

Chelsea_Labelle_6656 · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 1 Mysterious Stranger

The sound of my ringtone filled my ears and infiltrated my dreams, ruining my peaceful sleep. I groaned as I forced myself to sit upright on my bed. I grabbed the phone off of the charger and without a second thought answered it and brought it to my ear. I looked over at my alarm to check the time it was god damn 6 am who the hell gets up that early on the weekend? My voice was hoarse and dry "What?!" I demanded I was not a morning person. I waited but there was no answer. Really, Jordan? I was not in the mood for pranks right now "Jordan I swear to god I will tell Auntie Layla that you're pulling this shit again." I threatened but still no answer. I looked down at the phone and saw that it said 'unknown caller' what the f*ck was going on. I hung up since it was probably a wrong number or something.

I decided I might as well get up and ready for the day, I threw back the covers and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I got up and grabbed my towel off the back of my computer chair before heading to the washroom. Thank the lord I had my own washroom since I lived with four males. There was my dad and my three brothers, my mom passed away after giving birth to my baby brother Tyson, who is now 11 years old. I feel bad that he never got to know her then there are my older brothers Dereck and Dustin the twin seniors at my school. Thankfully my brothers are well raised for a pair of jocks. They always want to set an example for me of how guys should treat a girl so they have always been gentlemen to the girls they date. I have to say they really are great big brothers to Tyson and me.

I turned on the shower letting the water warm up before I decided to jump in. The hot water and steam began to wake up my sleepy body. My long brown hair got darker the wetter it got, I washed and rinsed my hair. I then moved on to my body using the old spice body wash I had stolen from Dustin a few days ago. I liked the smell and he clearly never used it anyway or he would have noticed by now. Just as I began to relax that voice crept into the back of my mind sending shivers down my spine. I turned off the shower once I was finished then grabbed my fluffy towel and wrapped it around myself. I grabbed my earbuds to listen to some music since I didn't want to wake up Tyson. My older brothers were over at a friend's place, and as usual, dad was off on one of his business trips. He never stayed at home very long ever since he lost mom he's never really been 'here' he must really miss her. I have never even seen him talk to another woman.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my favorite pair of jeans from the middle drawer, they were a bit torn and faded, but I still loved them all the same. I tossed my jeans on the bed and hummed as I rummaged through my closet for a shirt that I wanted to wear today. I found a purple V-neck t-shirt and decided to toss it onto my bed along with my jeans. I decided to match my bra and panties to my shirt and grabbed the lacy purple pair. I got dressed and began to blow dry my hair turning it from a bar of dark chocolate to a light caramel-like color. I always did love my hair color. I wasn't sure if it was a bad thing that I knew I was pretty? It wasn't like I put other girls down for not looking like me. I had high cheekbones, full lips, icy blue eyes, and a fit yet curvy body. Frankly, I had no complaints about my looks and I was use to boys looking at me, not like any of them ever asked me out though. Once I was pleased with my appearance I opened the bedroom door and walked out quietly to go make breakfast for me and Tyson.

I was in the middle of cooking when I heard Tyson's footsteps coming towards the kitchen "Eva? Eva I'm hungry." he called out his voice groggy with sleep. I smiled "I know buddy it's almost ready. Why don't you go watch some cartoons then you can go over to Andy's to play." I told him as I grabbed the plates from the cabinet. I could hear his feet quickly run into the living room and him land roughly on the sofa before the tv turned on. I giggled to myself as I began placing food on the plates. As I walked to the living room Tyson sang loudly to the SpongeBob theme song. I placed his plate on the coffee table along with mine. I sat on the floor and we watched the episode together as we ate. Once he was done I grabbed our plates to do the dishes while he got dressed. The silly kid didn't even say goodbye as he ran out the front door to go play with his best friend Andy.

I was going to watch a movie when the phone rang so I went to pick it up "Hello?" I asked as I started the movie. I was stunned when the creepy male voice spoke "Hello beautiful mind if I join you?" he asked with a dark chuckle. My blood froze "I do mind! Who are you?! Stop calling me you creep!" I yelled but before he could answer I hung up. I was worried and ran to lock all the doors and windows, I ran upstairs to my room my eyes went wide in fear when I saw a tall lanky figure standing next to my open window "Hello beautiful..."

Hey guys I use to write this story on another platform a long time ago but had become discouraged, thankfully my fiance has been encouraging me to start writting again so I hope you guys like it.

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