

"What??? Marriage with Mohit Sir??" Navya screamed hysterically after hearing those words.

Her dad looked at her with a flat expression without blinking.

"Dad are you crazy?? Will I marry Mohit sir??" Navya asked her dad in hope.

"After you released from the police station, I told you that I will sort all things out before leaving Delhi." Her dad said to Navya.

Navya never imagined that the way to solve the problem was by arranging her marriage with Mohit.

"That's the only choice Navya, if you want to stay in Delhi, you have to marry Mohit. If you don't want to marry him, you have to return to Jabalpur." Her dad said in a cold voice.

Navya knew very well the meaning of her dad's cold voice, meaning that dad's decision could no longer be disputed, whatever the reason. She stared at her dad blankly. She couldn't believe her dad's decision. "In this advanced age, there are still some parents who force marriage on their children." Navya thought in her mind.

"You decide for yourself, which one from the above 2 option you want to choose." Her dad continued and left her room while slamming the door with a loud noise.

Navya sat limply on the edge of her bed. Her brain felt paralyzed, unable to process so much things that had happened to her recently. "Why doesn't anything happen according to my expectations?" Navya questioned to herself.

Her high school friends used to be jealous of her because of her perfect life, her looks, she is smart and rich and has a handsome boyfriend like Ronit. Like she got all the happiness anyone want in their life. But in just matter of months, suddenly all her dreams were shattered even though she want to live a happy life like girl of her age.

Knock knock! Suddenly someone knocked on the bedroom door. The door was opened from the outside. It was Mohit. He came into the room and quickly closed the door again.

Navya's blood churned. Instantly she jumped on her feet, grabbed whatever on her bed like pillows, blankets, and threw all her might at Mohit.

"Go! You pervert brain. Get out of my room. Get out!" Navya screamed, poured out her anger completely.

For Navya, it was all Mohit's fault. If he won't agree for the marriage, then no way her dad would force her to marry Navya. "What was going on in his mind?? We are almost 6 year apart in age." Navya thought in her mind.

"Navya relax, I'm here to talk with you. Listen first." Mohit's voice remained calm. He quickly collected all the things that Navya threw at him and put them back on the end of the bed. Navya stood silent. There was no longer anything nearby that can be thrown. Mohit seemed to keep his distance too from Navya. He stood at the other end of Navya.

"Navya, i know you think this idea is crazy and you also think that I am pervert, because I forced you to marry me. But first you head my explanation. If you want to stay in Delhi then you must cooperate with me." Mohit said to Navya.

Navya frowned at his words. "What does he mean by cooperation?" Navya said in her mind.

Mohit took a deep breath and started the conversation. "You know your dad's character very well. If he had decided something, you can't argue with him anymore. I always respect Mr. Malhotra, although I don't agree with his opinion. Now I ask again to you. You want to live here in Delhi or you want to go back to Jabalpur?" Mohit asked Navya in a firm tone.

"I want to live in Delhi." Navya spontaneously squealed.

Mohit nodded. "Okay then, we have to work together to lie to your dad. Even though I don't want to lie him but this is all for your good." Mohit said to Navya.

Navya was even more confused. "Lying to dad? What does Mohit want?" She thought in her mind.

Mohit took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. He walked closer and handed it to Navya. "For both of us, this marriage is just an agreement. We both know this. As soon as you complete your masters degree, you're free to decide wherever you want to go and what to do. Automatically all are agreement aka our marriage will be finished after your masters degree." Mohit explained to Navya.

For a moment, Navya just stared at the paper in astonishment. It contained the points of their marriage agreement. Navya reads it out loud. The point are-:

1." This marriage agreement takes effect from today, Sunday 12 September 2014 to until the date of Navya's graduation."

2. "The first party, Mohit Chauhan, promised to respect and protect Navya, in accordance with Mr. Malhotra's wishes."

3. "The second party, Navya, promised to respect and obey Mohit Singh and not do anything against her dad's wish. She will study hard to complete her master's degree."

"The third point include, you are no longer allowed to go to night clubs, get drunk, making friends with bad habits."  Mohit interrupted Navya. "I promised to watch over you, that doesn't mean you can't make friends or have fun but there are limits. Free but responsible." Mohit completed his sentence.

Navya's eyes met Mohit's. It was just as if she had sunk into the depths of the man's eyes. Navya hastily turned her gaze back from his eyes and started reading the agreement again.

4. "This marriage is just based on an agreement, so both the parties have no rights and obligations as husband or wife. Both parties promise to respect each other's rights, as long as they maintain the good name of the family."

Mohit interrupted again. "It means you can date like a girl of your age but you have to tell me who that guy is. I will persuade your dad to make this marriage as simple as possible. It's just a play as husband and wife infront of your family and neighbours. No one can know about this including your friends, so you're free."

Navya was stunned by his words. "Mohit had it all figured out!! But why?? Why Mohit plan all these crazy things for me?" Navya thought in her mind confusingly.

5. "This agreement ends on the date of Navya's masters degree graduation or it could be sooner, if both parties agreed to terminate the agreement."

This time Mohit smiled looking at Navya.

"This means, if you really can't stand playing this roleplay anymore, just say so. We can think of another way, so that you can continue to study here." This time Mohit's voice sounded soft for Navya.

They were both silent for a moment.

"How is the agreement Navya? If something is missing or you want to add something to the agreement, just say it." Mohit insisted after sometime.

Navya's tongue was numb. She didn't know how to change her dad's decision. "Dad was always hard heartened. If I argue with him then I will obviously loose. Now Mohit offers a solution to me. It sounded very crazy and strange but it is still better if someone help me in facing dad together rather than facing alone." Navya thought in her mind for a moment.

Navya finally agreed to the deal offered by Mohit. The two of them signed an agreement and each kept a copy of the agreement. As Mohit promised their wedding held quickly with almost no events. Mohit gave reason to Navya's dad that he don't want to depress Navya with their 6 years age gap. Most importantly their marriage is legal in the eyes of law. The next day Navya got a copy of their marriage certificate.

After 3 days of living in Delhi, Navya's dad will return to Jabalpur today. Navya felt like cheers of joy. Now she's finally free. She doesn't need to go back to Jabalpur and can continue her studies in Delhi.

Before going home, Navya's dad held her shoulder. "I can know calmly leave you here, because there is Mohit taking care of you. Maybe you think, I'm really bad dad, forcing you to marry but mark my words, Mohit is the best person you can hope for as your husband. He is an adult, responsible and highly educated. I'm very grateful to him that he accepted my request." Navya's dad said with a serious face.

Navya suddenly felt guilty in her heart. "So papa begged Mohit to marry me? What would happen if he finds out that their marriage is just a farce?" Navya thought in her mind with guilt.

"Your age difference must be bother for you. He is 29 and you are 22, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. He is a patient and understanding person. I also told him that all your living expenses while you are still in college will be my responsibility. I don't want to burden him, he has sacrificed a lot. Remember, he is your husband, you have to respect him as much as you respect me. I hope you will always get along." Her dad said to Navya with a smiling face.

Navya's throat felt clogged, it was difficult for her to breathe. She couldn't say a word to answer her dad, because the guilt kept hunting her. But she can't do anything  as there is no turning back so she remained silent. This is the only way she can't go back to Jabalpur.

Navya's dad left the home after sometime talking with Mohit. From that day on, Mohit and Navya lived in the relic house of her grandparents together with their household assistant and their driver. In order not to be caught, Navya and Mohit pretended to sleep together in the main room. Fortunately, Navya's master bedroom and main bed room were next to each other, connected by a door. Navya always quickly went to her room through the door as soon as she entered in the room.