
An Adventure to Guoker Planet

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about the aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This article is a memoir or travel diary of his adventure to the alien planet "Guoker".

ZhangXiangqian · Ciencia y ficción
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Visiting the Artificial Field Generation Center on Guoker Planet

The most important infrastructure on Guoker Planet is the artificial field generator, which powers the planet's miraculous GMW teleportation technology. Finally I got a chance to visit the artificial field generator center (AFGC) with Willie, Norton and Suldair.

I asked where on Planet Guoker the artificial field generator was located. Suldair pointed at the sky, and even in the daylight, I saw a silvery-gray satellite.

Using the GMW, the four of us were instantly transported to the AFGC. It was only upon arriving that I realized the AFGC was incredibly vast; inside, it was impossible to grasp the scale of things. The interior was lined with rows of exquisitely crafted metal rooms, primarily in lead-gray and silver hues. The rooms lacked any bulbs, instead, the entire walls emitted a soft glow. However, I didn't see any of the virtual structures that are common on the planet's surface.

I exclaimed in awe, "Wow, it's massive, like stepping onto another planet. This place shouldn't be called just an artificial field generator; it' s more like a artificial field center."

Suldair agreed, saying, "Exactly, this is the AFGC, housing the most crucial equipment—the artificial field generators. The AFGC serves not only as a teleportation hub for the GMW but also as the central energy provider for Planet Guoker. It's also the core of the GIW and the planet's data processing center. Unlike Earth, where electrical energy is used, we use field energy. The AFGC is essentially the planet's hub for energy emission, motion dispatching, information processing, and energy reception, collecting power through stellar energy receivers. If such a device existed on Earth, it would be called a Solar Energy Concentration Receiver.

"AFGCs are akin to the geostationary satellites on Earth. Our planet has nine of these centers, and some of the smaller nearby planets have six. This center is also one of my workplaces, but I don't need to be physically present often. Instead, I occasionally visit and mostly work remotely via the GIW."

"Brother Qian, did you know?" Willie said, "The core area of the AFGC doesn't provide teleportation services."

"Oh, I understand," I responded. "It's like barbers on Earth who can cut anyone's hair but their own."

Norton interjected, "The gravity we feel here in the AFGC is actually artificially created."

There are many employees at the AFGC, each about one meter tall. They turned to watch us as we passed by, likely drawn by my larger stature. There was quite a bit of murmuring among them, but Kevin didn't translate, so I had no idea what they were discussing."

"As we walked, we suddenly found ourselves floating about 30 centimeters (roughly one foot) above the ground, swiftly transitioning from walking to cruising through the air. I didn't ask why; with so many wondrous technologies on Guoker, it no longer surprised me.

We quickly reached the core area of the AFGC. Suldair pointed to a massive ring-shaped pipe, saying, 'By Earth measurements, the ring's diameter would be about 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles), and the pipe's diameter nearly one kilometer (about 0.62 miles).

He continued, "This is the core component of the artificial field generator—the particle circumfluence device. Most other equipment here serves a supportive role. Another vital device is the star energy concentration receiver, much smaller, specifically for capturing star energy—similar to solar energy as known on Earth. We'll have a chance to see the star energy receiver shortly."

I asked, "What's the fundamental principle of this AFGC?"

Norton explained, "It operates similarly to our flying saucers—by creating positive and negative gravitational fields that affect the surrounding space and time, through altering the electromagnetic field."

At that moment, it appeared that the AFGC's administrator came out to greet Suldair and Norton. They went into another room, possibly for a meeting. Norton signaled for Willie to accompany me on the tour.

My curiosity piqued, I asked Willie, "How could flying saucers and this AFGC operate on the same principle?"

"Both the flying saucer and the artificial field consume the space around them, thereby affecting the mass and charge distribution of the objects within that space,"Willie explained with a charming tone, yet it was hard to grasp.

I pressed on, "How do flying saucers and the artificial field generator 'consume' the space around them?"

"Changing electromagnetic fields can produce positive and negative gravitational fields. The negative gravitational field propels away from the AFGC at the speed of light, and as it hits an object, it erases the space around the object as well as its mass and electrical charge. Without mass and charge, the object enters an excited state and begins moving at the speed of light, acquiring many extraordinary properties. This is as much as I understand, and I admit it's not entirely clear to me either."

While I bent down to speak with Willie, she suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her head against my chin, and softly asked, "Do you have any other questions?"

"What exactly is a 'field'?" I asked.

"A field involves space changing through movement in a cylindrical spiral pattern. Any more questions?" she responded.

"No..." I was swept up in a flutter of emotions and ceased my inquiries.

Willie behaved like a clingy kitten, constantly circling around me. Sometimes she would position herself in front of me, causing me to trip. She enjoyed using the GMW to make her body weightless, floating at the same height as mine, or sometimes positioning her legs level with my head. Then, like a catfish, she would circle around my upper body or even sit on my neck. We were both in virtual clothing, essentially naked. Her extremely smooth skin and the plump folds of flesh as she rode my neck were overwhelmingly stimulating.

This spectacle often unfolded in front of others, which was quite embarrassing for me, but Willie, along with Norton and their friends, seemed unconcerned. I frequently asked her to keep her distance, but she ignored my requests. Yet, there were times when I truly desired to be close to her and engage in intimacy, but she would not reciprocate. Their strange dispositions were something I felt people from Earth might never understand.

Hand in hand, Willie and I glided 30 centimeters (about one foot) above the ground.

We finally arrived behind the particle circumfluence device and observed the star energy concentration receiver. Unlike the immense particle circumfluence device, the star energy concentration receiver consisted of numerous rings on a large panel. These rings seemed painted onto the surface, with dark spots possibly representing holes or other materials at their centers—details were hard to discern from a distance.

I wanted to get a closer look, but Willie cautioned, "This area is too dangerous; you're not allowed near it. Besides, you wouldn't be able to find your way there."

"Does the star energy concentration receiver affect the surrounding space by concentrating stellar light energy before collecting it?" I asked.

"Yes," she explained. "Your Earth's solar panels can only capture the solar energy that falls directly on them, square meter by square meter. However, these concentration receivers can compress space, enabling them to gather millions, even billions, of square meters of solar energy on just one square meter of the panel."

"Wow, that's impressive! But could they also destroy spaceships passing through?" I wondered aloud.

"Yes, certainly, the Guoker people realized this issue early on. We've segmented space into a grid so that the star energy concentration receiver affects only specific grid sections, minimizing any impact on spaceships."

"What do you mean by 'grid'?" I asked.

Willie sketched lines in the air, both horizontally and vertically, and said, "Like this, Brother Qian. You're a smart guy; you should be able to understand."

"Okay," I replied, though I still didn't quite grasp it.

"The star energy concentration receiver not only beams energy into space but also directs it downward to the planet's surface, reducing the amount of star energy—or as you call it on Earth, solar energy—that reaches us. With electronic computer analysis, we can artificially adjust the atmosphere, almost like installing a giant air conditioner on Guoker. This allows us to control our planet's weather and effectively prevent harmful weather conditions.

"On Earth, disasters like hurricanes, typhoons, heavy rain, and lightning are driven by solar energy. Here, we use computers to determine how much star energy to absorb in each area, strategically distributing energy to prevent these hazards. We never experience disastrous weather because everything is under our control. However, severe weather on your planet causes many deaths each year, right?"

"Hmm, yes. If we Earthlings had this technology to concentrate solar energy, it would be fantastic!"

"Then you should go back and build one, Brother Qian. You could become a billionaire on Earth!" she exclaimed.

Later, the four of us regrouped as we were preparing to leave the AFGC. Suddenly, I noticed something incredible: some of the doors in the AFGC opened directly into space. I couldn't help but ask, "Why is the AFGC designed this way, allowing air to escape into space so quickly?"

Suldair gestured dismissively towards the door, "Just go and feel it for yourself."

I rushed to the door and pushed against it, only to be stopped by an invisible force. Ah, it was just a virtual wall, colorless, which had tricked me.

After using the artificial field to teleport back to Willie's home, I was still pondering over the AFGC, curious about how it did not affect people or the environment. Willie, Norton, and Suldair seemed uninterested in discussing these questions and ignored my inquiries, choosing to talk about other topics instead. Reluctantly, I dropped the subject.