There's a world out there that's vastly different then ours called Remnant. A place where the creatures of Grimm roam free and Huntsmen hunt them down. Ryder Falcone, a human from Earth, is thrown into this fantastical world from unknown circumstances. what could possibly go wrong?
Ozpin was currently walking towards the Amphitheater after he received a message from Ryder to meet him there. He guesses this has something to do with his training. Though, he expected it to be a bit before any serious news was given. Guess it just speaks volumes about Ryder's potential. As he enters the Amphitheater, he doesn't expect to see Ryder levitating in the center of the large building. Ryder dropped down and landed on his feet. Ryder had his back to Ozpin. Ryder levitated into the sky again and tried to increase the duration of his flight. He's got the flow of his magic down; he just can't properly wield it.
"I see you've managed to let the river flow." Ozpin said as he walks towards Ryder.
Ryder stops levitating and turns around to face Ozpin.
"Yep. Turns out i just need to untangle my mind." Ryder said.
"I see. So, your mind was tangled up in numerous things which in turn caused you to be unable to concentrate properly." Ozpin said.
"Pretty much, that and I uh have an anxiety problem." Ryder said.
"Well, anxiety does disrupt concentration in some cases." Ozpin said. "But now that you've let your magic flow through you, we can continue your training."
"Still working on Flight?" Ryder asks.
"Correct." Ozpin acknowledged. "It would seem that it's what you were currently attempting to do."
"I can levitate just fine; it's just actually maintaining flight is hard. It's almost like I have the flow, but I can't control it." Ryder explained.
"That means you're fighting the current." Ozpin answered.
"So, I have to flow with it?" Ryder asks.
"Correct. When your magic flows through you it's like a river. When you fight against the flow you will struggle to master it effectively and fully. But if you flow with the river and let the flow guide you, you will become one step closer to mastering the power much quicker." Ozpin explains.
"So, how do I flow with the river?" Ryder asked.
"Patience is key to mastery. You cannot rush perfection; all it does is cause imperfection." Ozpin spoke.
Ryder was still somewhat confused by what he was saying and Ozpin could tell.
"You need to gauge the amount of magic you're using. You may have unlocked the flow but you haven't mastered it. You need to gain control of the amount of magic you're using at a time. That's why you cannot fly. You are improperly using the magic." Ozpin explains.
"So, how do i use it properly?" Ryder asks.
"That is rather simple." Ozpin said with a smile. "To use it properly, you must control the flow of the magic. To do so you must concentrate on your magic and limit the amount that's flowing at a time. Focus it on your body and let the controlled flow, move."
Ryder nods and does as instructed. He lets the magic flow and attempts to gauge it by limiting the flow. It takes some time, but he manages to limit it a bit. He keeps concentrating but doesn't force it. He then decides to levitate once more. Once he's airborne he moves around slowly.
"Good. Now try to increase the speed. And try to climb to greater heights." Ozpin instructs.
Ryder does as he is told. He increases his speed and rises into the sky much faster than before. He stumbles a little in the air but regains his balance. He then moves around little by little before he then suddenly accelerates and dashes across the Amphitheater and nearly hits the wall but thankfully, he stopped himself. Ozpin just watched this unfold looking for any flaws. Ryder moved fast, but definitely not at Mach speeds. He grabs his chin in thought as Ryder floats back over to him and descends slowly. Once his feet touch the ground, Ryder sighs in relief.
"That was almost an accident." Ryder said.
"It now seems you need to control your speed." Ozpin said.
"Just one thing after another." Ryder mumbles.
"No one said this would be easy." Ozpin said.
"I know. Just hate it a little." Ryder said, venting a light frustration.
"It's okay to be frustrated, it's a natural emotion. Just don't let it control you as you would surely lose control." Ozpin explains. "Now, with the light of a new obstacle, i say we focus on it first before carrying on."
Ryder nods. The doors to the large room open and a certain General walks in. Ryder and Ozpin look over to Ironwood as he approaches with a device in hand.
"General." Ozpin greets.
"Oz." Ironwood greeted back before looking at Ryder. "This device should be able to scan the Dragon Ball, allowing us to gain a signal on its energy."
"Glad to hear, i just need to grab the Dragon Ball from my dorm." Ryder said.
Ironwood merely nods before the duo prepare to leave.
"After we get the Dragon Ball squared away, we can continue training. Is that okay?" Ryder asks.
"Sure. I'm a patient man." Ozpin said.
Ryder smiled a little before he and Ironwood left the Amphitheater and made their way to Ryder's dorm to secure the Dragon Ball. Once they arrive, Ironwood waits outside as Ryder goes inside to grab the orb. Once inside the room, Ryder easily finds it but hesitates as he looks at it for a moment. a smile comes to his face as he realizes that he's one step closer to gathering all the Dragon Balls. Sure, the search itself will be lengthy, but it'll be worth it. He's sure of it. He then turns to the door and walks out the door. Ironwood's gaze falls onto the orb.
"Alright. Give it a scan." Ryder said, holding it out.
Ironwood held up the device and turned it on before scanning the Dragon Ball. The numbers on the device rose quickly and were going crazy before it landed on a signal that gave off numerous readings alongside the numbered signal. Ironwood was stunned.
"The signature this orb gives off is... unique." Ironwood comments. "With this I should be able to have a device to track the Dragon Balls created in no time."
"Thanks, Ironwood." Ryder said.
"Not a problem. This makes us one step closer to defeating Salem." Ironwood said with a smile.
Author's Note: Never really wrote a training arc before so I apologize if it seems scuffed.