
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit.(forbidden love) chapter 4.

"Yes he is a strong man, he will surely get better." the doctor replied.

After Maggie made sure that Lukas was okay, she quickly rushed to the palace before anyone noticed she was gone.

The next morning when she woke up she went straight to check on Melissa, she wanted to let her know that Lukas was alive but to bad she was still asleep.

Just when she was leaving the room he met with the king and the King asked her to see him in his office. The King was with one of their maids Olga who has been serving the queen.

"You will take care of her today and tomorrow please don't leave her side no matter what, if only someone is there to look after her." He told Olga, he didn't want his daughter running away again and they were just counting hours until her wedding.

The queen was taking care of her but now she retired to take a bath.

"Maggie I don't want you in my palace again, after what you did yesterday, I don't trust you anymore, I trusted you with my daughter but you betrayed me." the King stated calmly.

"I am sorry your highness I regret what I did, it will never happen again please don't send me away."

"I am sorry I can't do that Maggie, I should have banned you from this Kingdom or behead you but instead I choose to send you away because my daughter loves you, now take you wage and leave my palace at once." he said handing over the money.

He was really annoyed with her if she can help her daughter escape who knew what else she was capable of.

Maggie just left without uttering a word. She knew what she did was wrong but what choice did she have? she just wanted to see Melissa happy.

The day of the wedding.

"Olga you can continue, I will also go and get ready." She said as she walked out, the queen came earlier to check on her.

"Are you okay my lady?" Olga asked looking at her through the mirror.

Melissa was dressed in a white gown, her short brown hair was tied beautifully, she was stunningly beautiful, if only she was excited she would be more beautiful.

Of course she was not okay how can you be okay when you're marring a stranger, on top of that, the love of your life was killed by your father's men.

"I am not okay, Olga." She admitted.

"Don't worry princess everything will be alright." Olga said with a smile.

"I don't think if it will ever be, my life is ruined." At this point of her life she didn't think anything will be okay, how can it be? Just then it was announced it was time.

Melissa stood up checked herself on the mirror one last time. "You look amazing." Olga gave her a compliment.

The wedding was taking place in their garden and few friends and family were the people who were invited.

She walked gracefully upto where his future husband was standing with her gaze on the ground and she didn't dare looked at him. Not so long the ceremony started.

"Do you crown prince of Gwenu take princess of Owalo to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"Yes I do." The prince answered.

"Do you princess of Owalo Kingdom take the crown prince of Gwenu Kingdom to be your lawful wedded wife."

Melissa didn't answer immediately, she glance at her parents they were looking at her with pleading eyes as if praying that she doesn't make a scene. Just that moment she spotted Lukas by the entrance he was looking at her as if she had betrayed their love and tears started to trim from her beautiful face ruining her makeup.

She was about to tell Lukas that she didn't have a choice but to marry him, as a princess you can never go against your father, she did it once and she didn't understand where she got that courage, she didn't want to do that again, the man she thought was Lukas was just one of the guest it was just her imagination.

"Princess are you okay?" The priest asked after some time.

"Yes I am okay." she answered drying the tears.

"Okay I will repeat again."

"Do you Princess take crown prince of Gwenu Kingdom as your lawful wedded husband?"

"Yes I do." the moment she uttered those words, her parents sigh a very long sigh they didn't know that they were holding their breaths since their daughter entered the altar.

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride. "The prince lean to peck her on the lips but Melissa turned her cheek and every one cheered, all this time the princess didn't dare to lift up her face she was facing down.

After that they had a small celebration then it was her time to leave, she bid her mother goodbye first.

"Farewell my dear." Queen Elsa stated with tears in her eyes hugging her, it wasn't easy to see her leave especially after everything she has been through.

"You look amazing princess."

"Thank you Papa." She stated.

"No matter what always remember that I will always love you." He told her.

"Good bye Papa." She uttered.

Before she left she checked for Maggie but she couldn't find her, since yesterday she was no where to be seen she couldn't help but wonder if she was in any kind of trouble.

The carriage was waiting for the outside and her supposedly husband was waiting for her. When she arrived their he offer her his hand and he gladly took it without looking at him.

During the journey she didn't stop to shed tears. It didn't take long before they arrived in Gwenu Kingdom. Before she got out of the carriage she wipe all the tears and the prince offer her his hands again. Out of the carriage she didn't look anywhere but down as he follows his husband's lead.

New faces welcomed her

The prince just wanted to go to their chambers when suddenly someone interrupted him.

"Brother are you not going to introduce us to your wife?" Prince Charles asked. He was with the princess Helena.

"Hallo I am Princess Helena." Young lady with a black hair introduced.

"And I am prince Charles,,,a tall man with black hair introduced elongating his hands for a shake,,,and I didn't know that princess of Owalo kingdom was very beautiful like this," he said kissing her knuckles while eyeing the crown prince who looked like didn't care.

That was the first time she lifted her eyes to meet new faces but she didn't introduced herself.

"Welcome to our humble palace." Princess Helena was the one who said with a smile.

"Thank you Princess Helena." she said her face not showing any kind of emotion which left Princess Helena to wonder whether she was happy or sad.

"I bet this must be your happiest day?" Princess Helena asked.

"Helena how about you catch up later, for now I need a time with my wife."

"Whoa someone can't wait to be alone with his wife." Helena teased.

Helena her little sister never looses a chance to tease him but now it was not the time they needed to get some rest.

"Helena." the prince called in a menacing voice.

"Okay brother I will leave you you two,,, once again welcome to the family." She said with a smile.

"This way my lady," he said and she followed, but she still didn't looked at him. He directed her in one of their chambers upstairs, by the door they were two handmaids waiting for them.

Ola and Olivia they both introduced themselves. The tall with dark hair was Olivia and short one was Ola with long hair.

"This are going to be your handmaid." he stated then left.

They wanted to help her change but she refused, she changed on her own, she was checking herself in the mirror when suddenly the door cracked open and it was none other than the prince, the prince didn't say anything he just past her and walked to the changing room.

When he came back he found the girl staring out of the window and it was wide open.

Looking outside just reminded her of what encountered between her and Lukas one day ago.

She truly loved that man but now she was here miserable and Lukas was no more, their love was tragedy, forbidden, it didn't have an happy ending.

'Lukas why?why was our love story so possible? I loved you, all I wanted was to be with you, our love caused your death and I am so sorry.' She cried softly .

"Aren't you feeling cold, is chilly outside?" A husky voice startled her and she quickly wiped the tears. She glance at him, closed the window and turned to face him but he was already on the bed.

He was already on the bed with his head facing up and his head rested on his palms, she just removed her robe and placed it not far was from the bed.

All this time the prince was staring at her furtively, the next moment she took the pillow and started to create the space between them.

He was taken a back he was not expecting that a tall, it was really foolish she could have just told him that she was not ready for the Wedding consummation.

"Look princess I am not going to do anything that you don't like, so you can relax." he assured but the lady just continued with what she was doing.

She laid on the bed facing the other side, but she didn't fall asleep Immediately, her mind drifted to Lukas for a while then she fell asleep.

The next morning, she was woken up by the rays of sun, she opened her eyes slowly and the sealing that welcomed her wasn't hers, she stood up rapidly, that is when she remembered she was married she looked the other side and there was no one, that moment she had a knock on the door.

First she covered herself well before she told whoever who was knocking on the door to get inside, they were the two maids that wanted to prepare her yesterday.

"Good morning my lady." They greeted in unison.

"Good morning."

"We are here to get you ready my lady and his highness is waiting for you to have breakfast in the garden." Olivia informed.

"I think I'll get ready myself and please can you bring my breakfast in here please." She said and the two ladies looked at each other confused, she has been rejecting them since she arrived.

Like that she sprinted in bathroom when she walked out, she sense someone presence in the room and it was none other than the prince, he was looking through the window.

"Good morning My lady, I heard that you wanted to have breakfast in our chamber and I couldn't let you to have it alone." He explained removing a chair for her to sit.

Her plan was not working, she was planning to ignore him until he grows tired of her, he remarries and also she knew since he was a man he has many many mistresses and he can also take concubines.

She was not planning to make this marriage work no matter the consequences.

"Good morning." She said then took her seat without looking at him.

Prince Demetrius didn't understand her, short with words and emotional less since she met her yesterday he hasn't been able to read her emotion at all and her not looking at him it was really starting to piss him off was she scared of him or what?

She served herself but she couldn't eat no matter how hard she tries she couldn't, At last she forced herself and she found it was delicious it wasn't the the same as home.