
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter49

"Demetrius how many times do I have to tell you that I don't know where your damn wife is." Charles stated.

If he is going to escape their without getting killed then he and they found her he will never glace at her.

"One. two.three." He counted and when He was about to pull one of his teeth. The queen shouted, making him stop on his track.

They both looked at her side, with eyes wondering why she just shouted the word stop.

Demetrius knew this was the only way, the only way he can remove the truth out of them. They were the only

Charles stared at her, no matter what he didn't want to hear that his mother was the one behind Melissa abduction.

"Why did you say stop mother?" Charles asked.

The queen couldn't stand it anymore her son paying for the crime he didn't commit. So she decided just to tell the truth. He wanted his son to be the next King not for his teeth to be removed.

"I am the one who has Melissa." She stated and Charles jaws drop. What was his mother saying? His brother removed his teeth for heaven's sake and he was about to remove another one.

"You're lying mother." He stated in denial he didn't want to believe whatever she was saying.

"Yes it is me, I was the one who kidnapped her, I hired some people to take her away from the room, that night." She stated tears dropping from her eyes.

Demetrius just sat back as he watched the revelation. So the son didn't know that his mother was the one who abducted her, this is quite interesting to watch, he thought that they tell each other everything and also they were partner in crime.

"Mother if you're lying just to save me please don't you don't have to do this." He was still in denial that his mother did that.

"No I am not..."She was cut off.

"Enough with the drama, take me where she is right now then you two can continue with drama of confession later....." Demetrius stated.

"untie her and don't late her go before she takes us where my wife is." Demetrius ordered.

They opened the door only to find that Helena and the others were still waiting outside the basement.

Helena quickly run to her mother's side as soon as she saw the stain of blood from her mouth and her brother also had the same and his brother looked rather furious.

"Take him to cell." Demetrius ordered Charles to be taken to cell.

"What? what did I do to be taken to cell?" Charles asked this was not going good for him, first she found out that his mother was the one who abduct Meli on top of that she didn't tell him.

What was wrong with her for heavens sake? Does she have any idea of how he wanted to find her? How he dreamt about her, how he suffered just because she didn't know where she is.

The only thing that was keeping his mind away from her was alcohol, he kept asking himself if he didn't abduct her and his mother didn't then who?

"Must I remind you that you guys were the one who poisoned me." He stated and he was damn sure of what he was saying.

"You know you can't accuse anyone without proof, that is illegal." Charles said.

"And who told you I don't have proof, in fact I have someone who heard you saying that you poison me, take him away." He added.

Earlier he had asked Helena if she has any idea of who could have poisoned him and Helena told him without even hiding it and now he was sure they were the one who sent the attackers that day to attack him.

He must sent them to prison, people like this are dangerous to the society, after he finds his wife he will scented them to prison to death.

He called some soldier to help Tony take her cell as Eugene remained with him following the queen's lead where Meli was.

Tony took him to cell and they threw him inside by the prison's guard, after they closed for him, Tony look at Charles with pity. From a royal family to prisoner.

"What are you look?" He snarled, Tony just left, he was not the reason why he was in prison and why they removed his one tooth.

The queen took them one by one where she has been keeping Melissa, for the past few days She went to the store and order Eugene to her let go of her hand, and Demetrius told him to let her go.

The savants were not understanding anything that was happening in their kitchen, why were their queen was caught as she was a thief, Moreover they were surprised to see Demetrius walking.

Was he supposed to be poisoned?

how is the person who got poisoned with that deadly poison be alive?

who poisoned him?

what are they doing in the kitchen?

Why was the queen held like that?

This were the questions the maids were asking among themselves.

People were standing like statues waiting to see why they were brought to the kitchen of all the places much more inside the store where they place the food.

The queen switch on something and the cupboard opened, and people wondered.

"What the hell?" Demetrius.

He has been living here for the last decades but he had never even imagined that place was there. Was that the place he was hiding his wife? How was she surviving in there?

"Oh my god." Helena. Was that place always there? when they were young, she remembered how they used to play hide and seek, and she had hide any every corner in this palace that she run out of the hiding places.

"What is this place?" Alex.

"What in the world?" Eugene.

"Wow." Tony, just arrived just when the door was continue opening.

The King didn't didn't even utter a thing, he was only watching with his eyes, his son did everything he couldn't do anything even though he was still alive and kicking.

He has been thinking for the past few days that if he ever wakes up,he should crown him a new king, for he was old, he couldn't deal with this anymore.

They couldn't believe their eyes, for how long was that place there? Everyone was clouded by their own questions on their mind.

Meanwhile inside, ever since Emily closed for them inside, they have never seen her face again and they never saw light, they never eat or drink water.

That night they waited for Emily they already planned if she comes back they will overpower her and escape but she never showed up.

That night they just spend their night like that without food and water, at night they tried to sleep but they couldn't with a lot of mosquitoes singing a lullaby for them.

The next morning they waited to see the sight of Emily but their was no sign of her, Melissa who haven't eaten for two days now was feeling worse her stomach crumbled and she started to feel headache.

But she managed to stay strong she even swore that if Emily bring food today she will eat no matter what, but to their disappointment Emily never came.

They spent the night like that, the next morning it was Enid who woke up first, what she heard was someone shivering.

"My lady." She called but she didn't answer, she called again but she didn't answer.

She quickly run to where she was seated. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked as she place her hands on her forehead.

"Oh no your running a fever." She exclaimed.

Melissa kept shivering on her spot, she was feeling so much cold and her head was throbbing that was making her forget who she was.

She didn't want to give up but this headache was giving her no choice, Enid looked around to see if there is anything she can use to calm down her fever.

And luckily she saw a cup of water and she went to find a piece of cloth and after looking around for some minutes she found a piece of cloth.

She dip the clothe inside the cup and squeeze all the water out then place on her head, she made her lying down on the one of suck of rice that she found there.

And within no time her fever started to come down, but she knew it won't be long until it comes back, she needed to see a doctor, she just watch her as she sleep peacefully.

She heard people some people talking on the other side and she got curious, she placed her ear and she couldn't hear clearly, right on that minute she looked for a thick log.

And stand by the entrance getting ready to attack. As the door open slowly she got nervous, even if she gets to attack the person how will she manage to run when the princess was sleeping.

She went quickly and wake her up.

"Princess, Princess wake up someone is coming and we have to leave." She stated hastily.

The princess wasn't even given time to think, she quickly stood even if her head was throbbing, and she couldn't even see clearly everything was appearing so blurry and all her body hurt as she follow Enid behind.

She stood there and watch Enid with a big wood ready to attack who ever was coming, she could wish that this nightmare will be over today.

The door slowly opened and she tightened her hand around the wood tightly, then she saw a shadow of someone moving closer but his pace was rather slow.

Then the person got inside, just when she was about to hit the person, she was stop by the strong hands, the person was just using one hand and he was so strong that she gave up.

The two girls watch as their hopes being crushed, they were being stopped and this time this person was so strong that they didn't know they can fight him.

The door opened completely and Enid look up, the person who her eyes meet with made her swallow.

'Prince Demetrius.' She uttered inwardly. Was she seeing things. Her eyes went past him and she saw many people behind her including the queen, it was really him and her eyes were not playing tricks on her.

She quickly let go off the log and kneel down.

"Forgive me your highness, I didn't know it was you." She apologized, what has she done? will she be forgiven?

Demetrius was was still looking at the place wondering, for how long was this place here? He walked inside slowly only to be attacked by a maid.

But he was not interested in her, her eyes were only searching for his wife. He looked around and she saw his wife leaning on the wall looking at her as unable to believe her eye.

She saw her going to fall down and quickly rushed to her side and took her before she falls. With his hands around her she could feel her body burning him. He placed his hands on her forehead and he found that she was running down with a high fever.

"Princess,,,,he called but there was no response,, Princess,,,," he called once again before lifting her and carrying her out of their, completely ignoring Enid who was still kneeling down.

When he reached the door he halted, "Don't close that place,,,,he ordered,,,, take her to cell locked her."

Like that he left with her in their chamber, His blood boiled, his stomach churn, as she stairs at his wife whose eyes were closed.

Her face was pale, the stains of the tears could be seen on her beautiful face, her mouth was dry. Were they even giving her even food? he asked himself. But judging by her weight he could tell that they were not giving her food, she was different from the way he carried her last.

They way he was furious he didn't know if he will spare the queen for doing this to her.