
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter48

Even though he only told the two of them, the others followed behind not saying anything.

He had spared that idiot a lot that he thought that everyday was Sunday.

He increased his pace he was not feeling well, increasing his pace just made his stomach hurt but he didn't care, he just hope that they didn't harm her in anyway, He only told two people to follow him. why was he hearing, trample of feet, he turned and found them following him.

"I hope I only told Tony and Eugene to follow me where are you guys going?" He asked them with a sharp gaze.

"Demetrius you need someone by your side right now, you seem so furious that you might even hurt someone really bad." Helena hurriedly to say.

He was poisoned, didn't they hurt hurt him? They took away his wife were they not hurting him? They were hurting him greatly, he also wanted to hurt them and made them feel what he was feeling inside, it was hurting that he was finding it hard to breathe.

He wanted to hurt those people badly that they will have no choice but to tell him where his wife was.

"I really appreciate that you're worried about me, but don't worry I got this" He stated looking at her.

Helena didn't want to leave his side right now, she feels like she was going to do something big that it won't be able to mend.

"Just trust me okay." he told her.

Helena had no choice but to comply with him. He watched as he disappear into the corridor to Charles chamber.

But she was not going to sit back, his father needed to know about this, so they hurriedly run to his father's office to inform him, she didn't even knock, she just barge in.

"What are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Father Demetrius is awake and he just left to Charles chamber." She stated frantically.

"Demetrius is awake?" He was happy to hear the new that he wanted to hear it twice.

"Yes father."

"When did this happen?" He asked.

"Today just now, father can we put aside, and just focus on Demetrius." She stated.


Demetrius didn't even knock on the door he just burger in and found him like he also wanted to leave.

"Where are you going brother?" He asked with a cold voice.

Prince Charles couldn't believe his eyes, was he dreaming or was he drank that he was starting to see things? He has to blink several times to get that he was not dreaming.

"D..D.. Demetrius." He stammered aghast, he felt goosebumps all over his body, now he was a dead meat.

"Yes is me my dear brother, are you shock to see me?"He asked with his hard gaze still on.

No this must be dream, was he drunk ? if this is was he was what he was seeing when he is drank then from today on wards, he swore not to take it again.

"Brother I can promise you that you're not dreaming, take him to the basement." He stated then ordered his men to take him after seeing how he struggling with himself to accept that he was standing Infront of him.

"Wait what? let me go you scum bugs, Demetrius what are you doing? let me go." He shouted kicking his legs on the air.

"Let me go who do you think you are, don't you know I am the prince of this kingdom?" He asked the two men who were holding him tightly.

But those men didn't care they were just following their master orders.

"By the way brother I thought you were banned from the kingdom, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Stop asking me stupid questions and tell this morons to let me go and I will stay as long as I want because this is my home you here me?" he snorted.

They walk down the basement and tied him up and covered his mouth with a piece of cloth not to talk anymore.

Next they went to the queen's secret chamber, there he also he didn't knock, he just barge.

"Didn't they teach you how to knock? and how dare you disturb my peace?" She asked not even daring to look up, she was reading something on a paper it must have been very important.

Demetrius just looked at her, how can someone be so evil, that even hurt her daughter in law, he got it he was not her real son, but she could at least like his wife a bit, since she was from another Kingdom.

Moreover, how would she fell if her daughter was treated the way she was treating his wife?

"Mother how are you? Oh I bet you must be fine since your plan is working up well." He stated with hard glare.

The queen tried to remember that voice, that was certainly not her son, it was Demetrius's voice thinking about that she raised her head only to meet with his deathly glare.

"Demetrius,,,she called aghast.

This got to be a joke, a very big one, just when she found a solution to kill him.

"Surprised,,," He stated and the queen hastily, stood up.

"What are you doing standing there?" She asked moving back.

He was really not in a mood to answer questions right now, he was the who is suppose to asks questions and get answers.

"Take her." He stated.

"Wait take me? to where exactly?" She asked flinching back. The two men just grab her by the hands as she brags.

"Oh don't worry mother, I am taking you to paradise." He answered leading the way.

That didn't sound good at all paradise, everyone was looking at Demetrius with ewe, wondering how he managed to get over the poison, no one has ever survive that over the decades, but he was the first one.

The savants were looking at them and murmuring between themselves, the queen finally felt like digging a ground and hide in it, it was such a humiliation for her.

Those maids who never even dared to look her in the eyes were now looking at her as if just feel from Pluto.

Just today she found a way how to kill him, he was planning that when people will be eating lunch, she will go when everyone is not there then cover his head with a pillow to suffocate him.

But now he was being taken God knows where.

Just when they were about to enter the basement the King stopped them.

"Demetrius." The king stopping them on there track.

"Father,,,,He called turning around,,,,what are you doing?" He asked.

"Father if you're here to stop me then you are too late, at this point no one can stop." He stated getting straight to the point.

He knew that his son can't be stopped once he set his mind on something.

"Let's go." He told his men.

"Father you got to stop him." Helena stated frantically holding his father's arm.

"You know brother once he sets his mind on something you can't stop him." That was his reply.

"Your highness please help me." The queen continued to whine until the door was closed behind her.

Inside she was shocked to find his son there.

"Charles!" He exclaimed Charles was trying to say something but no one can hear him.

The tied the queen next her son and Demetrius then sat Infront of them, then he signaled his hands communicating with his men.

Tony carried a small tool box while Eugene carried a small stool they put all the items Infront of Demetrius.

The two look Infront of them with a question on their eyes, what was she planning to do with those?

Demetrius looked Infront of of him which tool will he start with, he took pliers First.

"All I want is a simple answer,,,,,he stated looking at them,,,,all I want is for you to tell me where my wife is, and no lies if you lie I am cutting one of you body parts." He added.

"Okay let's start with you brother." He stated removing the cloth from his mouth then looking at him intently as he wants to see if he was telling the truth or not.

"I swear Demetrius, I don't know where she is." Charles said.

"I thought I said no lies." He stated furiously.

"I promise you I am not lying, after that day I stayed away from her." He stated terrified, he would dare play with death like that.

After his his brother warned her against his wife he stayed away, he didn't want any trouble.

"One, two, three." He stated looking at him, but his face wasn't changing.

"I don't know where you wife is." He stated again at that time he wished he wasn't born what was is brother planning to do with the pliers she was holding?

In the next moment what he did aghast everyone in the room. He pulled him by his hair backwards and pulled one of his tooth out leaving him whining in pain.

"What the hell? what did you just do you good for nothing brat?" Charles asked his mouth bleeding endlessly, he couldn't believe one of incisor was gone.

"Damn the person who kidnap that princess." He stated still unable to believe what just happened.

The queen couldn't believe her eyes did he just pulled out his son's teeth outside? and it was all her fault.

"That is what will happen if you lie to me." He stated heading to the queen.

"Hallo mother." He greeted.

The queen was terrified to the core was he also going to remove one of her teeth? She didn't want that. Should she just spill the beans? No! Maybe he will spare her if she put a little lie.

She will tell him that night she saw the people who abduct Meli then she saw where they put her, yes that would work.

"Do you know where my wife is?" He asked.

"No." She answered appearing so tough.

"Should I remind you that there is no lying." He reminded.

"Demetrius why are you doing this? why are you only tormenting us why not the others?" She asked.

She got where she was going with the question, he knows just he knows they were the one who poisoned him. He knew since he was little that his step mother never like him but he never knew why?

He was still asking him that until this day and now she took her hatred to his wife who didn't even know anything.

"Oh my dear mother,,,, Demetrius stated after a chuckle,,, oh my bad you never liked it when I call you that?" He asked with a lot of pain.

That is true she never liked it one bit and what was that have to do with this situation? he detested when he called Charles his brother too.

"So my queen do you know where my wife is?" He asked.

"No."She lied again.

"One, two, three." The next moment he did just the same thing he did to her son.

"Curse you Demetrius, why are you doing this, let us go right this instance." She comandedher mouth bleeding.

"If you want me to stop, then tell me where my wife is." He stated.

"How many times must we tell you we don't know." It was Charles who stated.

"Yeah we really don't know." The queen added.

He was really starting loosing it he was not planning to do this to them he only wanted to scare them but it seems they wanted him to loose it completely.

"Okay we will start again." Stated going back to Demetrius.

Helena was just outside she couldn't hear anything, she tried to ears drop but she couldn't hear a thing she wanted to know what was going on inside there.

What was Demetrius doing them?