
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter43

As people were scattering from the crowd she signaled Emily to come over. Since her daughter was busy talking to the two girls, she figured this must be her chance.

"Don't look at me just nod to the things I am going to ask you." the Queen whispered under her breath to the Emily.

"Yes." Emily stated pretending like she was busy arranging some groceries.

"Did she eat?" She asked

"No my queen."

"She didn't eat?" she asked puzzled.

"Yes my queen in fact she threw away the food and the plate ended up breaking." she informed.

That was not good she wanted to kill the lady but she decided to keep her alive she figured out that her son might be interested in her.

She was still arranging how to kill Demetrius, once she killed him, then she will hand his son with this gift, that is why she was keeping her alive.

But if she didn't eat she will die of hunger before she even figure out how to kill Demetrius.

"Make sure you take lunch for her and also some water, okay." The queen said.

"Yes my queen."

"And make sure she eats even if you have to feed her with your own two hands." She mumble to her, doesn't want anyone noticing that they were having conversation.

"Yes my queen." She had choice no choice but to nod.

"Now can leave." she told her.

She bowed slightly then left. The queen was happy that no one has noticed her but what she didn't know that someone was watching them closely.

When Princess Helena approached Enid and Rosa, they thought that she was going to scold them since they were already removed from the kitchen and they were there, but she didn't, they were forgetting that she was not like her evil mother.

Instead she talked to them calmly.

"What are you two doing here." She asked them with a sweet voice.

No wonder she got a good man like Alexander by her side she was a good girl with good qualities, they normally wonder where she got those because her mother certainly didn't have them.

"We came here because some of our friends are here, we just came to hang with them since our lady is not around." Enid stated she couldn't just hold her tears Lady Meli has been good to them, if only they were able to help her in way.

They should have never left her alone, If only they were stubborn like her, if they stayed with her maybe they should have never have kidnapped her.

"If you want may be you can stay with me, that is until we find Meli only if that is fine with you two?" She stated, since she was a little girl she never like people following her around.

So she told her father to remove them, her father told her it was for her own safety but still she didn't want them it made her feel like she was doing something wrong.

But she knew this two girls were special to Meli so in the meantime she consider may be she can have them before Meli appeared.

The two girls looked up they couldn't believe there ears, this princess never like people following her so why would she want now.

When they looked up, Enid eyes looked past her and saw the queen with Emily and she could see that they were talking but she didn't get why they whispering instead of just talking like normal people would.

Emily since when was she talking to the queen she was the most quite girl in the kitchen, were they hiding something? She couldn't help wonder.

What could the queen be talking about to a maid. she was lost in the queen and Emily that she forgot they were being talked to until Rosa nudged her.

"Uhm..huh....yes yes we will." She stammered, she had no idea of where they were in the conversation.

The last thing she remembered is being asked by Princess Helena was if their wanted to serve her untill Meli come.

She didn't even know how it ended, the queen came where Helena was but luckily she had dismissed the girls.

"Can we go back?" She asked her.

"Yes mother." She answered, wondering what exactly brought her here, to shout at those poor maids

Thy walked along the corridors heading outside the palace, the queen decided to take this opportunity to thank her daughter for not telling on them.

"Helena." She called.

"Yes mother." Helena looked at her when she called her.

"Thank you for not telling on us to your father." She stated looking at her still walking towards the garden where the was two seats across each other.

That is the topic Helena didn't want to talk about at that moment, she still hasn't forgotten what they did, and even in her wildest dream she will never forgive them.

She was only here because she wanted to know where Meli is once she finds her, she will testify in the court and they will be arrested, because they opposed danger to Demetrius and every one else.

If she can poison her step son without batting an eyelid? it will not even take her ten seconds for her to poison an outsider, what kind of queen is that and what kind of mother would want to do that to someone's child.

"Mother are you proud of what you have done?" She asked, she was still able to get over her head about what her mother did.

Proud? Yes she was very proud but not very proud but he wasn't dead yet but once he figures a way to kill him and made sure that he was with his mother she will be very proud.

"Or rather do you have any regret for what you have done?" She asked, she needed to know how was she feeling.

Not one bit, but what was she getting with all of this questions, she was only thanking her for not telling on them but here she was asking her foolish questions.

"Yes I regret ever doing that to him, and I am not proud of what I have done either, because of what I did you have cut all your ties with me, you even told me that not to call you my daughter." She stated with crocodiles tears.

Helena looked at her bewildered, was she telling her the truth, she was even crying. No one will know even if she was acting or not.

"Mother if you really regret what you did then you have to tell father and starting doing things right." She told her holding her hand and the queen squeeze it.

"If I do that will you forgive me and make me call you my daughter again then we will go back to how we were before." She asked tears still streaming down her face.

"Yes mother I will forget everything and start a new." She told her she felt emotions if her mother will change that will be great, they will forget everything that has happened and open a new page.

"Yes I will do that can I get a hug." She told her tears flowing profusely.

Helena stood up and hug her from where she was seated opposite her. The moment she hug her, her face expression change with a smirk, she didn't regret what she did one bit and there was no way going to she was going to give up.

She must finish what she started, Helena broke from the hug then looked at her and smiled wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"Just give me time I will tell your father everything okay?"

"Yes mother you have all the time in the world but don't take long." Helena has never been so proud of her mother before, but she was really that her mother was ready to get over the hatred she has for Demetrius go.

Demetrius never did anything in the first place, she never got why she hated her that much to the point she wanted to kill him.

"Yes dear."

"Mother Since we are starting a new why don't you tell me where Meli is." She stated, she was back to her seat.

The queen looked at her puzzled she didn't see that coming, was she thinking she would just tell her where she was just like that, that girl needed to pay for all humiliation she has ever got ever since she got here before she becomes her son's mistress or how Charles will take her.

She didn't know this was where the conversation was going to, her daughter really is clever, first she asked her stupid questions, then told her that she will forgive her only for her to tell her where that girl Melissa was.

That girl how was she born did she had some sort of magic to make people like her, Demetrius fell in love with her almost immediately, his son was also going crazy for her, her daughter was the same, her husband, everyone.

"Wait are you also thinking that I kidnapped her?" She asked acting again.

Was she being serious? if she didn't kidnapped her then who did?

"Mother if didn't abduct her then who did?" She asked completely astonished.

"I don't know, may be that girl has a lot of enemies who knows." She asked.

A lot of enemies from where, was her mother messing with her right now?

"It must be Charles it must be him?" She stated before standing up and leaving.

Just what was happening? She run upstairs her head clouded.

"What is wrong with you why were you behaving like that?" Rosa asked Enid who seemed to be lost in thoughts since they left the kitchen.

"You won't believe what I saw." She stated making them stop on their track.

"What did you see?" Rosa asked filled with curiosity. What happened? did they find Lady Meli?

"The queen was talking to Emily."

"Your joking right?" That was completely absurd, it was almost impossible imagining those two talking.

"I wish it was a joke but is not." Enid said with a twitch face.

"How could Emily be talking to the queen?" She asked.

"Exactly in that manner too?" She stated her mind going back how they were talking.

"How were they talking and where did you see them?"

"In the kitchen just now, they were whispering to each other as if they didn't want anyone finding out."

Rosa get why she was so lost on the kitchen, she was not paying attention to what princess Helena was saying.

"I must find out what those two were talking about, what secret they were hiding for people not find out." She stated.

"If I were you I would just forget what I saw and move on with my life as if nothing happened." Rosa stated

"No I must find out, may be this is the only way we can find Lady Meli." She stated.

Helena just went inside and sat on the couch completely ignoring people inside.

"What happened?" Alex asked sitting next to her.

"My mother said that she doesn't know where Melissa is."

"That is exactly what Charles said."

After they talked earlier Alex went to look for Charles, she found him going to train then he offered if he can train with him and he didn't deny.

After training for one hour they sat down to talk and their he started to talk.

"So Charles who do you think, abduct lady Meli?" He asked studying his expression.

"Man I really don't know, who could have done that?"

"Do you suspect anyone?" Alex asked.

"No I really can't think of anyone." He stated he really didn't know, the only person he was suspecting was his mother and she told him she didn't do it, and if she didn't abduct her then she didn't know.

Moreover his mother can't do something that is going to benefit all of them without telling him, so he really didn't know.

After that they chatted a little about Helena trained then parted

"What?" Helena exclaimed. This all situation was giving her a heavy headache.