
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter39

"Yeah listen to you dear mother." She stated then left glaring at the two of them

If Charles was feeling victorious earlier now he was feeling really awful, after everything that Ivy said.

Ivy walked to the crowd, Melissa cried untill she couldn't cry no more.

"We need to do something about her and really quick." The Queen told her son.

"Do you mean like we need to kill her?" Prince Charles asked, his mother couldn't be thinking about that.

"Yes otherwise our secret will be exposed, she is determined to find evidence and we should really kill her before she proves her accusation." The queen stated sternly.

"Okay mother we will do something about it but for now let's deal with the one that is Infront if is." He stated then left.

Prince Charles was taken a back, how many people will the kill before he gets the thrown, he only wanted to kill his brother not many people.

And Ivy of all people, he was starting to feel kind of bad because they killed Demetrius and now killing Ivy again.

Meli was lost in a land where she was the only one who knows, first she was separated from the man he loves, her first love to marry this man down here, who was lying down on her lap unmoving.

Agreed that her first love was forbidden love it was amour Interdit, they came from different classes.

But this, was it also amour Interdit was it also forbidden love? Like the first why was God punishing her like this what did she do to deserve this?

Why did he have to die before she confess her love to him, during this times she spent with him, she has grow to love him more and more only him to die before she confess her love.

People tried to take her away from Demetrius body but she refused to leave, she refuse to believe that he was dead, he can't die yet. They still have to bring their first child and raised her or him together.

"Demetrius...she called pulling everyone's attention towards her... Demetrius, my love I know you can hear me please don't stop fighting,,,remember you told me you can't die yet at least not after we bring our first child into this world raise him or her together...You can't leave without for filling that promise." She said trying her best to put her emotion intact.

Since Demetrius doesn't like her to cry, maybe he might hear her if she didn't cry. Everyone felt pity for her, how can any woman just accept that her husband is dead after being promised those kind of things how can you accept that the husband you were smiling with dancing with talking with finally left you without any notice.

It was hurting her so much that she will go insane if it will turn that he is really dead, she might also die with him.

The Queen was losing her patience, why was people treating her like a small child, like she needed to be coax before they take anything away from her, wasn't she to old for that?

If it was her who was there she shouldn't have been still sitting down there with the corpse, she could have taken her from there by force and close her in a dark room for her to scream her lung out.

As she takes the body burying it or burning, this was a complete wastage of time. She stared across the hall and she realized that she was the only one who was standing alone.

She walked slowly to her husbands side and held into his arm, Prince Charles was standing next to Ivy watching over his brother's corpse.

Melissa felt his body flinch and before she could tell anyone the doctor arrived.

"Doctor...She called as she let the doctor looked at him.

"He was poisoned, and this poison seem to be the most deadliest poison, but luckily he is still alive." The doctor stated.

People across the room wasn't able to believe what they heard that Demetrius was still alive. Helena had to go and ask the doctor again to make sure that they heard what he just said correct and not just imagining things.

"Doctor can you repeat what you just said, that my brother is still alive?" She asked with curiosity.

"Yes and it is really a miracle, it seems like there is still something holding him from going to the other side." The doctor answered.

It was truly a miracle for him to still be alive.

If there was someone who almost thought that it was a dream, it was the queen, she thought she finally sent him to stay with his mama how he was still alive? she made sure to put that poison as much as possible so how come,?

Meli still wasn't able to digest what the doctor just stated, what did he mean by Demetrius was poisoned when was it yesterday, previous day, today, because it was not making sense at all, and how would someone poison him?

"Poisoned???? she asked coming back to reality,,, doctor can you tell how many hours ago or for how many days the poison stayed there?" She asked brimming with curiosity.

"From what I can see it seems he took the poison not more than three hours ago." He stated.

"So that means he took the poison today?" She asked staring down at her husband.

"Yes, probably in meal or drink."

So someone poisoned him today, because obviously he can't poison himself, but who was this desperate to kill him, he couldn't help but wonder.

But she was glad that he was still alive. It was truly a miracle for him yo have survived the tragic death.

The doctor left and they took Demetrius in his chamber.

Meli helped Demetrius change his shirt which was soaked by blood. She also wiped away the blood from his mouth.

Even though he was lying their lifeless he still looked handsome. Meli changed her clothes and came to watch over him. She didn't know when he will wake up but she prays that he wakes up soon.

He needed to wake and fight this people who are trying to kill him, who are this people? She couldn't help but wonder.

"I swear the day I find this people or maybe figure out who they are I will bulge there eyes." She stated with fisted fist.

"My lady do you need anything?" Enid asked.

"No I am fine." She replied she didn't need anything at that moment she just needed her husband to wakeup.

That was her reply, They really wished they can help her with everything that was going on. Anything! She hasn't eaten anything since morning and they knew that she was starving.

Since that day that Prince Charles tried to Molest her things haven't been going well for her. That day they were surprised, Prince Charles didn't look someone who could do that at all.

Luckily they were the only people who knew what he had done if everyone could know the kind of man he is. That day they wanted to check on her but her husband was with her.

What more can a wife need more than her husband's comfort.

"Oh girls can I have some water." She told them.

"Yes my lady." Like that the two girls left.

"My love you have to wake up or else they will kill me too ." She stated holding his hands in hers

Not long the two girls came with water.

"Mother I am not able to understand why he didn't die, didn't you say that the poison was too strong and you put as much as possible?" Prince Charles asked in his chamber.

"Yes I also don't get why he survived." Queen replied if Demetrius can wake up now she didn't want to imagine what he will do to them.

Charles thought that things will go well, and he didn't have any backup plan.

What's he going to do now? Should he just disappear and forget all this and have new life or he just go on with it till the end? he asked himself.

He turned around only to find his sister his sister staring at them with teary eyes. Wait! did she heard what we just talked about? Prince Charles asked himself inwardly.

But with those eyes he was sure she heard everything and she will hate him forever.

"Helena!" He called and the queen turn. For how long has she been standing there? she looked at her with her eyes open that it was almost falling out of their sockets.

"Dear, how are you feeling?" The Queen asked trying to cool down the tension which was rising up in the room.

"Really mother? how am I feeling? Are you really asking me that?" She stated she was really breaking, the tears gushed out uncontrollably.

She couldn't believe that her own mother her only flesh in blood was capable of doing that. Was she really her daughter, because she was none like this two.

"Dear why are you talking like that?" Her mother questioned trying to hold her but she flinched back.

"Why am I talking like that? Mother you couldn't choose any other day to kill Demetrius you had to choose this particular day my wedding day?" She stated tears welling up.

Oh dear she heard them how was she going to defend herself now? What will she tell her if she asked why she decided to do what she did.

Prince Charles rooted on the spot, it was over, why her sister of all people who had to find out about them, Why?

"Dear..." She called going to her but she moved again hurting her feelings.

"Don't call me that,,,at this point I am even starting to wonder if I am really you daughter,, do have any idea how I have waited for this day? to finally get married then go to my in laws house?" It was hurting so much that she was finding it hard to breathe.

"Don't say that."

"Should I congratulate you two, well done, Bravo, you have done a great job. And thank you for making this day memorable." She stated before she left the room.

Before she left the room went back it seem like she forgot to say something.

"And from today don't call me your daughter,,,,,,she told her mother who had tears trimming down her face, and Meli didn't know if she was crying because she didn't succeed in killing Demetrius or because the things she was saying but that didn't matter now,,,,,and I am not your brother." He told Charles before leaving the room.

She run to her room to cry luckily Alex wasn't there, he was with his father in his offic, today she was supposed to start the new journey of her life with the man she loves but here she was crying for people who didn't think about her even before ruining her special day.

Tomorrow she was supposed to wake up next to her husband but instead she will have to stay here for a while to take of Melissa, before they killed her too.

She heard the door open and it was Alex. She quickly wipe away her tears.

"How did it go with you mother and Brother?" She almost forgot that she told him he was going to see them.

"It went well." She lied deep down, she wanted to tell him all that she discovered but she didn't get why she couldn't tell him

"That is great to hear, your father is also looking for the culprit, by the way do you know if your brother has any enemies?" He asked and Helena didn't get why he was asking that question all of a sudden.

"No I don't know." For goodness sake why can't she tell him that she already knows who tried to kill him.