
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter37

"I am doing good mother." She said wiping away the tears from her eyes.

So many things has happened after she left home, she has dealt with many things, many things that some were big for her to handle.

And most importantly she has always missed her parents but she has never told anyone not even her own husband.

"That's is good to hear darling, and your husband how is he treating, is he gentle with you?" She asked glancing at three men who were talking with drinks on their hands, with a worried tone.

"Mama he is beyond words he is the best husband ever." She said glancing at the three men.

Her mother was surprised with her answer and complement, she thought they hated each other, since it was arranged marriage no one liked one another, it hasn't been even two years yet since they got married and they were in good terms, she was glad.

"That is a relief to hear dear." She stated.

Then Meli looked at his father, they seems like they were enjoying themselves, she wondered what they were talking about, that they seem to be getting well.

The two of them walked to the three men who seemed to be getting along pretty well, she knew that her father was friendly and won't even take thirty seconds before he befriends someone.

"Papa." She called once she arrived where they were.

"Oh my lovely daughter.,,,He called her enveloping her in a warm hug,,,How are you doing?" He asked her.

"I am doing fine Papa and how are you doing?" She replied after breaking from the embrace.

"I am doing great." He answered with a smile.

"My friend I will talk to some guest feel at him." Demetrius's father stated.

"Thank you my friend." like that he left and Demetrius also followed.

Demetrius wanted them to chatted a little with their daughter.

"How is everyone here? Are they treating you well?" Her father asked.

"They is no need for you to worry Papa everyone here is treating me good, in fact Papa I think you made a great choice marrying you off inti this family." She thank looking at her father intently.

"Oh, is my daughter trying to flatter me?" He asked playfully.

"No Papa I am telling the truth." Melisa admitted.

"I am pleased to hear that."

"I am glad you guys came I was really missing you a lot." Melisa stated looking at both her parents.

"When we received the invitation for the weeding we couldn't say no, we couldn't miss the only chance that we will get to see our only child." Leonard stated then smiled

And she also smiled, oh how she has miss this parents of hers, her mother was just staring at her watching her closely, looking if something has changed in her body.

But there was nothing,she was just the same except now she has grown into beautiful woman. She was more woman, than when she left home.

"Your Mother has never stopped worried about you since you left, you know since you were a little baby, she has never let you out of her sight, that was the first that you went far away from her, she had a hard time adopting you not being around until, now she used to it." King Leonard stated looking at his wife.

Her poor mother, she can understand what her mother was going through.

"I remember this..." King Leonard was about to say something but was cut off.

"Honey I think that is enough for the day." Melissa's mother said looking at him and Meli chuckle, she missed her family drama.

Suddenly she remembered that Ivy was at this ceremony, and her husband was not with her, what if they were somewhere talking?

He eyes searched through the crowded people but she couldn't find him any where. But she wasn't wiling to give up, until she see him, alone.

She was still looking when her mother interrupted her.

"Sweaty are you looking for someone?" Her mother asked.

"No Mama, I was just looking for waiter so that she can add us more drinks." She lied, she didn't want to admit to them that she was searching for her husband.

"I think I know who you are looking for." King Leonard stated.

Okay she was caught,

"I am seriously not looking for someone." She lied again.

"Are you looking for him?" He asked pointing past her and Melissa quickly check.

When he spotted him with only men, a sigh of relief escape her mouth.

She chatted with her parents a little more. They told her about everything that was going on in her Kingdom.

Until they told her they want to go back, they left the palace alone. Meli walked with them around, meeting her in laws.

First she run to Prince Charles and his mother they looked as if they were waiting for something.

"Mama this is Prince Charles and his mother, my mother in law.,,,she introduced them,,,Mother, Charles my parents." she accelerated her words, she doesn't remember calling their names before.

"Nice to meet you."Melissa's mother said with her hand ready for a hand shake.

They greeted each other without any trouble, and Meli was glad, then she headed towards the Married couples. She flashed them a smile as she approach them.

She congratulated the couple and then introduced them to her parents, then she took them to to where his husband and father in law were standing.

King Leonard told them they were leaving and they escorted them out.

"Have a safe journey." Demetrius's father told King Leonard and his wife.

"Thank you for inviting us on the wedding we got to see our little girl." King Leonard stated with a bright smile.

"Be good and stay healthy and sometimes write for us, okay?" queen Elizabeth told her daughter.

"Yes mother"

"Good bye father have a safe journey." He told them.

"And you be good." His father stated.

She watched as their carriage disappear and Demetrius put his hands on her shoulder as they keep watching like they were in zoo.

"Were you the one who invited them?" she asked once they were out of view.

"I suggested and told my father, he was the one who invented them." Demetrius answered with his hands around Melissa's waist and her on Demetrius's neck.

"Thank you." She stated sincerely.

Meanwhile in the carriage the people inside couldn't stop smiling ear to ear. They were so happy that the only thing they can do was to smile.

"I am glad that out daughter doesn't have a grudge against us." Melissa's mother stated.

"Me too, I thought that she still hates me for what I did and also I thought that they don't get well with her husband, and it turns out that she is very happy it was actually the opposite of what I thought." King Leonard stated looking at his wife.

"And they seem so happy together, did you notice how they were clinging to each other?" She asked, they were overwhelmed.

"Yes at least today for the first time I will sleep without worrying if my daughter hates me." He stated flashing back how he has suffered.

He used to wake up with a nightmare, that her daughter was shouting at him that she hates him he couldn't take it when she shouts like that she hates him.

She was his only daughter and no one absolutely no one can't take it when their only child detest them.

He didn't eat for months, he was hopping that she will write for them when things settle down, she didn't adding to his worries. He became someone else, growing more cold with people around him as they were they were the once who wronged him.

No one wanted to be around him anymore, they knew that he will shout for them without any reason at all, everyone drifted away accept for his Queen who understood him and stood beside him.

When they received the invitation letter from their Kingdom, they couldn't let it go, they said they must go, they didn't go to attend the wedding, but to see their lovely daughter.

When she wrapped her little hand on her mother, he could smell like something good was coming and then when she approached him to greet him, he felt like he can breathe again.

Did she forget about what he did? he didn't want to worry about that, he was so glad that she was okay, and she was more beautiful.

And the good thing was that the two of them loves each and very soon, may be they will have a good news.

The two couples promised that when they arrive home they must hold a feast to celebrate.

Meli and Demetrius went back inside, when they entered the hall, they met one of the waiter by the entrance it seem like he has been waiting there for a while.

"Your highness a drink." the waiter offered with slight bow.

Demetrius look over and saw it was one, why would he bring one drink when they were two people.

"Take this I will send the him to bring for me." Demetrius took the wine and offer it to Meli.

"No need to worry I have mine on the table where I was sitting with my parents." She told him.

"Okay that's good."

"You can leave now." Demetrius told the waiter who was still standing Infront of them with his head bowed.

Peter got scared when he heard the Prince offering the drink to his wife, how dumb of him to bring one drink. But again a sigh of relief escape his lips when he heard what she said.

He walked somewhere and watch him as he sip little by little talking to his wife who was smiling the whole time.

"Pity that this is going to be your last smile." He muttered under his breath.

The Queen and the Prince were watching every action with a smug on their faces finally there plan was going how they planned they have didn't want to miss anything.

Meanwhile the King watched his Queen, he knew he made a good choice by telling Prince Charles to come to his sister's wedding, not only did he invite him to his sister's wedding but also to his mother too.

She has been miserable without her son around, no one to smile too, but looking at her now she had this smile on her face together with his son standing next to each other, they like they were bonding.

Soon it was time to dance and everyone went to the dance floor, Meli watched them admiration, she doesn't even remember when last she danced with Demetrius.

"You want to dance my lady?" Demetrius asked bringing her back from the dance.

"Yes." Meli replied with a smile.

Demetrius gulp all his drink and took his wife to the dance floor. They danced swaying to the music looking at each others eyes and smiling ear to ear.

Until his stomach grumble as if in pain and she flinch.

"Are you okay?" Meli asked worriedly.

Demetrius doesn't want to worry her lied that he was fine.

"Yes I am fine." He lied even though his stomach burning like they set fire on it.

They continue dancing, Demetrius kept lying that he was fine, Meli could see that he was restless, from staring at his pale eyes and face.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Meli asked again frantically. His expression was changing as if suffering inside.

"Yes I am fine." He lied again but inside she was feeling otherwise, something was messing with his intestines down in her stomach, he couldn't quite fathom what it is.

At first he was saying he was okay because he thought that it will disappear soon but nothing of that sort was happening, instead he was suffering even more.

"Demetrius if you're feeling okay, we can go and sit down, and may be if you drink water, you will feel fine." She stated looking closely at him.

Just what was happening? she felt her head spinning and she didn't have a good feeling about what was happening at that point. Why was she having a bad feeling about this.

When she said those words Demetrius didn't hear a thing, the pain in his stomach grew stronger, he couldn't understand why his stomach was burning just what did he eat that made his stomach like that.

"Demetrius your scaring me, what is wrong? She stated and he can hear from her voice that she was on the verge of crying.

After a while Demetrius couldn't hear anything anymore, the people around him started to spin, what was happening in the next moment, he crouched and Meli crouched with him as tears starting to fall. The next he fell down completely and she put him on her lap.
