
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter29

He was lost on her own thoughts that she even forgot she was eating.

They were the only ones remaining on the table.

"By the way, how is wedding preparation coming along?"

"Is coming out great." She answered with a smile.

Since she was told her wedding will be in a week she hasn't forgot how her weeding night will be. Oh gosh she couldn't wait for that day.

She has imagined it in her head how it will be once they get married, they will not be able to hide anything from each other and they will also not have to hide while kissing like they have been doing.

The thought of it was driving her nuts, she couldn't wait.

"That's great to hear, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Unfortunately no but if I need you I will look for you, okay."

"Okay, I will go now to look for Demetrius,,she stated standing up,,,see you later Helena." She told her.

"See you later Meli." She stated with a calm voice she knew things were not going to be good.

Poor thing she couldn't imagine what was waiting for her, she was damn sure that Demetrius was furious with her, and Meli had no clue.

Meli stood up and the two girls followed her, She went to their chamber but he wasn't there, he looked for him inside the bathroom but he was not there either.

Did he leave without telling her? she wondered but that wasn't like Demetrius at all, she peeked through the window and saw him through the window.

In the garden, she quickly dashed to the garden but when she arrived there, he was not anywhere to be soon.

Did he really saw him there or she was imagining it but she couldn't have, she saw him with his two men.

Where are they did they left already? She looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you really not going to talk to her? Eugene asked.

Ever since he left the table he didn't utter a word and he knew why, his wife didn't even glimpse at him while having lunch.

He finished eating and still she was still talking to his brother but why?

There was this frown on his face thar he couldn't hide no matter what.

"Why do you ask Eugene?" He asked, he knew that Eugene was a talkative person and he is normally the one who comes up with a great idea or solution to his problem.

"I can see that you're not pleased by how your wife was talking to your brother." He stated getting ready to train the three of them.

He needed to train so that he can subside his anger, he was brimming with rage and he didn't want his wife to see him like that, he was being a jealous husband.

"Yeah I was not pleased at all, I mean she didn't even glance at me at all and I was there by her side." He stated clashing a sword through the air.

And not long the two buddies joined him, he poured out his anger and he came out a winner. He was fighting with every fiber in his body just not be angry but even after training he was still furious.

How can he subside this anger in his chest? After they finished they were startled by the sudden clap behind them it was none other than Meli.

She was desperately look for her husband, just when she was about to enter the palace she heard the swords clashing and rushed there. When he saw him her heart which was accelerating in his chest suddenly stayed calm.

She stood there watching him and admiring his fighting skills. There was no doubt he knew how to fight and within no time he put the two down.

Once they were done she clapped and that is when he realized that she was there. After clapping for him she dismissed Enid and Rosa.

Then walked to his husband, Demetrius was now sitting.

"Dismissed,,,she told the two men she didn't know where she got that authorized voice,,,,go look for something to do if you haven't eaten go and eat she told as he approached Demetrius where he was seated.

The two men looked at her puzzled since when was she the one to give them orders around. But they had to obey because she was their master's wife. they rushed out if there.

Meli wanted to take the towel to help Demetrius to wipe away the sweat bit he refused.

"Bring let me help." She stated stretching her hands to take it but he didn't give it to her.

"No I will do it my self." He turned her down even without glancing at her.

She wanted to sit in his lap but Demetrius stood up leaving her hanging.

"I will go take a shower." He stated again not looking at her.

And Meli didn't know but her heart broke and she couldn't understand why? He watched his retiring back and she couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with him?

She wanted to call him but it was too late. He was already far. She walked back to the palace but she didn't follow Demetrius, instead she sent one of the guard to call her handmaids

She knew that she told them they will start tomorrow but they have been around her that she was starting to grow find find of them.

Demetrius pov's

I walked to our chamber and I couldn't understand why I was still furious, even after pouring my anger out.

Especially when I turned and saw her clapping for me Jovially like that all I wanted was just to wrap my arms around her and I don't know why I didn't.

I really didn't like that she was giving someone her attention when I was there. Just the thought of her giving my brother her attention makes my stomach churn.

The one brother who wants to take everything I have away from me, first it started with my my late mother then my father, now he wants to take the thrown, what will happen if his plan is to take my wife next I thought as I let water run through my body.

I will give him everything but not her, she was his soul mate, if he recalled that he escape death because of her.

If there is something I am ready to fight for even death was her, she has because a very important person in my life that the thought me without her, my life would have no meaning.

I walked to our chamber and surprisingly she was not there, I thought he followed me.

End of Demetrius pov's

Then the memories flashes to that day Eugene brought him clothes then the driver offered them both him and Tony to take them to his home to spend the night as Eugene went back to the palace, he couldn't let the enemies know what was happening.

The drivers wife and children gave him a place to sleep, even though it was not a comfortable place, he was still glad that the next day he was going to see his wife.

They spent the night with Tony watching over him, he was deeply great full for what he was doing for him. The next day after breakfast he still waited, he wanted to let his enemies that they have won. When it was the time they left he thank the couple and asked the driver to see him once all of this was over.

When he arrived the first person he spotted was his wife and that day he could see in her eyes that she was worried fir himHe couldn't even imagine her face when he didn't show up.

After dressing he walked out of their chamber and find his two men outside his chamber waiting for him and just dismissed them, he didn't need them

Meanwhile after the two came, she asked them to take her to the kitchen, once they arrived there she dismissed all if them leaving only the three of them.

"I give you thirty minutes of break, be back on time, now off you go." She told them and they looked at her with almost there eyes falling out there sockets.

Since they started working here no one has ever gave them even five minutes of break what will happen if the queen finds out or the King?

But either way they couldn't late this chance slide, those who have girlfriends outside the palace, they will go to see them before the time, same to those who have a boyfriends, they quickly retired.

Queen was busy doing somethings in her chamber that she didn't know what was happening outside.

"Have you ever made the afternoon tea for the King." Meli asked Enid and Rosa.

And again that was another surprised she was surprising them with, first it was the late Queen and now it was the king what was she planning to do?

"My lady what do you want?" Rosa asked with worry in her eyes.

"Whatever your trying to do you better drop it." Enid said with a worried tone.

They were both worried the King wasn't someone you can easilylease over a cup of tea. He was good when the late Queen was still alive but after she died he was completely a changed man, some people think that the current Queen bewitched him or something.

And some think he changed like that because of the late Queen.

"Relax I am not trying to do anything bad I just I want to prepare the King his afternoon tea and take it to him, we sip over a conversation." She stated taking one the sufuria and placing it in the stove.

"Wait what? you want to prepare him tea and in top of that you want have tea with him?" Rosa asked with total worry on her face.

Who does she think she is? does she think that the king will pour out his heart over a tea, she was totally wrong if she was thinking about that, then she better stop it before is to late.

"We beg you my lady please don't do this?" Enid begged.

She didn't like where this was going at all she didn't know that this lady was stubborn like this, if she knew she couldn't have be her handmaid.

"Look guys I understand that you are worried for me, but this is the only way that I will get to know what is going on this palace and also find out who attacked my husband." She told them holding them by there shoulder.

"So you guys can you just forget everything and help, help me like your helping a friend and not a royal princess." She told them looking at them intently.

Right now there was no one who will save her if not for them, she can't trust anyone except for them.

Enid and Rosa looked at each other first before nodded. "Yes we will help you."

"Thank you, now I want you to tell me how the King's tea was being prepared when his late Queen was still alive." she told them and the girls told her all that she needed to know.

"Since you guys stayed here in the palace fo so long you must know where the late Queen and the King like to spend their time together right?" She asked them and again they were puzzled.

What was that again? why was she putting them in this situation? revealing everything to her without even thinking twice, she was like a detective trying to to dig some hidden information.

But since they agreed to help her, they just have to continue with it.

The gladly told her again everything

Once the tea was ready, she told them to take it to the garden, they told her that the king mostly like to spend his time in the garden whenever he didn't have much to do.