
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter20

Melissa climbed on top of him then stopped for a minute as she sat on him as he stare down at him.

He looked so more handsome than ever, his hair was a mess and his face, he couldn't describe his face, her eyes traveled from his face to down his neck and the moment her eyes reached there she swallowed hard.

His chest was exposed from his neck to almost his stomach on top of that he was also naked. She has never seen a males naked body before.

Of course she has seen him a half naked that day, but she wasn't that close to him as long as she remembers she tried her best to keep her gaze off him because she was trying her best to stay away from him.

But right now she wanted the opposite, she was ready to see the whole of of him and if possible she was ready to show him all of her, after all they were husband and wife.

The next moment she climbed down from the bed and walked towards the door and locked it.

She didn't want anyone to disturb them, after making sure the door was locked fully. She knew since Demetrius likes to asked permission she didn't want him to ask again.

Slowly and slowly she removed her dress and it fell down on the ground then next moment, she removed her lingerie and walked out of it.

Beside her heart thumping hard inside her chest she tried so hard to stay calm, her body was on fire Demetrius was looking at her and he couldn't fathom if he like what he saw.

Demetrius wasn't able to believe his eyes this lady was determined to make him go crazy, right now he was going crazy and he was full with want his manhood was twisting hard down there, luckily he was under the blanket.

The next moment he climbed down from the bed and walked towards her. Before he e could arrive he heard somebody calling him and he turn only to find Melissa still on top of him staring down at him.

He glance back at the door and there was no one, Melissa stared down at him with a lot of questions.

'wait! did she just imagine his wife naked?'

The next moment he just gave her a peck on the lips and escort her to the door that lead to the bathroom and put her down.

"Go shower I will be waiting for you to have breakfast." He said then turn to go but Melissa wrapped her slender arms around his waist.

Just when he thought it was over. Oh Gosh!

"It could have been nice if we bathe together, don't you think? I mean you wash me I wash you?" She has missed him that she doesn't even spend more minute without him.

Demetrius almost choked on his own saliva,He was aroused with what she just uttered. she was kind of girl who never gives up.

Demetrius gathered all his strength and turn to her. "My lady how about we bathe together this evening or maybe tomorrow?" He stated caressing her face, trying to put him face calm beside full with desire to have her.

"Is the evening is fine." He asked hoping that she will drop this subject.

"Fine by me.....do you promise?"

"Yes I promise." Demetrius had to promise with his hands raised.

She kissed him before she left to shower, she closed the door slowly flashing him a smile to die for. Her new side that he hasn't seen yet, he was yet to know this little wife of his.

He look down at his groin, he couldn't believe he imagined his wife naked, he couldn't blame himself, she was seducing him in every way, without even knowing.

Melissa knew that this step she was the one who was supposed to take. She will have to do it soon.

She bathed quickly and came back, she dressed up in the pink dress she looked more beautiful than ever. She arranged her hair beautifully.

She walked majestically towards him.

Demetrius pov's.

I never knew that I could love this much, this woman has changed me completely, and I wish I could tell her that I love her, right now the only thing I could concentrate on was her.

The only thing I could see when I close my eyes was her, she was the air I was breathing, there was nothing I couldn't do without her on my mind.

Ever since I got back I have been meaning to express my love to her but I am scared that she will reject me, even though voices in my head keep telling me that she will not reject me, still, I was afraid.

I was sitting where we normally have breakfast, the two of us, there was just two chairs and a small table that was just for for the both us.

She suddenly walk out of the bathroom and she looked breathtaking, she was beautiful like always, she flushed me one of her smile and I smiled back as I stood up and extended for her a seat to sit.

"Thank you." She said then I went back on my seat.

We eat silently as we look at each furtively, after some minutes I saw her standing up from her chair.

I looked at her surprisingly she was not done with her food, 'where was she going?' I asked internally.

She came to my side then sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist and made her sit comfortably on my lap, I like the feeling she always gives me. The warmth of her body and her scent normally drives me nuts.

I inhaled her scent which I love so much.

Right now it was her and my sister Helena that were important to me, for my father I didn't know what I felt for him, ever since my mother died we drifted apart, All my father has ever given me since my mother passed was a cold a shoulder, whenever I asked for something he would normally pretend like he didn't ask anything.

He remembered when his mother was still alive, how they use to be a happy family even when he was already married to Helena's mother.

And if I am not wrong it was because of my mother I got married to this amazing goddess that right now was giving me a hard time, that decision was made by her and his father.

we looked at each others eyes as she fixed my hair that fell on my face, as she traced her fingers on my face and damn right there I wished to tell her how I feel.

End of Demetrius povs's

He didn't know that expressing his feelings for this lady would be this difficult like this, why wasn't he able to just tell her how he felt.

"My lady, there is,, she was cut him off because suddenly she was holding a piece of meat with a fork Infront of his mouth.

"Come on,, open your mouth." she commanded.

"Princess what are you trying to do?" He asked, he couldn't believe what she was doing, they were heading somewhere.

"Nothing I am just feeding my husband, is it bad?" She asked with pouted lips.

"No,, Demetrius couldn't believe his ears, did he just heard the word, his husband from her lips,,,no is not bad and I like that you're the one feeding me."

He replied and he gladly open his mouth and took the meat but he didn't chew it.

"Why are you not chewing?" She asked after seeing that he was not chewing, at all.

Demetrius looked at her for a while then pulled her head towards his and signalled her to take the meat and she understood what he was trying to say.

She gladly take the bite of the meat he was offering.

"Why did you make me take a bite of your meat?" She asked after swallowing the meat.

"It was really really big i could't chew it." He was obviously lying. He just wanted this moment to be theirs and last a little longer.

"Are you sure? as far as I know I took the small piece of meat ever."

"No for me it was really giant." He told her, she was damn serious.

"I will make sure to cut a small piece next time." She added with a stern face and he tried his best to hold his grin.



"So that mean you disliked eating from my lips." Demetrius asked turning the table.

She was not expecting that at all, it came as a shock to her, of course she like it, when her lips graze to his he just felt like kissing him but she didn't.

"No, i don't dislike it."

"You liked it?"

He was not going to give up untill he hears what he wanted to hear, She knew what he wanted to hear but she was just fooling around. When she said she din't dislike it she also meant she liked it.

She kissed Demetrius first before she answered, they could still taste the meat they just eat from each others lips.

"Yes,,,she kissed him before she continue with what she was saying,,,i liked it."

"So can we do it again?" He asked rubbing her flushed cheeks.

"Yes we can Demetrius." she answered with a smile.

The couples kept feeding each other, playing with each, kissing each other until they were full. After, the room was cleaned and now the were sitting on the coach with Demetrius hands wrapped around Meli as she rest her head on his chest.

"Meli I have to go somewhere but I will come back soon." Demetrius said breaking the awkward silence between them.

They were so quite, that the only thing they can hear was the pounding of their hearts.

"Where? Is it far?" She didn't want him to leave again, she wanted him by her side, although she knew he had a lot of things to handle for he was going to be the next King.

"No my Lady is not far." He answered truthfully, he was not going far.

"Can I come, I promise I won't disturb." Meli asked, she even raised her hands like a police officer.

"No, I am sorry but you can't come." He answered, he didn't want her to hear what they were going to discuss and worry her.

"Okay, then I will go to the Library and finish my book." She was sad she wished she could go with him.

"Don't worry, you can come with me next time and I also I promise we will have lunch together." He said hoping that her gloomy face will lighten up, he didn't want her to be like that, so sad, he looked more beautiful with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I will be waiting for you in the Library." She said with a smile at least she was not going to miss him that much. Just few hours to go, she can manage.

She stood up and Demetrius followed, thy were now heading to the Library, they just stood by the to the Library.

"I am going now." He stated holding her by the waist and her by the neck.

"Okay, take care." She said removing her hands from his neck then leaving but Demetrius held her preventing her from going.

"Are you not forgetting something?"

"No, I don't think so, am I?" She asked sternly.

"Yes you are."

"And what could that be your highness?"

"A kiss for your husband."

Melissa smiled inwardly, she thought that he would never asked. She saw Demetrius closing his eyes, as she waited for the kiss.

She smiled then gave him a peck on the cheek. Demetrius couldn't believe what she did, why did she always like to do this to him, it wasn't fair, she was expecting a hot kiss from her, only to get that.